Biography & Autobiography
Read books online ยป Biography & Autobiography ยป The Autobiography of a boy growing up in an Automatic Age by Patrick Bohn (best mobile ebook reader .txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซThe Autobiography of a boy growing up in an Automatic Age by Patrick Bohn (best mobile ebook reader .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Patrick Bohn

Early Childhood

When I was born I fell into a world of machines, where everything was man made and nothing went untouched by technology. Early in my life I learned how to use this technology, and just accepted it. I was too young to realize that the technology I used ran everything. Looking back I realize that it had started to control me too. As I grew older i started to see more and more technology. I still thought nothing of it, but it's hold on me grew stronger. I was already too far in to escape. I was trapped.

As i grew older I became more, and more involved with technology. Eventually it just became part of my daily life. Looking back that was when I started to become like everyone else, more machine than man. When I got into school it became an even larger part of my life. now not only was I using it at home, I was using at school as well. At this time I was probably using computers 4 hours a day. This may not sound like much, however it adds up to over a day a week. I unfortunately probably played less on the computer then most of my class. These were the times when technology was part of my life, but did not control me.

Late Childhood

As i grew older, I just became more, and more involved with technology. At this time it started it's takeover. I was blissfully unaware, because i didn't read the signs correctly. Later in my life I started to go on social networks. This was the time when I believe technology began to control me. It had started to control everyone. It had taken over the world.

The takeover of technology will never be in a history book. This is because it was so subtle no one could detect it. Most people still do not realize it has happened. I realized this when I saw people talking about how they did these great things, and then realized they were talking in an MMORPG. People have stopped doing hard work. Instead they have decided to go online. They have become lazy.


Publication Date: 11-09-2011

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