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Book online «Man, Past and Present by Agustus Henry Keane, A. Hingston Quiggin, Alfred Court Haddon (best young adult book series .txt) 📖». Author Agustus Henry Keane, A. Hingston Quiggin, Alfred Court Haddon

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the, 128

Koreans, the, 274, 289 sqq., and Pl. VII fig. 5; Korean script, 294

Korinchi, the, 236

Koro-pok-guru, the, 260, 295

Koryak, the, 274 sq., 277, 285 sqq., 344

Kossacks. See Kasak

Kossinna, G., 503 n.

Kowalewsky, M., 540

Kraemer, A., 552 n., 555 n.

Krapina skeletons, the, 8, 12

Krause, F., 415 n., 417

Kreitner, G., 194

Krej, the, 78

Kretschmer, P., 529 n.

Kroeber, A. L., 347, 368 sqq., 374 n.

Kropotkin, P. A., prince, 165 n.

Kru, the, 53, 57 sq.

Kshtuts, the, 543

Kubachi language, the, 541

Kuki, the, 178 sq., 182, 186

Kuki-Lushai, the, 178 n., sqq., 183; language, 177

Kulfan, the, 75

Kumi, the, 188

Kumuks, the, 312

Kunbi, the, 546

Kurankos, the, 53

Kurds, the, 267 n., 505, 545, and Pl. XIV figs. 1, 2

Kuri, the, 69

Kurlanders, the, 320

Kurnai, the, 437

Kurugli, the, 303

Kurumba, the, 424, 547 n., 549

Kussas, the, 53

Kustenaus, the, 416

Kutchin, the, 361

Kutigurs, the, 329

Kwaens, the, 323

Kwakiutl, the, 343, 363 sqq., see map, pp. 334-5, and Pl. VIII fig. 2

Kwana, the, 416

Kymric race. See Nordic race

Kyzylbash, the, 497

La Chapelle-aux-Saints skull, the, 8, 9, 12

Lacouperie, T. de, 168 n., 176 n., 193, 195 sq., 207 sqq., 294 n., 249 n., 251 n.

Ladakhi, the, 166 sq.

La Ferassie skeleton, the, 9, 12

Lafofa, the, 75

Lagden, G., 109 n.

Lagoa Santa race, the, 339 sq., 417

Laguna, the, 382 n.

Lai, the, 183

Lai, the, 211

Laing, S., 267 n.

Lake, P., 446 n.

Laloy, L., 16, 511

La Micoque industry, the, 11

Lampongs, the, 235 sq.

Lampre, G., 258

Lamut, the, 274 sq.

Land Dayak, the, 230 sq., 426

Lang, Andrew, 151, 430, 437 n.

Lansdell, H., 280, 281 n., 285 n., 289

Laos, the, 180, 191 sq., 201

Lapicque, L., 149 sq., 422

Lapouge, G. V. de, 449, 510, 512, 540

Lapps, the, 321 sqq., 324, and Pl. VII fig. 6; physical characters of, 324

Lartet, L., 9 n.

Last, J. T., 241

La Tene, Later Iron Age culture of, 28

Latham, R. E., 409 n.

Lawas, the, 199

Layana, the, 416

Layard, N. F., 520

Laz language, 541

Leder, H., 258 sqq.

Lefevre, A., 536

Legendre, A. F., 196 n.

Leitner, G. W., 167, 542 n.

Le Moustier, culture, 8, 11, 14; skeleton, 9, 12

Lenormant, F., 535

Lenz, O., 116 n.

Lenz, R., 410

Leon, N., 345 n.

Leonard, A. G., 45 n., 58 n.

Leonhardi, M. F. v., 437 n.

Lepcha, the, 547; language, 177

Lepsius, K. R., 76 sq., 473

Lesghians, the, 541; language of, 483

Letourneau, C., 36, 448

Letto-Slavs, the, 506

Letts, the, 321

Levallois industry, the, 11

Levchine, A. de, 316 n.

Lewis, A. B., 367 n.

Leyden, J., 222 n.

Lho-pa, the, 170

Liberians, the, 53, 56 sq.

