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Book online ยซNaruto Akippuden Vol.1 by Alfa,Comics (e book reading free txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Alfa, Comics

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Bante's Story- Bante: *sits in a tree near the leaf village* [I hate this..Just sitting around,never being able to fight...] *hears a sudden rustling and feels the heat of the new fire village ninjas* [Crap..] *stands up and hops from tree to tree to the leaf village* FIRE NINJAS INCOMING!

*battle leaf ninjas rush out to counter the fire ninjas,but the battle ninjas retreat because they almost get burned*

Bante: [Here's my chance!] *drops down,pulling out my Blade of Fire* *rushes at the fire ninjas,engaging in battle*

Battle Ninja: What are you doing!?

Bante: Shut up and let me fight! *stabs a ninja through the stomach,piercing another right behind him* *pulls out a kunai and throws it at one of the leading ninjas,striking him in the leg and crippling him* Not doing so bad! *pulls my sword out of the ninjas and frontflips in front of one of two leaders,cutting off his head*

Fire ninja: SCREW OFF! *throws two kunai at Bante*

Bante: *uses the leader's body as a shield,then taking the kunai and throwing them at the second ninja leader,striking his leg and arm*

Fire Ninja Leader: Run! We'll attack again later with more ninjas and we WILL succeed!

*fire ninjas leave*

Bante: Now,if you excuse me,i'm gonna go wash my blade. *leaves everyone open mouthed at what just happened*

(The Begining Of The Search...)
I cleaned my blade of blood,when i heard a loud knocking at my door.I got a little bit irritated,but stood up and walked to the door.I opened the door to one of my friends,looking panic-stricken.

"What's happened? Why did you almost break down my door?" I asked him.

"A battle ninja team went missing.I think it was Team 10.We're gonna search,but we need some power.You came in as first candidate,especially after your first performance today," he replied.

"Fine,i'll come along.Who's coming with me?"

"Er,that's the thing.You're going alone."

"WHAT!?" I exclaimed.

"No one else was up for the task!" he said.

"You son of a..." I restrained myself before i could curse. "Fine,I'll go out.."

I grabbed my sword and kunai,sheathed my blade,stored my kunai,walked out,and went into the forest.


I walked through the forest,having been informed the ninja team went missing in it.I had my Blade of Fire out and was walking cautiously.I heard footsteps,and instantly dropped down in a bush.

"Be quiet! I heard they sent out a search party to search for the ninja team," said an unknown voice.

"Yeah yeah yeah,I bet we can take them on," replied another voice.

"ONE guy took out a fire ninja leader,crippled the other and another ninja! What if THAT guy is in the search party!?"

"Shut up,there's about 30-40 of us,we'll totally win if he shows up."

I then jumped up,likely taking them by surprise.

"Can't beat me assholes!" I said to them.

Then a bunch of enemy ninjas popped up around me.

"Holy son of a fire jutsu," I thought.

"Weren't expecting that,were you?" asked one of the enemy ninjas.


About 5 shadow clones popped up and,wielding their swords,went to engage the ninjas.I followed soon after.

*An hour later*

"RUN RUN RUN!" yelled the leader of the enemy ninjas,"WE CAN'T HANDLE THEM BECAUSE YOU IDIOTS CAN'T FIGHT!"

They ran off,and it seemed like they stopped to take something on the way.I walked over to where they stopped,and found the implants of bodies.

"Son of a.."

I felt the blade of a sword,then a searing pain in my stomach,and collapsed.


I woke up a long time afterwards.When I opened my eyes,i was looking at the roof of a house or something.

"You're awake now? About time," said the voice of a familiar medical-nin.

I sat up and looked to my right,finding the main medical-nin of the leaf village.

"So,how in the hell did you find me in the forest?" I asked her.

"Well,we sent out a search party to find you,the search party.You hadn't come back in a while," she replied. "They found you,then I healed you once they brought you back.Simple as that."

"What happened out there,anyway? The wound looked like it was from a poisoned blade."

"I beat 20-30 enemy ninjas,noticed they stopped at a spot,went over there and found the implants of probably the missing ninja team,then someone caught me by surprise and stabbed me through the stomach," i replied.

*suddenly hears swords clashing and yelling outside*

"Crap," I said quietly to myself. "I gotta go help," I said,putting my feet on the ground and standing up.

"You're not ready,you know.The battle ninjas can handle it," said the medical-nin.

"Yeah,yeah,yeah" I replied.

Suddenly the door to the medical house burst open and about 15 Leaf Battle Ninjas burst in.

"We need to evacuate the leaf village,QUICKLY!" yelled one of them before getting hit in the head by a kunai.


(Burning Of The Leaf Village.)

I grabbed my weapons and ran outside to help fight.Everything was in flames.I saw ninjas fighting everywhere and hopping about.I instantly got a yearning for vengeance,and I went crazy on them.

"HOLY C--"

I was stabbing left and right.


Chopping people to pieces...

"You mi--"

I heard some yelling.


