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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online Ā» Drama Ā» Learning To Love by Zoey.Stark Z.S (best value ebook reader .TXT) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«Learning To Love by Zoey.Stark Z.S (best value ebook reader .TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Zoey.Stark Z.S

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My Boo

Yeah I know you think this is some stupid vampire story with a stupid love story interest right? Wrong, no this is about me and my crazy life. I am not a supernatural-mythical what not, I am just a regular 17 year old who just likes to say ā€˜bite meā€™ a lot. Apparently, thatā€™s what I am known for now. Whatever I donā€™t care. Oh my name is Holland Aubree Hemmings, I am very well known I donā€™t wanna say popular because I think itā€™s like saying I rule the school and I donā€™t thatā€™s the principalā€™s job. I am just I guess you can say different, because I am really outgoing, I really donā€™t care what people think of me, and I do a lot of crazy stuff. My living situation well thatā€™s just different too, I live in my own condo, because both of my parents are filthy fucking rich and wanted to get me out the house soon as they could. I was in boarding schools for the longest but I finally got out of that when I started my freshman year thatā€™s when mommy and daddy dearest decided I was ready to face the world and put me in private school. Which by the way isnā€™t much different the only difference is, is I actually get to go home at the end of the day. Thereā€™s one thing I love about living on my own, parties whenever I wanna have them. Yeah your probably thinking what about your neighbors, I donā€™t have any I am at the very top of the building and thereā€™s one whole floor between me and my ā€˜neighborā€™. Now you know about my wonderful life as me so letā€™s get on with the story that would either kill me or make me a better person. On with the story...I wake up with my Iphoneā€™s alarm going off like crazy so I slide my screen to shut it off. I get up looking a mess but I some how swing my feet onto the floor. I look at my phone and saw it was 5:30am, I was just like fuck school. I get up and go get a shower washing my hair and body letting the warm water consume my body. After getting out and drying off I go to my closet and look for a outfit to wear for the day, I look at the back put on some lace underwear and my bomb bra from Victoria secrets even though I really donā€™t need it. Then find my blue jean skinny jeans that are pre-ripped and have lace where the holes are I slide those on and look for a white tank top and put that on. I will find a shirt after I get done with my hair and makeup. I look at my face in the mirror even though itā€™s like close to flawless, like seriously thatā€™s probably the only thing my parents have done right for me is give me my amazing looks. I get my piercing blue eyes from my mom along with my high cheek bones and from my dad I get my perfect wavy light brown hair and my perfect shaped lips. Now my figure who knows where I get that from probably my Aunt Ida, I am a perfect hour class, my boobs are amazing there double dā€™s, my butt is perfectly round and kind of big I guess you could say, and my tummy is flat but a little toned along with my arms. You could say I was really blessed with my looks and body. The funny thing about it I play no sports at school I only skateboard when I wanna and go to the gym every now and then. Anyhow, I blow dry my hair on a low setting then do my makeup which does not take too long the longest part about it is getting the cat eyeliner right. Then I finish off putting a light lip-gloss on and go pick out a shirt. I pick out my side cut out t-shirt that is royal blue with white lettering that says 'Mad Or Nah?ā€™ on it. I head to the kitchen and get an apple and grab my keys off the counter. I head downstairs, I take the stairs like I always do in the mornings itā€™s a good way to wake me up. After going down 12 flights of stairs I roll my eyes at myself like always do and get into my full size pick-up crank it up and drive out the lot into the streets. I needed to stop at starbucks first I was in need of a Java chip. I get to starbucks in record time because itā€™s literally only down the street away from my building I order a grande and after about a 10 minute wait I get my coffee and head to school. The school is a 10 minute drive from starbucks by then though my phone kept going on so I picked it up with my blutooth in my truck. ā€œHello?ā€ I said.

ā€œBabe where are you?ā€ My boo asked me. No heā€™s not my boyfriend heā€™s my boo because we are not labeling ourselves that because of the whole not wanting to be tied down thing. Which by the way was my idea because I donā€™t wanna get emotionally attached to some guy who is probably going to end up going his own way anyways.

ā€œBoo I literally just parked.ā€ I told him.