Libyan Race. See Northern Hamites

Libyans, the, 448 sq., 453, 476

Lichtenstein, M. H. K., 127

Ligurians, the, 449, 455-9, 461 sq., 504, 513, 529; language of, 453

Lillooet, the, 343, 367, and map, pp. 334-5

Limba, the, 53

Limbu, the, 547

Lindsay, W. M., 529 n.

Lin-tin-yu. See Yayo

Lippert, J., 67 n.

Lithuanians, the, 318

Littmann, E., 453 n., 487 n.

Liu-Kiu (Lu-Chu), the, 274, 296 sq.

Livi, R., 460, 462, 511, 528

Livingstone, D., 107

Livonians, the, 320

Logon, the, 70

Lohest, M., 8 n.

Lokko, the, 53

Lolos, the, 173, 195 sq., 211

Lombards, the, 449

Loucheux, the, 361, and map, pp. 334-5

Low, Brook, 231

Lowie, R. H., 367 n.

Luard, C. E., 548 n.

Lubbers, A., 239

Lucayans, the, 399 sq.

Luchuans. See Liu-Kiu

Lugard, F. D., 62

Lugard, F. S. (Lady), 73 n.

Luiseno, the, 355, 370

Lukach, H. C., 56 n.

Lumholtz, C, 395 n., 397 n.

Lupacas, the, 407

Luschan, F. v., 268 n., 450, 465, 492 n., 495 n., 497 sqq., 542 n., 545

Lushai, the, 178

Lu-tse, the, 197

Lyall, C. J., 548 n.

Lycia, inhabitants of, 497; language, 454

Lydian dialect, the, 453

Lythgoe, A. M., 478

Maba, the, 73 sq.

Macalister, A., 511

Macalister, R. A. S., 492

MacCurdy, G. G., 5 n., 35

Macdonald, J., 104 n., 108

Mace, A. C., 478

Machas, the, 543

Mackintosh, C. W., 107 n.

MacMichael, H. A., 74, 75 n.

Macusi, the, 416

Madagascar, 239 sqq.

Madi, the, 78

Madurese, the, 224

Mafflian industry, the, 10, 14

Mafulu, the, 158

Magars, the, 170 n.

Magdalenian culture, 12 sqq.

Mager, H., 555 n.

Maghians, the, 543

Magyars, the, 301, 318, 326, 328 sqq., 531; language of, 282

Mahaffy, J. P., 493 n.

Mahai, the, 75

Mahamid, the, 73

Mahrati, the, 550

Mainwaring, G. B., 177 n.

Ma-Kalaka, the, 104 sq.

Makaraka, the, 78 sq.

Makari, the, 69 sq.

Makirifares, the, 415

Ma-Kololo, the, 106 sqq.

Makowsky, A., 9 n.

Maku, linguistic stock, 415

Malagasy, the, 239 sqq.; language, 241; mental qualities, 244

Mala-Vadan, the, 423

Malayalim, the, 549

Malayans, the, 221 sqq., 227; folklore of, 229 sq.

Malayo-Polynesian. See Austronesian

Malays, the, 221 sqq., 226; in Borneo, 230, 232 sqq.; in Madagascar, 240; in Australia, 428, 551

Malbot, H., 450, 472

Malinowski, B., 432, 434

Malliesors, the, 538

Malta, inhabitants of, 499

Man, E. H., 150 n., 152, 251 sqq.

Man, the, 197 sq., 211

Manaos, the, 416

Manchu, the, 274 sq., 279 sqq.

Manda, the, 267 n.

Mandan, the, 355, 371 sq., and map, pp. 334-5

Mandara, the, 69 sq.

Mandaya, the, 247

Mandingans, the, 44, 46, 49 sqq., 66

Mangbattu, the, 44, 46, 78, 80 sqq.

Mangkassaras, the, 224, 226, 236

Manguianes, the, 237

Manipuri, the, 178 sqq., 181

Manobo, the, 247

Mans-Coc, the, 198

Mans-Meo, the, 198, 211

Mans-Tien, the, 198

Mansuy, M., 186 n.

Man-tse. See Man

Mao Nagas, the, 178 sq.

Maori, the, 552, and Pl. XVI figs. 3, 4

Mapoches, the, 410

Maram Nagas, the, 178 sq.

Maratha Brahmans, the, 546 sq.

