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Book online «Great Astronomers by Robert Stawell Ball (best ereader for students .txt) 📖». Author Robert Stawell Ball

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these days of careful scrutiny of

the heavens, we are accustomed to the occasional outbreak of new

stars. It is not, however, believed that any new star which has

ever appeared has displayed the same phenomenal brilliance as was

exhibited by the star of 1572.


This object has a value in astronomy far greater than it

might at first appear. It is true, in one sense, that Tycho

discovered the new star, but it is equally true, in a different

sense, that it was the new star which discovered Tycho. Had it

not been for this opportune apparition, it is quite possible that

Tycho might have found a career in some direction less beneficial

to science than that which he ultimately pursued.




When he reached his home on this memorable evening, Tycho

immediately applied his great quadrant to the measurement of the

place of the new star. His observations were specially directed

to the determination of the distance of the object. He rightly

conjectured that if it were very much nearer to us than the stars

in its vicinity, the distance of the brilliant body might be

determined in a short time by the apparent changes in its distance

from the surrounding points. It was speedily demonstrated that

the new star could not be as near as the moon, by the simple

fact that its apparent place, as compared with the stars in its

neighbourhood, was not appreciably altered when it was observed

below the pole, and again above the pole at an interval of twelve

hours. Such observations were possible, inasmuch as the star was

bright enough to be seen in full daylight. Tycho thus showed

conclusively that the body was so remote that the diameter of the

earth bore an insignificant ratio to the star’s distance. His

success in this respect is the more noteworthy when we find that

many other observers, who studied the same object, came to the

erroneous conclusion that the new star was quite as near as the

moon, or even much nearer. In fact, it may be said, that with

regard to this object Tycho discovered everything which could

possibly have been discovered in the days before telescopes were

invented. He not only proved that the star’s distance was too

great for measurement, but he showed that it had no proper motion

on the heavens. He recorded the successive changes in its

brightness from week to week, as well as the fluctuations in hue

with which the alterations in lustre were accompanied.


It seems, nowadays, strange to find that such thoroughly

scientific observations of the new star as those which Tycho made,

possessed, even in the eyes of the great astronomer himself, a

profound astrological significance. We learn from Dr. Dreyer

that, in Tycho’s opinion, “the star was at first like Venus and

Jupiter, and its effects will therefore, first, be pleasant; but

as it then became like Mars, there will next come a period of

wars, seditions, captivity, and death of princes, and destruction

of cities, together with dryness and fiery meteors in the

air, pestilence, and venomous snakes. Lastly, the star became

like Saturn, and thus will finally come a time of want, death,

imprisonment, and all kinds of sad things!” Ideas of this kind

were, however, universally entertained. It seemed, indeed,

obvious to learned men of that period that such an apparition must

forebode startling events. One of the chief theories then held

was, that just as the Star of Bethlehem announced the first coming

of Christ, so the second coming, and the end of the world, was

heralded by the new star of 1572.


The researches of Tycho on this object were the occasion of his

first appearance as an author. The publication of his book was

however, for some time delayed by the urgent remonstrances of his

friends, who thought it was beneath the dignity of a nobleman to

condescend to write a book. Happily, Tycho determined to brave

the opinion of his order; the book appeared, and was the first of

a series of great astronomical productions from the same pen.




The fame of the noble Dane being now widespread, the King of

Denmark entreated him to return to his native country, and to

deliver a course of lectures on astronomy in the University of

Copenhagen. With some reluctance he consented, and his

introductory oration has been preserved. He dwells, in fervent

language, upon the beauty and the interest of the celestial

phenomena. He points out the imperative necessity of

continuous and systematic observation of the heavenly bodies in

order to extend our knowledge. He appeals to the practical

utility of the science, for what civilised nation could exist

without having the means of measuring time? He sets forth how the

study of these beautiful objects “exalts the mind from earthly

and trivial things to heavenly ones;” and then he winds up by

assuring them that a special use of astronomy is that it enables

us to draw conclusions from the movements in the celestial regions

as to human fate.”


An interesting event, which occurred in 1572, distracted Tycho’s

attention from astronomical matters. He fell in love. The young

girl on whom his affections were set appears to have sprung from

humble origin. Here again his august family friends sought to

dissuade him from a match they thought unsuitable for a nobleman.

But Tycho never gave way in anything. It is suggested that he did

not seek a wife among the highborn dames of his

own rank from the dread that the demands of a fashionable lady

would make too great an inroad on the time that he wished to

devote to science. At all events, Tycho’s union seems to have

been a happy one, and he had a large family of children; none of

whom, however, inherited their father’s talents.




