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Book online «Episodes of The Chocolate Lover by Ria Tumimomor (easy to read books for adults list .txt) 📖». Author Ria Tumimomor

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lie to her about the cheap charges and keep the show on going. She was amazed that Jack the hairdresser only need 15 minutes to do her long hair with fabulous result… Happily she walked to the cashier and bumped into another famous singer who seems very close to the hairdresser… My friend almost faint to find out how much she has to pay for the hairdo… The price was about five times from regular that she use to pay. It turns out, Jack IS the owner of the beauty salon and that’s why every customer must make an appointment before have him as their hairdresser. And why he only charged very few to other people because he did that as a treat for the people on that magazine…. The charges that he asked probably for his assistants instead of himself…

This is why we should never ever embarrass to ask how much is this? And how much is that…before making any transaction… Seriously, sometimes because we do not asked for every tiny little details on the price will open a chance to be cheated… Or could get a heart attack to know that we have to pay so much above our capability…

Credit cards sometimes have this promotion event with certain restaurant or café. If you use this credit card to eat at this restaurant you will only have to pay half from the actual price. I once decided to ask the restaurant over the phone whether the promotion still valid and does the discount applied to any food and beverages. It turn out, drinks with alcohol and wines does not include on the promotion… There, at least I get the information correctly from the restaurant (do not forget to ask the name of the person who give you that information) and will avoid the beating of my heart goes faster when the bill comes to me…
Asking is a necessary thing to do especially if we have limited resources… Better humiliate at first rather than after all transactions and purchasing has been executed…!


When I first knew about twitter, I was a bit excited… There are so many celebrities who also owned Twitter account and we can just follow them… If we follow their twitter, it means we are getting a fresh up date from those celebrities… We even can send respond to them through twitter… But, since they are not following us back…they will not know any updates from us… (As if they need to)

But now, I finally reducing the list of celebrities that I have been following all these times. I just think now, what is the point of that? It is not like I need to know every little detail of whatever those celebrities doing… And if I do curious to know, I also following twitter’s account from gossip magazines as well… So, I think I have enough information about them… Besides, I do not know them and they do not know me… It does not mean that by following them and getting their news making me their best buddies… And I am not even sure they will remember who I am even if they do reply my response to their tweets. I may be in their circle, but then again I may not really there…

What I really want to know and hear and read right now is news from my own friends in the real world… Those who once in a while drop by and asking how I am doing right now… Those who busy with their work and life and dramas but still have time to poke me or just click “like” at my status… Those who create something and tag me to share it… Or those who simply say hi to me ;)

Most of the time, we are so busy checking news from the internet, totally ignoring our friends who are sitting in front of us…busy telling stories about their life… But we are too busy with something virtual and untouchable and forget the real connection it self.

Like many people said nowadays, internet bring those who far away becoming closer but driven away those who are near with us. I do sincerely hope it will not come to that kind of situation…

“Hey, do you that movie star is getting married?”
“How did you know? Did that movie star tell you?”
“Well, yes… not in person… But I read it from their announcement on twitterverse…”
“Really? Oh, well…me too…”
“What? When? How? Why didn’t you invite me?”
“I did… You just NEVER NOTICE…”


My long wishes up to now is to be able to ride bicycle.

Okay, you may laugh… But seriously I never know how to ride a bicycle.

When I was a lot younger, I begged my Mother so I can learn how to bike. She did not give me the permission. She said, she did not want me to get the hang of it…, then riding out without her knowing…and then suddenly I already got hit by a car. I suppose being a parent they can only have bad imagination instead of good ones… But anyway, I hardly argued with her…and so…I put aside the desire in the bottom of my heart.

