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cakes, made with butter, with or without chocolate, take a temperature of from 350 deg. to 375 deg, Fah. for from forty minutes to an hour. These temperatures are approximate, and are in accordance with the general rules for oven temperature, but this has to be adapted to the recipe. The more sugar used the lower should be the temperature, to avoid burning, and especially when molasses is used does the need to decrease temperature become imperative. The more butter used the higher should be the temperature, at least, until the cake is "set," to keep it from falling. Cakes with much butter need the greatest heat at first, and then a reduced temperature. So do all cakes of small size. Large cakes are better at a uniform temperature, not so high as the average. A different flavor is produced, especially in very rich cakes with a good many eggs, when put into a cool oven and baked with gradually increasing heat, from that developed by a high initial temperature and then a decreased heat. The quality of the flour and shortening also affect the temperature and time needed in baking. It is a good safe thing to follow the rules, and to temper them with judgment. When the cake is just firm in the center, and has shrunk from the sides of the pan, it is done, no matter what the temperature has been or how long it has baked. But you will always get your cake at this condition, more surely and safely, by following the rules, though you must be on the alert to use them with flexibility.
Mystery Cake Another
Mystery Cake
Can You Name It?
The first Royal Mystery Cake Contest created a countrywide sensation. Here is another cake even more wonderful. Who can give it a name that will do justice to its unusual qualities?
This cake can be made just right only with Royal
Baking Powder. Will you make it and name it?
$500 For The Best Names
For the name selected as best, we will pay $250. For the second, third, fourth, and fifth choice, we will pay $100, $75, $50, and $25 respectively. Anyone may enter the contest, but only one name from each person will be considered. All names must be received by December 15th. In case of ties, the full amount of the prize will be given to each tying contestant. Do not send your cake. Simply send the name you suggest With your own name and address, to the
ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO: 158 William Street, New York
Royal Baking Powder
Use level measurements for all materials
1/2 cup shortening 2 1/3 cups flour 1 1/2 cups sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt Grated rind of 1/2 orange      4 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder 1 egg and 1 yolk 1 cup milk 1 1/2 squares (1 1/2 ozs.) of unsweetened chocolate (melted) Cream shortening, add sugar and grated orange rind. Add beaten egg yolks. Sift together flour, salt and Royal Baking Powder and add alternately with the milk; lastly fold in one beaten egg white. Divide batter into two parts. To one part add the chocolate. Put by tablespoonfuls, alternating dark and light batter, into three greased layer cake pans. Bake in moderate oven 20 min.
FILLING AND ICING 3 tablespoons melted butter
3 cups confectioner's sugar
3 squares (3 ozs.) unsweetened chocolate
2 tablespoons orange juice
1 egg white
Grated rind of 1/2 orange and pulp of 1 orange
Put butter, sugar, orange juice and rind into bowl. Cut pulp from orange, removing skin and seeds, and add. Beat all together until smooth. Fold in beaten egg white. Spread this icing on layer used for top of cake. While icing is soft, sprinkle with unsweetened chocolate shaved in fine pieces with sharp knife (use 1/2 square). To remaining icing add 2-1/2 squares unsweetened chocolate which has been melted, Spread this thickly between layers and on sides of cake.

"Holds Like Daddy's"

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Oblong Button

Sold everywhere or sent

Lisle 12 cents Silk 18 cents
George Frost Company
568 Tremont St., Boston

Makers of the famous
Boston Garter for Men

Query No. 4248.—"Will you please give me a recipe for Canned Pimientoes?"

Canned Pimientoes

Cut round the stem of each, and with a small, sharp knife remove the seeds and the white partitions inside. Set on a baking sheet in a hot oven until the thin outside skin puffs and cracks, then remove it with a small, sharp knife. Or they may be scalded, then dipped into cold water and the skin be carefully removed. Sometimes the skin is left on. Now press each one flat, and arrange them in layers, alternately overlapping one another, in the jars, without liquid, and process for twenty-five to thirty-five minutes at 212 deg. Fah. During the processing a thick liquid should exude, covering the pimientoes.

Query No. 4249.—"I should like a recipe for New York Ice Cream."

