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them were judged wrongly and faced many problems.

Both of them told the king’s dream & interpretation and got fame in the kingdom.

Both were in other country between there enemies who do not know the real God.

Both of them lived a holy and faithful life.

Both of them died in other country.




He did not touch the choice food (meat &wine) Daniel 1:10, 10:3.

He did want any happiness

He was not corrupt ( Daniel 6:4).

He was prayerful (Daniel 6:10, 2:17-18, Mark 13:27, Matthew 2:6, 6:41).

He was obedient (Daniel 10:17, I Peter 5:6).

He was God’s loved one (Daniel 10:11-18, 9:23).

He was righteous (Ezekiel 14:14).




Future kingdoms and the end of the world (Daniel 2:31-44)

He is the anointed (Daniel 9:20-27)

Daniel’s vision (Daniel 10:5) and John’s vision at Patmos about Son of man are the same (Revelation 1:9).




1st chapter Daniel’s life history.

2nd chapter to 7th prophecy for the people.

8th chapter to 12th chapter prophecy for the Israel and end times.




It was a dazzling statue, awesome in appearance.

Head made of pure gold it is referred to king Nebuchadnezzar itself BC 605 to 539 his kingdom period .After him is the 2nd kingdom that is

Chest and arms made of silver is the second kingdom of Medes and Persians from BC 539 to 331. As silver is less than gold so also the 2nd kingdom is inferior to the 1st kingdom.

Belly and thigh’s of bronze is the 3rd kingdom ruled by Greek king Alexander BC 331 to 168. This kingdom is inferior to the 2nd kingdom.

Legs of iron is the 4th kingdom ruled by Roman emperor BC 168 to AD 476. This kingdom is inferior to the 3rd kingdom still it is the strongest kingdom as iron is the inferior compared to gold, silver & bronze but still it is the strongest metal which can break the other metals. So also Roman kingdom is the strongest and toughest rulers. In this period only Jesus Christ was born and was crucified.

Feet partly of clay and partly of iron it is the last kingdom that is the present UNO .As there are ten toes so also UNO consists of ten countries . As iron and clay cannot mix with each other so also these ten countries of UNO though they are at peace but in their thoughts they wanted to have war against each other(divided kingdom Daniel 2:34)

As a rock cut by human hand struck the statue on its feet and smashed all the statue of gold, silver, bronze and iron into pieces and swept away (Daniel 2:34)

That is the second coming of the LORD Jesus Christ. He will destroy all the kingdoms and he will set up his kingdom that will never be destroyed (Daniel 2:44)


In this way Daniel interpreted the dream of the present and the future things that is going to happen. Daniel’s dream of four beasts in 7th chapter is similar to the interpretation of the statue in 2nd chapter.





Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream (2nd Ch – 4th Ch)

The writing on the wall (The fall of the first kingdom during King Belshazzar which was took over by king Darius the Medes and Persians) ( 5th Ch)

King Darius (2nd Kingdom) and Daniel in the Den of Lion (6th Ch)

Daniel’s Dream of four Beasts (7th Ch)

Daniel’s Vision of ram and a goat. (8th Ch)

Daniel’s prayer, the seventy “seven” (9th Ch)

Daniel’s Vision of a man (Jesus Christ) and the End Time (10th Ch to 12th Ch)





HOSEA (BC 760)


Hosea means “SAVIOUR”. Hosea prophesised during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah kings (Hosea 1:1) of Judah and Jeroboam king of Israel.

Hosea prophesised more for the Israel this shows his love towards Israel. In (Hosea 1:2) GOD said to him to marry an adulterous wife. So Hosea married Gomer and he has two sons.

GOD wanted to till Hosea that Israel people are prostituting by sinning, leaving the almighty GOD and worshiping the Idols. How Hosea was deceived by her wife, how she went back to her adulterous life is very painful but till God said him to bring back her and forgive her. So also our God also felt the same pain when Israel were doing all sought of sins living the real God. Hosea prophesised for 40 years. He prophesised mainly on 3 things

God hated the sins of Israel

If they do not leave sin great punishment is going to come on them.

Even though GOD’S love will be their for ever. Till they do not leave their idolatry they will not get salvation.

Hosea loved Israel people, he suffered a lot of pain because of his wife by this it is understood that God is also in pain because of Israel.

Hosea prophet prophesised to Israel people and also to kings (Hosea 5:1, 4:17). He prophesised by the name of Ephraim because it is a big tribe (5:13)




1) 1st chapter -3rd chapter - Prophets Hosea’s life, a faithful husband and an un- faithful, deceived, prostitute wife.

2) 4th chapter-14th chapter - God’s judgement for Israel sins, Punishment , repentance , living their real God , idolatry worship other Gods ‘unfaithful Israel the distress and captivity of Israel.





Hosea 11:1”When Israel was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt”

Matthew 2:15 “Out of Egypt have I called my son” it is said about Jesus Christ.

Here prophet Hosea obeyed GOD went to the prostitute street buy a prostitute Gomer, made her as his wife. In the same way Jesus Christ came to the earth full of sin , showed his love for the mankind , shed his blood , released us from Satan, buyed us by his BLOOD and made us as his children .