And why suddenly the desire come out floating in the air again? Well, a few years ago I refused to go on a trip because it required me to bike. How am I supposed to do that if I have no idea how to keep my balance on the bicycle? I never had any practice… Telling me to bike will result just the same by asking me to dance… It will be a complete catastrophe. Well, at least from my side… I can imagine already I will be bumping tree or sidewalks, then fall and hurt my knee… Over and over again… Sighed

I also notice that many fun activities both inside the city and on sightseeing spot are include biking on their list. Like for example, early this year my friends and I went to the museum Fatahillah. There are so many cute old bicycles rented for all visitors and I was unable to enjoy it…as simply I do not know how to bike. *SOB*.

Just this morning a tourism program on TV also show to the audience about Gilli Trawangan. Since cars and motors are not allowed by the local authorities. Therefore it was shown on tv that tourists exploring the island either on foot or biking (again!)… Now you can understand why I am so agitated to learn how to bike…

Then again, how in the heck I am going to learn? Do I have to buy a four wheels bicycle before I manage to handle my balance? And if I do buy it…should I learn it in the early of the morning when people still sleeping so nobody look at me with bewilderment?

Anybody want to accompany me to learn how to bike? ^___^


I always love big bags, ever since I was younger. Of course, in my younger days I used backpack to carry my things, which most of them are books.

Then when I was working, it was a bit of a hassle to bring big bags to the office. One of the reasons, the big bag occupied most available space in my drawer in the office. As the result, I was unable to put my files inside the drawer. Since all files are confidential, naturally the big bag must be out of the way. Plus, it was not easy to bring bag while I was trying to be inside the crowded bus. The big bag often got stuck in the middle of other passengers.

There were times; I prefer to bring these sling bags... Because I could put quite a lot of stuffs and not so much hassle for me to bring. I could put my little notepad, small umbrella (though is totally useless whenever heavy rain pouring down on earth), my cellphone, comb, small mirror, powder and lipstick. Yeah, yeah…. I know is impossible. But I bring that tiny little miny bitsy powder container…so, yes they are all fit.

Nowadays, I am back with the big bag. And this one is my favorite right now. I can put almost about everything. Not only my small umbrella (yes, the umbrella is still the small one… What do you think?), my (bigger) notepad, my BB including the charger (what can I say? I am very addicted to it), my Ipod, and of course digital camera (pocket’s size, mind you). Women’s best friends such as lipstick, powder, eye shadow, tissue (dry and wet, which one do you want?) are also included… And to make them organized, I put them all in my organizer bag. How cute is that?

So, which one are you?

And btw, I could bring small bag whenever I go to a party, thank you very much. Well, mostly wedding parties…

If I have to go to real party or just hanging out, perhaps I bring nothing but this clutch… Forget about bringing a wallet on this one… It will never going to fit.


Me and my friend are now into searching quotes to be placed on our twitter account or Facebook’s. We want to have something to remind us about life, its struggle and well… you know…

Then, just now I found this quote:
When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us – from Alexander Graham Bell.

It sort of hit me right in my heart because I am that kind of person.

Like for example, I am in desperate need to buy this medicine. To have this medicine I need money. Therefore I try to find work to earn money in order to get that medicine. But according to my boss my work is not giving good result. So, if previously he was about to pay me 100, but due to my poor job I only receive half of it. I am sooo disappointed thinking that a door has been closed for me… I keep on moaning over my failure and blaming myself, blaming the condition, blaming all people around me… I need to be angry and can’t get over that failure… I busied myself thinking what have I done? Where did exactly my wrong doings? Why I could not accomplish thing that I have been planning to reach? Why oh why? Even, after the boss offers me to work over time and there would be extra cash enough to cover the price of that medicine…I did not take it… I am too busy to worry about thing that has passed me and ignore the other arriving opportunity. In the end, I get nothing…

Is not that I do not realize my bad habit… It is not only effectively destroying my spirit but successfully drive people away from me… People that actually want to help but feel reluctant after seeing my moaning and complaining. I can keep on doing that forever… Don’t know why I feel I need to be angry to get more strength to deal with another failure in the future. See? I am even planning to fail again in the future… Not only once but more to come… I feel there is no way my condition is going to get better… In fact I am pretty sure it going

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