ā€œOh, I see your truck. Iā€™ll be there in a minute.ā€ He said. Sounded like he was running too, which is cute I might add because he was like THE athlete at our school so any girl could have him if heā€™d let them. But he does not because he keeps telling me heā€™s going to stay loyal to yours truly, even if I am not loyal. Which by the way in the 2 years weā€™ve been fooling around I have not even ā€œtalkedā€ to a guy like that. He use to be the play boy the school back in Freshman and Sophomore year, he got all the girls literally, he slept with half the school, when I transferred to the school in my Sophomore year everyone said I had changed his short temper play boy ways. Which was weird because I wasnā€™t wanting anything serious in the beginning we were just friends we hung out a lot watched movies cuddled, about a month into it he had stop seeing any other girl besides me. I felt special in a way but I still wasnā€™t ready for a serious relationship, together we are each others and thatā€™s it. Anyways when he hops in the truck and hangs up I smile.

ā€œGood morning, beautiful.ā€ He says to me smiling.

ā€œGood morning, handsome.ā€ I say back.

ā€œWhy didnā€™t you reply to my texts this morning?ā€ He asked me.

ā€œCrap, boo I am sorry you know how I am in the mornings.ā€ I said to him giving him that I am really sorry face.

ā€œItā€™s okay baby girl.ā€ He kisses me deeply which catches me off guard. I kiss him back deeply though but stops it mid kiss.

ā€œWe should stop before we start something we canā€™t finish.ā€ I said to him. Oh, did I mention he took my virginity at prom last year I know so cliche but whatever. It was the best night of my life and ever since then we have been hooking up.

ā€œOkay babe. So are you ready for winter break?ā€ He asked me.

ā€œYes I am very much ready for winter break. What about you?ā€ I asked him also.

ā€œYeah I am baby girl. I am ready to spend everyday with you.ā€ He said to me.

ā€œAww baby.ā€ I said smiling at him.

ā€œBaby instead of going away this break can we just stay at my place.ā€ I asked him. He usually plans something for us since his parents are always so busy with the family business that all they do is send him one gift and some money. And thatā€™s his Christmas, me on the other hand loves celebrating it so I make sure I find him the perfect gifts and we always decorate where ever we are and we even get a small tree and put our presents under there.

ā€œBaby, are you sure? We always go away for Christmas.ā€ He said. ā€œYeah I know, I just want to have Christmas at home for once.ā€ I said to him. ā€œOkay baby. Thatā€™s fine with me.ā€ He said smiling.

ā€œLetā€™s get to class.ā€ I said to him. So we got out the truck and went to class. I am going to spare you the details of how quadratic equations help for factoring equations. And how girls still hate the fact that me and Weston are together. I will tell you why they hate that me and Weston are together, heā€™s literally the perfect man. Weston Michael Aurelio Novak has dark black hair with beautiful sunflower eyes I like to call them they are blue with specs of yellow-green and brown around the pupil, and his body is just beyond perfection, he has broad shoulders, with a hard as rock six pack, he has some nice toned muscles but not overly muscled, and heā€™s 6'7'ā€™. So yeah, heā€™s very much the best looking guy at the school and well his family is pretty wealthy. He fell for me in our sophomore year and ever since he wonā€™t let me go. He loves me, but I feel like I am incapable of love. Ever since I donā€™t really know what love is, love to me is buying something for someone and them loving it so that means they love you. I didnā€™t think I knew true love till I met Weston heā€™s made a difference in me and I love it. Heā€™s really showed me how to love and I didnā€™t think it was possible to love someone as much as I love Weston. He makes my day better and heā€™s always there for me but in the end I am just scared heā€™s going to leave. Who knows whatā€™s going to happen though. This being our last year in high school and itā€™s basically half way over. Anyways at the end of the day I was honestly just ready to go home and relax with Weston by the end of the day. I get out of my last class of the day I go straight to my truck and leave. When I get to my building I go straight up to my condo and crash onto the couch. Weston comes in a little later after that lays on top of me and starts kissing me deeply.

ā€œNow we can start something we can finish.ā€ He whispers on to my lips. He starts kissing all over my neck making me slightly moan.

ā€œBoo are you sure want to like right now?ā€ I said to him.

ā€œOh baby I am sure.ā€ He says while kissing down my body taking his shirt off. He slides his hand up my shirt and grabs my breast and starts massaging it slowly making me moan more. He took my shirt off fast as he could, he was kissing my neck making me moan which made him moan, which just made me want him even more.

ā€œI want you now.ā€ I said to him whispering in his ear. Next thing I know he was taking his pants and boxers off, then he slips my pants and panties off kissing down my body and back up. I moaned loudly starting to become impatient when he finally entered me. I moaned loudly wanting him deeper in me, he figured it out and went deeper inside me....

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