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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » love rips your lungs out by Paulina Zielaskiewicz (mini ebook reader .TXT) 📖

Book online «love rips your lungs out by Paulina Zielaskiewicz (mini ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Paulina Zielaskiewicz

How do you tell when your loved one is gone? Well you can’t tell when they are gone because you will never feel it.

When i was a little girl just think the little one on the side of the corridors every lunchtime, not even one person came up to me, when i was all lonely. people like that are called no hearted stows lovers. People don’t give a dam about you, oh I forgot to tell you my name was Kelly Rix and i was 6 years old back then i lived in a big town called Washington in USA. A place where you don’t get respect and give respect well that’s what some thought but not my mum she was a great person always on the right to reach and never let go until one day till she had to let go of my hand there was no more mum i love you or can u swing me! She had died when i was only 7 years old she died of cancer breast cancer my dad didn’t want to tell me until i was 10 years old.
5 years later
Kelly you’re going to be late for your new school (Kelly) ok I’m coming dad jezz just wait a second pleas. Ok Hun don’t be late, finally your down where was you oh in my room thinking of the old times when i was bullies in my old schools dad i don’t want to be bullied again i just want to live a happy life for once i don’t want no mum ding or kids bulling i just had enough of that ok finish you drink and get in the car i promise no think will go wrong.
8:30am School bell rings
And here we go again! Teacher picks me up to give me a new time table for the month and takes me to my new class.
Nock come in the teacher said. Everyone looks at me like I’m some skank bag or something i didn’t even do any think to get that un respected looks from every one, oh hold on yeh i was from Washington it’s a bit different there i had to move because my dad travels round the world to see if he can find a good job ,somewhere. Oh and guess where we are right now? Yes you were right Stratford in California hoe lame is that. So any way let’s get back to that thing ok everyone was looking at me and steering like i have no idea what i was or let me say who i was , so the teacher sat me down to this guy i don’t know him but yes he was fit so i was finishing my English work that we had to do about Rome and Juliette, then he asked me hi how rood of me not to ask you your name oh that’s ok don’t worry any way my name is Alex, Alex Joshing oh are you like one of the popular kids in school oh gosh no i so hate them thinking that there are all it yeh i so get you sometimes you just can’t fit in. (bell rings for lunchtime) so who do had round with at lunch time?... Alex! Hmm.. Yeh what did you was i said who do you had out with at lunchtime? Oh just 2 other kids Den and Amanda oh cool can i meat them yes shore. Oh let me just tell you Den is gay so just don’t use him as a laugh joke pleas oh dam no way i am like that ok thanks.
2 hours later school finishes
Bye Den Alex and Amanda
Bye Kelly do you want me to walk you home...? Hmm OMG you scared me Alex. But yeh you can walk me home. Cool so how do you like school? well not very much, why? I used to get bullied at school and then year later my mum died so it’s hard to live that way.
Oh I’m so sorry Kelly (they hug) Kelly are you ok? Yeh I’m fine i got used to that now Alex leans toward Kelly and he kisses her and... You call that love at first sight Kelly never had a kiss before so that a first to find friends and boyfriend to on the same day. How cool is that? So Alex err...? Yeh err... see you in school i ran to my room and fell on my bed and then thought OMG! I just had my first kiss. And just made some cool mates all in one day! (Dad calls her down for a cup of tea) darling are you coming down for a cup of tea? Yes dad I’m coming wait 1 second pleas. Ok but i have to talk to you about something very important (Kelly walks doe the stairs) yes dad? Well you know before your mother died. Yeh i didn’t tell you that she wanted you to have this. (it was a beautiful ring that my mum had put on when i was born) oh dad are you sure that i can have this? Yah darling i am sure your mother wanted you to have this on your 16th birthday but i thought i might give it to you now but dad my birthday is in OMG! It’s in 5 days! I’m so exited can i invite 3 of my mates over pleas?

Well she didn’t practically say yes but who gives a dam i want my mates to come over and stay for my birthday. So i did tell they and then it went all over the school and everyone wanted to come to my birthday! I was in big trouble but if that got me to getting more friend they hell yes i want everyone to come over.
It was a day of my birthday the 17th on July and this the day everyone is coming to my birthday what do i tell my dad?

The next book is coming out soon


Publication Date: 07-01-2011

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