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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » If He Only Knew by Shy Shy (e reader comics txt) 📖

Book online «If He Only Knew by Shy Shy (e reader comics txt) 📖». Author Shy Shy

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Leaving Early

It's only noon and already, I cannot wait to get out of here.  If I leave early, I can spend a couple of hours in our new house, not even a week moved in, not completely unpacked but happy just the same.  I would have to stop by Lance's job and get the key.  "My baby Lance, best chef in Rockville.  Hmmm, some of those ribs would hit the spot right now."

 I chose not to give him a call for a heads up that I was on my way at 2:30.  My phone was flashing in the car.  Text message from a crazy ex....his crazy ex.  What the eff?  Here is my perfect day going to hell.  I was thinking, once he got off and got home, we could have some crazy sex.  Back him into the wall, groping him, and forcing him to forget all about being mad at me, ha, as if he had any room to be mad anyway.

Constantly, when he was in the wrong, he always found a way to flip anything just like there's a good excuse, and why can't I answer questions but expect some answers.  He went into the account, lost the money, tried to say sorry but too soon flipped on me about not getting enough ass.  I shouldn't care, and honestly I really didn't but I was horny, so today, I was going to satisfy my craving before I went stark cold again.

"Is L with you?  His phone is off?  Tell him I want my shit back?  do ya'll live together?"

This woman had sent text after text and phone calls while I was at work.  I picked up the phone and called her back.  As the phone rang, I prepared myself for what I was about to hear.


 "Hello? Michelle? This is Nikki, is Lance with you?"

"Um, no he is not, I'm working and why are you calling my phone looking for him?"

"Well he is supposed to be your man, but he's been telling me that ya'll aren't together, he owes me money and I have his stuff that he left at my house just last week."

"Excuse me?  Last week."

"Yes, he asked me just last week if he can move in with me."

"Well we live together now as of last week."

"I knew it!  He took my $800 and moved in with another woman!  I'm not a trouble maker, he has been deceiving both of us and I am pissed off.  I want my money back and he can go to hell, he's on his way to jail anyway.  Did you know that he is a wanted man?  He missed his court date and now there is a warrant out for his arrest."

You'd think I'd be in shock, but I wasn't, I'd prepared myself for something like this.  My intuition was good, but no matter how good,  I always hoped I'd be wrong.  I knew he was lying about getting rid of all these women he had in his life to be dedicated to me.

"Well look, I'm on my way to his job, so let me call you back Nikki," I said sarcastically.  No need getting pissed off at her, she was hurt too, only I wasn't feeling mine.  There was a void where hurt should be. 

Pulling up to the steakhouse cuisine restaurant, I pull out my body spray and mist a little.  It wouldn't be much of a surprise that I stopped by because he was holding the only key to the house right now and I would need it to get in.  I pucker up and freshen my lip gloss and proceed to exit the car to enter the restaurant.  My heels clicking and heart racing, I walk up to the counter and wait.


Son of a bitch!  He's been having me fooled all this time, for the past week and a half.  I could not believe it, I had to ask again. 

"The police came in her looking for him in uniform, and I don't think the boss liked that so I think he got fired."  That's what the young girl at the register told me.  All this time I'm thinking he is working, while we moved into the house and the asshole has been lying to me.  We just moved in and the burden of knowing everything would fall on my shoulders didn't sit well.  I was nausious.

I get back into the car, hands shaking and pull out a black n mild.  My nerves were bad, something needed to settle.  As I make my way home through town, mind racing, I finally pull into the front yard.  The TV is on , the xbox game is running and it is football.  I see clearly the Kansas City Chiefs and Patriots are against each other.  It paused.  I knock on the door.  He wasn't moving fast enough, matter of fact, I hadn't heard him move at all.  I banged harder.  He opens the door.  The look on his face read caught, but oh he didn't really know what for yet.