Margi, the, 70

Maricopa, the, 383

Markham, Sir C. R., 347 sq., 401 n., 405, 409, 414 n., 420 n.

Maronites, the, 498

Marre, A., 241 n.

Marrings, the, 178 sq.

Marstrander, C. J. S., 497 n.

Martin, H., 449 n.

Martin, R., 153 n., 154, 412, 426 n.

Martius, V., 402 n., 411, 416 sq.

Masai, the, 97, 468, 484, 486

Mas-d'Azil, 12; pebbles, 34 sqq.

Ma-Shona, the, 104

Maspero, G., 270, 493 n., 533

Massagetae, the, 305 sq.

Ma-Tabili, the, 105

Mataco, the, 420 sq.

Mathew, J., 237 n., 428

Matlaltzincas, the, 395

Matokki, the, 75

Matores, the, 317

Matthew, W. D., 557 n.

Mauer jaw, the, 3 sqq., 11, 14

Ma-Vambu, the, 113

Maya, the, 389-398

Mayang Khong, the, 178

Maya-Quiche the, 342, 393, 397 sq.

Mayorunas, the, 402

Maypures, the, 416

Mbenga, the, 115

McCabe, R. B., 177

McDougall, W., 231 n.

McGee, W. J., 396

Means, P. A., 406 n.

Mecklenberg, A. F., Duke of, 113 n.

Medes, the, 267 n.

Mediterranean race, the, 448 sq., 452; in Europe, 455-468; in Africa, 468-478; language of, 453 sq.

Mehinaku, the, 348, 416

Mehlis, C., 457

Meinhof, C., 473 n.

Meithis, the, 181; language of, 177 n.

Melam, the, 197

Melanesians, the, 135 sqq.; analysis of, 138 sq.; culture of, 139-146

Mendi, the, 53

Menominee, the, 354, 375, and map, pp. 334-5

Mentawi, the, natives of, 235

Mentone, Grottes de Grimaldi, the, 9

Mercer, H., 396

Merker, M., 486 n.

Mescalero, the, 383, and map, pp. 334-5

Messapians, the, 452, 529 n.

Messerschmidt, L., 496

Mesvinian industry, the, 10, 14

Meyer, A. B., 230

Meyer, E., 27 n., 262 sqq.; on Indo-Europeans, 441 n., 456, 504, 506 n., 460 n.; Pelasgians, 466 sqq.; Egyptians, 479, 482; Semites, 489 n., 491 n., 492 n., 493 n.

Meyer, H., 450

Meyer, Kuno, 515 n.

Miami, the, 354, 375, and map, pp. 334-5

Miao-tse. See Mans-Meo

Michelis, E. de, 505

Micmac, the, 375, and map, pp. 334-5

Micronesians, the, 551, and Pl. XVI figs. 5, 6

Mikhailovskii, V. M., 277 n., 278 n.

Miklukho-Maclay, N. v., 137 n.

Milanau, the, 231, 233

Miller, Gerrit S., 560 n., 561

Milliet. See Saint Adolphe

Milligan, J., 160

Milne, J., 260

Minaeans, the, 499

Minahasans, the, 224

Mindeleff, C., 383 n.

Mingrelian language, the, 541

Minnetari, the, 342

Minns, E. H., 537

Minoan culture, 463 sqq., 467, 502

Minyong, the, 170

Mirdites, the, 538 n., 539

Miri, the, 170

Mishmi, the, 170

Mishongnovi, the, 382 n.

Missouri, the, 371, and map, pp. 334-5

Mittu, the, 78

Miwok, the, pp. 334-5

Miztecs, the, 390, 395

Mizzi, M., 499 n.

Moabites, the, 489 sq.

Mochicas, the, 408

Moeso-Goths, the, 508

Mohave, the, 383, and map, pp. 334-5

Mohawk, the, 354, 377

Moi, the, 197

Molu-che. See Araucanians

Mongolia, prehistoric remains in, 259 sq.

Mongoloid type, Risley's, 547

Mongolo-Dravidian type, Risley's, 547

Mongolo-Tatar. See Mongolo-Turki

Mongolo-Turki, the, 164 sq., 256, 274 sqq.