Revelation 5:9-10”……..with your blood you purchased men for God”

Galatians 4:4 ”But …..God sent is son ……”

I Peter 1:18, 19 Redeemed”……..But with the precious blood of Christ a lamb without blemish or defect.

Acts 20:28 ”keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God which he bought with his own blood”

Though we are sinners of this adulterous generation our LORD Jesus Christ purchased us with his precious blood gave us salvation to have eternal life with him in heaven. So repent and ask for forgiveness so that we may be saved. (II Corinthians 6:2 says “I tell you, now is the time of God’s favour, now is the day of salvation”.




JOEL (BC 835 - 796)


Joel means “GOD IS ONLY GOD”. His name refers to God has power on everything in the world, he is almighty, he has got power on all kingdoms.

There are 13 people in Bible with this name but Joel son of Pethuel only wrote this book (Joel 1:1) during his time a large number of locusta’s have came and destroyed their country of Judah .Their fields , trees , fruits , cattle’s got destroyed. People suffered a lot (Joel 1:4-13) so prophet

Joel prophesised about their sin and the punishment that is going to come, repentance of their sins and the judgment of God.

Prophet Joel is also a priest (Joel 1:43-14)

He is also reminding us about the end days like this

A serious punishment is going to come. God is going to give a final judgment .In Joel 2:18 God showed pity on his people listened to their prayer and destroyed all locusta’s blessed them and gave a new spirit.(Joel 2:12) “Return to me with all your heart with fasting and weeping and mourning”

If we fast and weep in the presence of God he will surly save us from all difficulties and give us peace.




Joel 2:28, 29 says “I will pour out my spirit on all people your sons and daughters will prophecy ………”. This prophecy was fulfilled in Acts 2:17-21. After the resurrection of Jesus Christ he said to his disciples (Acts 1:8)”you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you……..” and they were filled with Holy Spirit during the Pentecost day and began to speak in tongues, now a days also many are filled with Holy Spirit, if we pray and ask for his Holy Spirit God will fill us with his spiritual gifts (I Corinthians 12th chapter).




Joel 2:2-6 “…... for the day of the LORD is coming . . . . . a day of darkness and gloom. . . . . .”

Joel 3:2 “I will gather all nations “

Prophet Joel prophesised about the last day the sings and wonders happing in the sky on the Earth . . . . . . Which is going to be fulfilled. We can see many signs in the sky, the blood moon, war going on in some countries, natural disasters etc. So follow the commandments, read the Bible, follow the Apostles Doctrine (Acts 2:38-42) and accept Jesus Christ as the personal saviour (Romans 10:9 “That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is LORD.” And believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved……….. any who trust in him will never be put to shame.” So have a spiritual life be ready for the LORD’S II COMING.

AMEN . . . .



AMOS (BC 760)


Amos means “WHO WILL LIFT UP THE BURDEN”. He is a herdsman (Shepherd) of Tekoa. During the Israel (Amos1:1). Amos 7:14 – “I was a shepherd and a gathers of sycamore fruit (fig) “. GOD has chosen Amos to prophesise for Israel and Judah people. At that time Amaziah the priest prophesised false things just to get praises from the king and the people that is why Amos in 7th chapter :14to 15 verse tells very strongly that “I am not a prophet or a prophet’s son but I have a special vision and burden given by GOD . He was not afraid of false prophet and prophesised according to the word of GOD. He prophesised about the Israel that:

Israel were spiritually backward ( Amos 2:8 , 3:15,8:5)

Worshiped the God without fear (Amos 2:8)

lead a bad life (Amos 2:7)

want a life of pleasure (Amos 3:15)

drinking wine (Amos 6:6)

not returning to GOD (Amos 4:6)

taking bribe ( earning wrongly) (Amos 5:12)

Using wrong balances by deceit (Amos 8:5)

These are the things that God does not like his people to do. We should obey his commands, worship him with your heart and have the fear of God so that we may not live a corrupt life.




Judge Amos 1:1-9 judgement upon Syria, Moab, Judah and Israel.

bring his people together from captive (Amos 9:11)

(By his salvation all mankind came together)

Amos 5:18-22 – The day of the LORD – “pitch – dark without a ray of bright ness “?

Now a days we can see many are attacking the Syrians and Israelis, we hear that many Israelis who are in different countries are coming back to their own land as God has promised. If we read Amos 5:18-27 verses tell about how the day of the LORD will be that day will be dark with out a ray of light. In 21 to 27 verses God is telling I hate your religious offerings and your songs because people are making their own idols “the stars of your god”. These all things are making God angry towards mankind that is the reason we see so many wars, natural disasters, no unity between countries. So as the days are evil repent ask LORD Jesus for forgiveness, take baptise, be filled with Holy Spirit and lead a spiritual life. Amen…





1ST ch and 2nd ch – Judgment on Israel , GOD anger

3rd ch to 5th ch – Returned to GOD , repentance –

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