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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » Lies Never Last by Earon Lenea (motivational novels TXT) 📖

Book online «Lies Never Last by Earon Lenea (motivational novels TXT) 📖». Author Earon Lenea


Sighing I watched Alex hang out with his new friends. The rich ones 'cool' ones. Unlike me. I'm the freak with no friends, no money. I had one, a long time ago. Alex Nomak. The sweetest boy in this school, or well he used to be. One day out of nowhere he just left me. Sneered at me like all the other kids in school. The Emo Chick that’s my name. Only name anyone knows. A long time ago people knew my by Christy but now, even the teachers don’t know my name. I do good enough to pass but that’s about it. I’m not in classes most days, if at all it seems lately. I live on my own. My mom passed away a few years ago. My dad is a lazy drunk.
Leaving school again I walked down to the tracks. I’m a senior this year. One more month left and I can get as far away from hell hole as possible. I might try Collage, I doubt it though. As I walked along the railroad tracks I closed my eyes letting the peace of being alone cloud my senses. I felt my lips turn up into a small smile, a sigh slipped through my lips as the sun warmed my face.
"Hey you." Jerking in shock I slipped on the railing I was standing on. Quickly the guy that had yelled out to me dove for me but didn’t get to me in time. My head hit something and I blacked out.


I looked up and saw a figure moving a little bit away from me. The same girl that comes through here almost every day. She had her face lifted to the sky a small smile on her lips. As I got closer saw cuts running down her arms. The most beautiful girl in the word was covered in scars. "Hey you!" I yelled out not thinking about it. Her whole body jerked, her eyes flying open. She screeches as her foot slipped off of the railings. I dived towards her but didn’t get to her fast enough. Her head hit the railings. I froze then noticed blood running from her head. Grabbing my phone out of my pocket I called 911.
After getting off of the phone I slowly knelt lifting her onto my lap she was to still. I brushed her hair out of her face. I held her waiting for everyone to show up.
I rode with her to the ER. They stitched her head closed then told me to take her home, giving me her address. She woke up as I was buckling her into the front seat of Isaac, my best friend's car.
"Who are you and what are you doing to me?" she shrieked
"Calm down it’s alright. You fell and hit your head splitting it open. They asked me to give you a ride home. They couldn’t get a hold of your dad so I offered. It was my fault you fell. I feel really bad."
"I don’t remember anything."
"You were walking along the railroad railings and I yelled out to you and you slapped and fell. It’s all my fault. I’m so sorry."
"Don’t feel bad. It was an accident," she whispered her eyes drifting shut. I climbed into the driver’s seat. Pulling out of the parking lot I felt a hand rest on my arm. I looked over at the girl; I still don’t know her name, "yes?"
"I don’t want to go home, will you take me to a hotel or something."
"You need to go home you need someone to watch you tonight."
"I’m not going to have anyone to watch me at home I’m better off at a Hotel."
"What do you mean? Where are your mom and dad?"
"My mom died and my dad is a drunk. He doesn’t want me."
"You can come home with me ill watch you but you need to leave a message for your dad so he won’t call the cops." sending me a small smile she rested her head back against the head rest, closing her eyes she feel back to sleep.


I dont no what had came over me when I asked this boy that I dont know to take me to his place, I just knew that I didnt want to go home. When I woke up again the boy was carring me up a set of stairs. Gently he placed me onto a bed, handing me a phone. I called my dad but he didnt answer, no suprise, so I left him a message even though I knew he could care less what I was doing. dropping the phone beside my head I curled up under the blankets quickly falling back to sleep.
"Sweetie? Wake up. You need to eat."
"Mmkay." I Moaned trying to get up but I got to dizzy and feel back onto the bed.
"You don't need to get out of bed lets just get you sat up," I looked at the boy over me and smiled softly.
"Help me?" I asked blushing
"Oh yeah. Sorry." I heard a plate being sat down then he was quickly back at my side, "if I hurt you please tell me."
"alright," i smled up at him as he gently slid his arm under me. I let out a hiss as he pressed on a tender spot on my arm.
"im sorry im so sorry," he gasped as i dug my nails into his arm.


Publication Date: 06-07-2012

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