Mongols, Northern, Chap. VIII

Mongols, Oceanic, Chap. VII

---- Southern, Chap. VI

Mono, the, 355

Mons, the, 180

Montagnais, the, 354, 375, and map, pp. 334-5

Montano, J., 157

Montelius, O., 27, 210 n., 319 n., 512

Mooney, J., 374 n.

Moorehead, W. K., 343

"Moors," the, 469

Moravians, the, 331

Mordvinians, the, 325

Morel, E. D., 58 n.

Morgan, J. de, 22, 25 n., 258, 267 n., 447

Morgan, E. Delmar, 173 n.

Morfill, W. R., 530

Morice, A. G., 362 sq.

Morley, S. G., 391 n., 392 n., 397 n.

Mosgu, the, 69, 71

Mossi, the, 62

Mossos, the, 173, 195 sq.

Mostitz, A. P., 259

Moszkowski, Max, 149

Mousterian man. See Le Moustier

Moxos, the, 348, 414, 416

Mpangwe. See Fans

Mpongwe, the, 115

Mros, the, 187 sq.

Mrungs, the, 188

Much, M., 23

Much, R., 507 n.

Mueller, F., 236 n.

Mugs, the, 187 sq.

Mundu, the, 78

Mundurucu, the, 419

Munro, N. G., 295 n.

Munro, R., 529 n.

Muong, the, 197

Murmi, the, 547

Murut, the, 230 sq.

Muskhogean linguistic stock, the, 355, 381

Musquakie. See Sauk and Fox

Mussian, explorations at, 258

Muyscans, the, 400, 402

Myers, C. S., 75 n., 79 n., 482

Mycenaean (Mykenaean). See Minoan

Myong, the, 197

Myres, J. L., 465, 466 n., 477 n., 489 n., 490 n., 502, 533 n.

Mysians, the, 506; language of, 453

Nachtigal, G., 70 sqq., 74 n.

Nadaillac, Marquis de, J. F. A., 381, 394 n., 395 n., 408 n.

Naga, the, 178 sq.; language, 177

Naga-ed-Der, excavations at, 478, 481

Nahane the, 361, and map, pp. 334-5

Nahua, the, 342 sq., 388 n., 392 sqq., 397, 400, 421 n.

Nahuatlans, the, 342, 388, 393 sqq., 402

Nahuqua, the, 348, 415

Nairs, the, 547

Najera, 396

Nambe, the, 382 n.

Narrinyeri, the, 437

Nashi (Nashri). See Mossos

Naskapi, the, 375, and map, pp. 334-5

Nassau, R. H., 61 n.

Natagaima, the, 402

Natchez, the, 355, and map, pp. 334-5

Navaho, the, 354, 383, see map, pp. 334-5, and Pl. VIII fig. 4.

Naville, E., 475 n., 477 n., 481

Neandertal man, 2, 8 sqq., 12, 448

Negrilloes, the, 122 sqq., and Pl. II fig. 4

Negritoes, the, 149 sqq., and Pl. II figs. 1, 2, 3, 5-7; culture of, 158-9, 230

Neumann, O., 127

Nez-perces. See Shahapts

Ngao, the, 198

Ngiou. See Burmese

Ngisem, the, 70

Nias, the, 235

Niblack, A. P., 366 n.

Niceforo, A., 461

Nickas, the, 250

Nicobarese, the, 251 sqq.

Niederle, L., 540 n.

Nieuwenhuis, A. W., 234 n.

Nilotes, the, 486, and Pl. XIII

Niquirans, the, 388

Niu-chi (Yu-chi, Nu-chin), the, 279

Njungs. See Iungs

Nogai, the, 303

Nong, the, 197 sq.

Nootka, the, 363, 393 n., and map, pp. 334-5

Nordenskioeld, A. E. von, 287

Nordenskioeld, E., 421

Nordenskioeld, G., 383 n.

Nordic race, the, 449, 452 sq., 504, 506 sqq., Pl. XI figs. 1, 2, 5, and Pl. XIV figs. 1, 2; in Scandinavia, 509

Norsemen, the, 449, 526 sq.

Northcote, G. A. S., 79 n.

Norway, racial elements in, 509

Nossu (Nesu). See Lolos

Nu-Aruak, the, 416

Nuba, the, 74 sqq.