Tycho had many scientific friends in Germany, among whom his work

was held in high esteem. The treatment that he there met with

seemed to him so much more encouraging than that which he received

in Denmark that he formed the notion of emigrating to Basle and

making it his permanent abode. A whisper of this intention was

conveyed to the large-hearted King of Denmark, Frederick II. He

wisely realised how great would be the fame which would accrue to

his realm if he could induce Tycho to remain within Danish

territory and carry on there the great work of his life. A

resolution to make a splendid proposal to Tycho was immediately

formed. A noble youth was forthwith despatched as a messenger,

and ordered to travel day and night until he reached Tycho, whom

he was to summon to the king. The astronomer was in bed on the

morning Of 11th February, 1576, when the message was delivered.

Tycho, of course, set off at once and had an audience of the king

at Copenhagen. The astronomer explained that what he wanted was

the means to pursue his studies unmolested, whereupon the king

offered him the Island of Hven, in the Sound near Elsinore.

There he would enjoy all the seclusion that he could desire. The

king further promised that he would provide the funds necessary

for building a house and for founding the greatest observatory

that had ever yet been reared for the study of the heavens. After

due deliberation and consultation with his friends, Tycho accepted

the king’s offer. He was forthwith granted a pension, and a deed

was drawn up formally assigning the Island of Hven to his use all

the days of his life.


The foundation of the famous castle of Uraniborg was laid on 30th

August, 1576. The ceremony was a formal and imposing one, in

accordance with Tycho’s ideas of splendour. A party of scientific

friends had assembled, and the time had been chosen so that the

heavenly bodies were auspiciously placed. Libations of costly

wines were poured forth, and the stone was placed with due

solemnity. The picturesque character of this wonderful temple for

the study of the stars may be seen in the figures with which this

chapter is illustrated.


One of the most remarkable instruments that has ever been employed

in studying the heavens was the mural quadrant which Tycho erected

in one of the apartments of Uraniborg. By its means the altitudes

of the celestial bodies could be observed with much greater

accuracy than had been previously attainable. This wonderful

contrivance is represented on the preceding page. It will be

observed that the walls of the room are adorned by pictures with a

lavishness of decoration not usually to be found in scientific



A few years later, when the fame of the observatory at Hven became

more widely spread, a number of young men flocked to Tycho to

study under his direction. He therefore built another observatory

for their use in which the instruments were placed in subterranean

rooms of which only the roofs appeared above the ground. There

was a wonderful poetical inscription over the entrance to this

underground observatory, expressing the astonishment of Urania at

finding, even in the interior of the earth, a cavern devoted to

the study of the heavens. Tycho was indeed always fond of

versifying, and he lost no opportunity of indulging this taste

whenever an occasion presented itself.


Around the walls of the subterranean observatory were the pictures

of eight astronomers, each with a suitable inscription—one of

these of course represented Tycho himself, and beneath were

written words to the effect that posterity should judge of his work.

The eighth picture depicted an astronomer who has not yet come into

existence. Tychonides was his name, and the inscription presses

the modest hope that when he does appear he will be worthy of his

great predecessor. The vast expenses incurred in the erection and

the maintenance of this strange establishment were defrayed by a

succession of grants from the royal purse.


For twenty years Tycho laboured hard at Uraniborg in the pursuit

of science. His work mainly consisted in the determination of

the places of the moon, the planets, and the stars on the

celestial sphere. The extraordinary pains taken by Tycho

to have his observations as accurate as his instruments would

permit, have justly entitled him to the admiration of all

succeeding astronomers. His island home provided the means of

recreation as well as a place for work. He was surrounded by his

family, troops of friends were not wanting, and a pet dwarf seems

to have been an inmate of his curious residence. By way of change

from his astronomical labours he used frequently to work with his

students in his chemical laboratory. It is not indeed known what

particular problems in chemistry occupied his attention. We are

told, however, that he engaged largely in the production of

medicines, and as these appear to have been dispensed gratuitously

there was no lack of patients.


Tycho’s imperious and grasping character frequently brought him

into difficulties, which seem to have increased with his advancing

years. He had ill-treated one of his tenants on Hven, and an

adverse decision by the courts seems to have greatly exasperated

the astronomer. Serious changes also took place in his relations

to the court at Copenhagen. When the young king was crowned in

1596, he reversed the policy of his predecessor with reference to

Hven. The liberal allowances to Tycho were one after another

withdrawn, and finally even his pension was stopped. Tycho

accordingly abandoned Hven in a tumult of rage and mortification.

A few years later we find him in Bohemia a prematurely aged man,

and he died on the 24th October, 1601.




Among the ranks of the great astronomers it would be difficult

to find one whose life presents more interesting features

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