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Online Stock Trading Made Easy

Online Stock Trading Made Easy











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Online Stock Trading Made Easy








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Online Stock Trading Made Easy


Selecting an Online Broker ........................................................................................................................ 8

Types Of Online Brokers .......................................................................................................................... 10

Choosing An Online Broker ..................................................................................................................... 13

Financial Advisors And Other Experts ................................................................................................... 18

Techniques To Beat Barriers In Day Trading ......................................................................................... 21

Techniques For Overcoming Day Trading Obstacles ........................................................................... 23

The Science Of Stock Market Technical Analysis ................................................................................. 25

The Science Of Technical Analysis Of The

Market .............................................................................. 27

Online Trading Software........................................................................................................................... 29

Commercial Online Software ................................................................................................................... 31

International Stock Trading...................................................................................................................... 33

Stock Trading In A Foreign Country ....................................................................................................... 35

Day Trading Stocks: Advices And Tips Before Considering This Kind Of Trading .......................... 37

Day Trading Stocks: Tips And Tricks Before Considering Such Trade .............................................. 39

Currency Trading Software: Lights, Camera, Action! ........................................................................... 41

Use FOREX Software To Increase Your Returns ................................................................................... 43

Charting And Technical Analysis: A Great Tool For Your Trades ....................................................... 45

Charting And Technical Observation Are A Great Boon To Your Stock Trade.................................. 47

Boosting Your Investment By Trading Commodities Online ............................................................... 49

Boost Your Investments With Online Commodities Trade................................................................... 51

An In-Depth Analysis Of Initial Public Offering: IPO Versus Business Loans ................................... 53

An Analysis Of IPO Versus Business Loans.......................................................................................... 55

All About The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)........................................................ 57

A Little Know How On CFTC .................................................................................................................... 59

All About Online Stock Trading And How To Choose A Company ..................................................... 61

Everything About The Stocks Online Commerce Nd About Selecting A Company .......................... 63

About Commodity Trading....................................................................................................................... 65

A Little Info On Commodity Trading ....................................................................................................... 67

A Quick Peek At Online Stock Trading Companies .............................................................................. 69

A Quick Glance At Online Stock Trade Companies .............................................................................. 71

Underlying Truths About Commodities Trading Systems.................................................................... 73

The Truth About Commodity Trading System ....................................................................................... 75

Commodities Trading Firms—The Break That You Are Waiting For................................................... 77

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Online Stock Trading Made Easy







Selecting an Online Broker




What You Need To Know To Do It Successfully



A simple search engine search on the internet will show you that there are many online brokers and agents out there that want your business. Since the electronic trading industry first was created in 1994, e-brokers have established businesses to assist you. These e-brokers strive to take over the market and offer you cheaper rates. They compete both with traditional off-line brokers and also with other online brokers.


Many a do-it-yourself investor has been confused by the mass of options when it comes to selecting an online broker. There are many to choose from and they all seem to offer exactly what you need. This is why it is very important to make sure you do your research before selecting an online broker. Look for online websites that will give you impartial evaluations on different brokers. Find out what others have to say about the broker you are considering.


Make sure you take selecting a broker seriously. Take your time in selecting a broker. Look for one that will be available when you need them. If you know there will be specific time that you will most likely need your broker make sure that their site is available at this time of day or night. You should also find out how long it takes for their site to load during peak times. Nothing is more frustrating that needing to make an important trade and being unable to load the webpage to do so online!


Find out if they have a lot of technical difficulties that will prevent their site from loading. It can very annoying if you want to contact your broker on an important issue and get the response, site not responding check back later. Even if the page does load successfully, it is still a good idea to visit several of their links to ensure everything is working properly. See what type of promise or guarantee they have in regards to their website and its availability.


Trading Basics






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When you decide to participate in online trading, there are some important things you need to know such as:


Price to purchase and trade


Do you know what the prices are to purchase and trade stocks online? Do you know how to know what it a good price? Do you know when a good time to buy is and when to sell? These are all things a good investor needs to be familiar with when making investment decisions.


Learn how to choose a broker


Learn what to look for, what to avoid, fees to expect and more. Deciding when you need a broker, do you know what to look for? Do you know how to select the right broker for your needs from among the many different choices out there?




How to create and maintain a portfolio. How to make your portfolio work best for you. Maintaining your portfolio over time as it grows. Building an online portfolio, updating it, checking your stocks online and more.


Costs and fees


What fees you can expect and why as well as which ones can be reduced or avoided altogether. What do you need to pay to start investing or to get into certain types of trades?


Another aspect of choosing an online broker is what type of customer service they have to offer. If you have to call them to discuss important issues, then you do not want to talk to a machine or be placed on hold for long periods of time. There are many other steps that go into selecting the proper online broker for your online trading needs. Please see below for more great tips from us on how you can choose the perfect broker for you and your needs.












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Types Of Online Brokers




Do you know that there are many different types of online brokers? A simple search engine search will bring up the massive results of companies and options that are out there so how do you even begin to know which one to go with? All online brokers are not the same.


Different brokerage services offer different features. Before you can begin to understand the types of brokers and which one you need to meet your needs, you will need to know what the different types of brokers are.


There are different types of brokers that offer different levels of assistance and services. There are two main types of online brokers they are regular brokers and broker resellers. A broker that will deal with their client directly is called a regular broker. Broker resellers are actually an intermediary that goes between you the client and a larger broker company.


There are four basic categories of online brokers that you can find. We are going to list and describe them below so that you know what you are looking for in the wide spectrum of online broker options.


discount brokers/online brokers


assisted discount broker


full service broker


money manager/financial advisor



So what are these 4 different types of brokers, what are their specific jobs and how do you know which one you need for your online trading usage?


1. Discount/Online Brokers



The online discount broker is basically just an order taker. You put in the trade that you want to make and they place it for you, typically online although some take orders over the phone as well. You will not receive help or advice from your discount broker. They are simple and to the



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point and you do not get any “extras” as you are not paying for them. They won’t help you will your stocks or help you pick a stock and if you are dealing online, you most likely will never even speak to any of the employees.


Keep in mind that while discount brokers will save you money, it will be at the expense of little to no assistance whatsoever. You may find some discount or online brokers that offer assistance with research but it is typically through a third party and will cost you more money through that third party.


2. Assisted Discount Broker



An assisted discount broker will offer you a bit more than a non-assisted online broker. Exactly how much help they give varies and you will need to check with them first to see how much assistance a particular service offers you. They offer varied services which don’t leave you completely on your own but don’t provide a full service either.


Their websites will usually have more information on them, more ways for you to get in contact with someone and they may also have newsletters and other methods of giving you investing assistance. They will typically provide you with general information, not specific stock suggestions.


3. Full Service Broker



A full service broker will provide many of the same services as a traditional offline broker. They will give you advice and recommendations on specific stocks. They will be available to give you suggestions, advice, hints, tips and assistance through the trading process. They will begin with an assessment of your financial situation to help determine your needs and what investment opportunities are best for you.


A full service broker will help put together a portfolio that meets your needs and desires and your financial abilities at this time. If you don’t have the time for putting into your stock trading and investment opportunities, this is a great idea as they will do all the hard work for you. You just need to make sure you are choosing someone who is qualified and able to help you properly.



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