Nubians, the, 75 sqq., 468

Nuer, the, 78 sq., 484

Nueesch, J., 16, 123

Nutria, the, 382 n.

Nuttall, Z., 353, 393 n.

Nwengals, the, 183

Obermaier, H., 4 n., 8, 9 n., 14 n.

Oghuz, the, 311 sqq.

Ojibway, the, 354, 371, 375 sqq., and map, pp. 334-5

Ojo Caliente, the, 382 n.

Okanda, the, 115

Oldoway skeleton, the, 43 n., 447

Omagua (Flat-heads), the, 419

Omaha, the, 355, 371, and map, pp. 334-5

Onas, the, 411; language of, 413

Oneida, the, 354, 377

Onnis, E. A., 461

Onondaga, the, 354, 377

Ons, the, 316

Oraibi, the, 382 n.

Orang-Baruh, the, 238

---- -Benua, the, 223

---- -Malayu. See Malays

---- -Selat, the, 228

---- -Tunong, the, 238

Oraons, the, 550

Orbigny, A. D. d', 412

Oriyas, the, 547

Orleans, H., Prince d', 186 n., 191 n., 192 sq., 195 sqq.

Oroch, the, 275

Orochon, the, 274 sq., 277

Oroke, the, 275

Orsi, P., 460

Osage, the, 342, 355, 371, and map, pp. 334-5

Oshyeba. See Fans

Ossets, the, 505, 540

O'Sullivan, H., 79 n.

Ostrogoths, the, 449

Ostyaks, the, 275, 277, 303, 325, and Pl. VI fig. 3

Otomi, the, 395

Ottawa, the, 375, and map, pp. 334-5; language, 354

Oto, the, 371, and map, pp. 334-5

Ova-Herero, the, 44, 109 sqq., 119 sq.

---- -Mpo, the, 109

---- -Zorotu, the, 110

Oyampi, the, 419

Padam, the, 170 n., 193

Padao, the, 193

Paes, the, 404

Pahuins. See Fans (West Africa)

Paiwans, the, 250

Pai, the, (Laos) of Assam, 192

Pa-i, the, of S.W. China, 211

Pakhpu, the, 543

Pakpaks, the, 237 n.

Palaeasiatics, Deniker's, 295

Palaeo-Siberians, the, 275, 344

Palawans, the, 237

Palembang, the 235 sq.

Paleo-Asiatics. See Palaeo-Siberians

Palmer, H. R., 68 n.

Pames, the, 394 n.

Pampangan, the, 247

Pampeans, the, 410; language of, 412

Panches, the, 402

Pangasinan, the, 247

Paniyan, the, 423, and Pl. X fig. 4

Pano, the, 414, 419

Pan-y, the, 198

Pan-yao, the, 198

Papuans, the, 135 sq., 188, 146 sqq., 551, and Pl. III figs. 3, 4

Papuasians, the, chap. V. passim

Papuo-Melanesians, the, 135 sq., and Pl. III figs. 5, 6

Parker, A. C., 375 n.

Parker, E. H., 216 n., 292 n., 294 n., 304

Parker, H., 425 n.

Parker, K. Langloh, 436, 437 n.

Parkinson, J., 58 n.

Parkinson, R., 146

Parthians, the, 305 sq.

Partridge, C., 58 n.

Passumahs, the, 223

Patagonians, the, 411 sq., and Pl. IX figs. 5, 6; language of, 412 sq.

Paton, L. B., 492 n., 493 n.

Patroni, G., 459 sq.

Patterson, A. J., 531 n.

Paulitschke, P., 485

Paumari, the, 348, 416

Pawnee, the, 355, 371 sqq., 375, and map, pp. 334-5

Peal, S. E., 192 n.

Pears, E., 530 n.

Pease, A. E., 446 n.

Pechenegs, the, 312

Pecos, the, 382 n.

Peet, T. E., 528 n.

Peisker, T., 257, 260 n., 303 sq., 330, 506 n., 507 n., 512 n., 531, 536 n., 537 n.

Peixoto, J. R., 417

Pelasgians, the, 449, 452, 458, 462-7, 512 sq.; in Italy, 528; in Greece, 532 sq.; language of, 453, 465

Penck, A., 13 sqq.

Penek, the, 410

Penka, C.,

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