Classes of Ice Cream

There are three distinct classes of Ice Cream: The Philadelphia, which is supposed to be made of heavy cream; the French, which is made with eggs on a soft custard foundation; and the so-called American, which is made on the foundation of a thin white sauce. All three classes are made in New York, and in every other large city, but we have never heard that any special recipe for ice cream is peculiar to New York. The less expensive forms of cream, in that and every other city, are those based on a thin white sauce, sweetened, flavored, and frozen.

It was the custom of the congregation to repeat the Twenty-third Psalm in concert, and Mrs. Armstrong's habit was to keep about a dozen words ahead all the way through. A stranger was asking one day about Mrs. Armstrong. "Who," he inquired, "was the lady who was already by the still waters while the rest of us were lying down in green pastures?"


The Finest Relish with Beef as well as Poultry
Orange Pekoe
Ceylon Tea


1-lb. Cartons, 60 cents
1/2-lb. Cartons, 35 cents
Choisa Tea
Pre-War Quality

We invite comparison with any tea
selling under $1.00 a pound


6 apples       3/4 cup boiling water 1/2 box Campfire Marshmallows 1 tablespoon butter

Wipe apples, remove core, cut through skin half way down to make points and place in baking dish. Reserve six Campfire Marshmallows, cut remainder in pieces and put in center of apples. Put bits of butter on top.

Surround apples with water and bake in hot oven until soft, basting frequently. Be very careful that they do not lose their shape. Remove from oven, put a whole marshmallow in the top of each apple, and return to oven until slightly brown.

Surround with the syrup from the pan and serve hot or cold with cream.

Recipes on each package

Buy advertised Goods—Do not accept substitutes

Baker's Coconut ... and Cook says there's
a secret behind the flavor
Baker's Coconut has that tempting flavor of the ripe coconut fresh from the Tropics. You'll note its goodness the very first time you try it. You'll realize, too, that coconut is real food, delicious and nourishing—as well as a garnish for other foods.

There IS a secret behind the wonderful flavor of Baker's. See if YOU can find it in the can.

In the can:—Baker's Fresh Grated Coconut—canned in it's own milk.

In the package:—Baker's Dry Shred Coconut—sugar-cured—for those who prefer the old-fashioned kind.

Have YOU a copy of the Baker Recipe Booklet? If not write for it NOW—it's free.

Baker's Coconut: FIRST FOR FLAVOR


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Mrs. Knox's Page

Household Discoveries with Gelatine
HOUSEKEEPERS everywhere are constantly sending me new and unusual uses for gelatine. These hints are so interesting that I am giving as many as possible here, together with one of my own gelatine specialties. If you, too, have discovered some new use for Knox Gelatine, send it to me that I may publish it on this page. A DELICIOUS THANKSGIVING DESSERT
1 envelope Knox Sparkling Gelatine      1 cup maple syrup 1/2 cup cold water 2 cups cream White of 1 egg 1/4 pound nut meats, chopped 1 teaspoonful vanilla 1/8 teaspoonful salt

Soften the gelatine in the cold water ten minutes and dissolve over hot water. Heat the maple syrup and pour on the beaten white of the egg, beating until very light. Beat in the gelatine and, when cool, fold in the cream, beating well, and add vanilla, salt and nut meats. Line mold with lady fingers or slices of stale sponge cake. Turn in the cream and chill.

For after-dinner candies, try Knox Gelatine mints

Fruit juices, from canned or "put-up" fruits, need not be served with the fruit but poured off, saved and made into Knox Gelatine desserts and salads. The juice from canned strawberries, loganberries, or blackberries makes a most delicious jelly when combined with Knox Gelatine, or with nuts, cheese and lettuce, a delightful fruit salad.

Canned apricot juice, jellied with spices and grated orange rind, makes an appetizing relish for meat or fish.

Canned pineapple juice, molded with sliced tomatoes or cucumbers, makes a most unusual jellied salad.

In these fruit juice desserts and salads, use one level tablespoonful Knox Gelatine for every two cups of juice, or two level teaspoonfuls to a cup of liquid. First soften gelatine in cold water and add fruit juice, heated sufficiently to dissolve gelatine. Pour into wet molds and chill.

Bread crumbs, rice and nuts, combined with Knox Gelatine, make a nutritious "Vegetarian Nut Loaf." This may be used in place of meat and is appropriate for a simple home luncheon or dinner. See detailed recipe, page 5, of the Knox booklet, "Food Economy."


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