Surprise Visit

 "Hey baby, what you didn't go to work today?' I spoke first.  He had backed far away from me.  He was shirtless, wearing a pair of black gym shorts and socks, clearly he hadn't gotten his ass up out of bed and showed up to work like he said.

"Hey honey, no, I a, I called out.  Why are you banging on the door like that?"

"Oh, I wanted to make sure you heard me, i saw you playing the game through the window and I wanted you to hear me over the volume," I smiled and walked past him into the kitchen.  I pulled out a seat a the kitchen table and sat down looking at my phone.  Nikki had text me and asked if he was working.  I told her he was fired just before I walked in the door, she said, we need to see him together.  I agreed. 

"So, I'm listening, what do you want to talk about?"

"Nothing," I said, lying.  Clearly, he knew there was something, but he didn't deserve to be put out of his misery so soon.

I stood and walked down the hall into the bedroom and removed my sweater.  He was right behind me.  I turn around and place my hands on his shoulder.

"So I was thinking when I got off early, that I could come home and wait for you.  That we could consumate and let me lick all over your body and empty all your juice into my mouth."

"Well what makes you think that I was just going to submit to you after everything we talked about?"

"Because baby, I was just hoping that you wouldn't turn me down and be willing to see what I had to offer you today, I mean, my cycle just went off and your argument wasn't really an argument due to the fact, know what I mean.  So are you turning me down?" I asked as I pressed against him, running my hand down his side while resting the other on the wall behind him.  I leaned in smelling him as I cupped his testicles and felt him harden beneath his pants.  I watched him biting into his bottom lip.  He was thinking exactly what I wanted him to think.

Very seductively, I said to him, " so I went by your job so I could see you and get the key and come home to get ready for you."  The vein in his temple popped out as he clinched his teeth.

"And you know what they told me?" He swallowed, preparing himself for my next words.  "They told me you had been fired two weeks ago."

He looked like a sad puppy.

"Baby, I was going to tell you."

"Tell me when Lance," I was still holding his balls.  He didn't dare shift.

"Probably the end of this week, I knew I couldn't keep it from you that long."

I brought my hand down and put my arms around his neck.  "You have warrants for your arrest, the police showed up to your job in uniform."

He shook his head, "I didn't know that, anyone went looking for me."

I dropped my hands and walked back into the kitchen.  He followed, stopping at the corner of the hallway and living room with his hands in his pocket.  The doorbell rang.  I turned and looked at him, his body shifted, looking at the door.  He finally walks over and I assume, looks out the window.  His steps quicken and he comes to the doorway.

"Why is Nikki at our front door?"

I get up from my seat and casually walk to the front door.

"Did you invite her to our house?"

I didn't answer.  I opened the door and there she was, in the flesh.  she was wearing nursing scrubs, bright colored turquise pants and a pink top with some designs etched all over them.  He hair was pulled back into a long but really thin pony tail.  She had a scar in the corner of her mouth right above her right dimple.  I opened the door and directed her in.

He must have disappeared when i opened the door and then he showed back up standing on the corner of the hallway and living room once again looking a little intimidated, glaring, tryng not to react to the highly uncomfortable situation I placed him in.

She stopped right in front of him.

"What are you doing showing up to our house," he asked her calmly.

I was puzzled.

"What the fuck Lance, you just asked me last week to move in with me and here you are moved in with another woman!"

I rested my shoulder on the corner, placing an amused smile on my face, watching his every move and facial expression.  He said nothing.

Her anger rose and she cursed him with everything she had.  Taking out her phone and scrolling through the messages, she handed it to me, I took it and read through them as he watched me entertain it with nervous eyes.

She threatened him numberous times, but showed concern about losing her job.

"And you just gon stand there and look dumb and not say nothing Lance?"

"Are you finished?" he asked her.

"Fuck you, you don't care about nobody but yourself.  I'm a good woman and I know she probably is too," pointing in my direction, "one day you are going to

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