I looked around to find that I was surrounded by fire.I sheathed my sword and started hopping my way out.

I turned around after i got out and watched as the leaf village,which had stood for many years,fell,burning before my eyes.


I looked around me and saw that many people were perfectly fine.All the medical nin made it,though there were many wounded.I noticed that there was a severe drop of battle ninjas.

"Many villagers died in that fight and fire.We need to move to a new place,and also warn the other villages," said a ninja.

"You guys go,I'll go warn the--."

I was cut off by a sudden rain of kunai.

"MOVE MOVE MOVE!" I yelled.

Battle ninjas grabbed medical nin and helped them move.About 10 battle ninjas were left over,and stayed back.I helped to fight them.

We were quickly overwhelmed by rains of kunai and shuriken.

"RUN DAMNIT RUN!" I yelled when we couldn't stall any more.

As we ran,ninjas dropped and dropped.I felt a kunai hit my arm,then my leg.Soon,a kunai hit right in front of where i was running,and tripped over.

"Oh crap," I said,pulling out my kunai.

"Come and get me,dicks!" I yelled.I threw my kunai into the trees,and 4 ninjas dropped down,bodies limp.

The rain of kunai and shuriken stopped.I got up and started running again.

(The Second Ambush!)I ran as fast as possible to the new area of the leaf village.I found the area,and slowed down as I walked in.

"Hey,are you guys alright?" I asked.

"Yeah," said a medical nin.

"We need to start building fast,we need at least one home," I said.

"Then help us you lazy asshole," said one of the battle ninjas.

"I need to think first.."

"Fine,you lazy arsehole."

I walked up a tree and sat on a branch,once I focused my chakra.

"I was more tired then usual in that distraction fight,"I thought."Why? I normally have a lot of energy and chakra..I know I went beserk,but even so i still would've had a lot more energy.."

I suddenly felt something pierce my back.It didn't go through all the way,but it was enough to make me fall off.The others noticed,and quickly started to run.I tried to get back up,and succeeded.However,my back was then covered in kunai.I collapsed unconscious.

(Nine Tails Chakra,Passed Down From Naruto.)

I woke up soon.I was on the ground with my face up.I looked to my left,towards the area of the new leaf village.I saw that some people had gotten captured when trying to escape.I felt around for my Blade of Fire,but soon saw that one of the enemies had taken it.

"Fuck," I thought.

I got up,taking out my kunai in the process.One of them noticed me.

"Huh,this kid actually lived from a bunch of kunai in the back and a fall? Impressive for a brat," he said.

The others were alarmed,and one of them took a hostage,holding a kunai to her neck.

I thought about my odds.I had 4 kunai,there were 5 of them with one of them having a hostage.That took out one.But then they had my Blade of Fire..

The supposed leader,also the one who had the hostage,said "Go kill him."

I threw two of my kunai,but they both missed.One of them pulled out my red blade of fire to use it against me.

My sword hilt started to suddenly glow red.The one holding it dropped it quickly.The sword started to move on it's own,then came back to my hand.

"The hell!?" exclaimed one of the enemies.

I ran at them,and somewhat actually felt chakra in my hands as i wielded my sword.When i tried to strike one of them and missed,I was able to see a wave coming out of the ground and hitting the one i missed.

"No jutsu,no nothing.He made that wave happen naturally," said one of the enemy ninjas upon seeing his friend die.

I threw my last two kunai at two of the ninjas,and the kunai were set on fire in air.When it struck the ninjas,they were set on fire and perished.

The final one tried a Great Fireball Technique,but it didn't effect me at all once it hit me.I threw my sword at him,and chopped off his head.My Blade of Fire then returned like a boomerang.The leader released the captive and ran like there was no tomorrow.

The captives got up,and didn't really mind me any attention.All they saw was just a kid that could fight.I didn't mind.I was used to that sort of thing.I sheathed my sword,took back my kunai,and walked away.

"If you want to be acknowledged,do amazing or troublesome things."

My father's words echoed inside my head.I barely remembered him,but I did.

I heard a clatter behind me,and figured that the others had come back.I kept on going.

I heard leaves rustling,and footsteps.I pulled out my sword.

I heard running behind me.I turned around and met a sword.I felt the chakra of that person--it was powerful.Engaging into a sword fight,I pulled out my kunai with my free hand and threw three of them at the person.The kunai were dodged despite the fact that the swords were clashing.

"Oh god!" I yelled,as I was suddenly flung back by a wave of chakra.What the hell was that,I asked myself.The enemy took out a kunai and threw it,hitting me in the stomach.I coughed blood.

"Agh," I exclaimed.I pulled the kunai out of my stomach and got back up,wounded.I threw back the kunai,but it merely scratched the enemy.I started to run backwards,but that was stopped by a shuriken to the knee.I stumbled and fell.

I bled from my knee,and thought I was going to die from blood loss anyway.I closed my eyes,but thought about my blood parents.I opened my eyes and got up.I felt like I had something to accomplish..

My opponent seemed surprised at this.I ran at him while he was stunned in

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