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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » The Demons Waypoint by Belinda H., H. (best memoirs of all time txt) 📖

Book online «The Demons Waypoint by Belinda H., H. (best memoirs of all time txt) 📖». Author Belinda H., H.

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The Contract is Valid

A young girl opened her eyes as she awoke in a thick forest. She could feel the wetness of her blood on her side. What had happened? Why couldn't she remember anything? Was she in a fight? As she sat up a wince escaped her lips. She held her head as a voice echoed through her head." You are safe." She blinked and sighed." Who are you?" She asked out loud." I am your guardian, but only until you achieve your wish." She looked around confused." What's my wish?" She said as she stood up while noticing a strange symbol carved on her side." You don't remember, but you will soon. Do you remember your name?" The voice said to her." No." She said and held her side to try and slow the bleeding." How about I call you Rose?" The male voice said to her." Ok. What's your name?" Rose asked him." Raum. Would you like to see me now Rose?" He asked her quietly." Yes I...I'm ready." She said with a quiver in her voice. A figure walked out from behind a tree and smiled at her. The smile made her shiver in fear. He had medium length white hair with grey eyes, and pale skin." Do I scare you?" His smooth voice said to her. She shook her head no." Where are we?" She asked as he walked over to her. He appeared to be at least 5'8 and was wearing a black shirt with a punisher skull on it with black jeans. Then he began to observe his new master. She had dark brown hair, her eyes were a deep green and shown fear in them which made him chuckle." Your only 16 you know that right Rose?" She shook her head no. 'So she really doesn't remember anything...' Raum thought to himself." Don't worry. We're going somewhere that no one knows you. You'll be safe. Well until they know what you've done~" He placed a hand and her head as his grey eyes glowed red." Sleep." He said and she passed out." This is going to be a great adventure."

A Home for Rosie

Rose awoke in what looked to be a log cabin.' Where am I?' She thought to herself and sat up." Your in Pluckley, Kent, UK. This place we are in is known as the screaming forest." Raum said as he was gutting what seemed to be a rabbit. She was about to ask how he knew what she was thinking, but suddenly the caw of a crow caught her attention. It was sitting on a perch next to a thrush and raven." Do you like birds?" She asked him." Thrush, Crow, and Raven." He said as he threw the guts out the cabin window." What about doves?" She asked and he stopped what he was doing." I find them to be to pure. Same with white roses." He told her then continued what he was doing. Rose hummed in thought then came up with something." Do you like Vultures?" She asked while still on topic." I prefer ravens or crows, but vultures are alright in my eyes." He said as he started to skin the fur off the rabbit. He had some spices in the corner of his countertop probably to season it. Then she noticed the blood was in a once empty jar with a seal on top." What's the blood for?" She asked as she got up." He turned to her and gripped her chin roughly." You sure do ask many questions. Is that an order for me to tell you?" He said as his eyes glowed red. Rose frowned and shook her head no." Then I'm not going to tell you." He said and walked back over to his table." Fine it's and order." She said and glared at him." It's just in case I need to summon anything that I can use to protect you Rose." He said as he placed the container in a cupboard. Her stomach growled and she blushed when he chuckled." Hungry are you? Well this rabbit will be ready in at least 30 minutes to an hour." He said as he started to dry rub the spices into the rabbit." What are you?" She asked him and he grinned which made her shiver in discomfort." I am....none of your business my lady." He said as he opened a door for her." This room is for you. It will have everything you need until your wish is complete, then after that.....I get what I want." She pouted and was about to order him to tell her what he was when he spoke." Demon." He said and left her alone in the room." A....demon?" 

Unpleasant Meal

Rose was sitting in her room staring at the mirror trying to fix her hair." This suits you." Raum's voice announced as he put a pink rose in her hair. She looked back at him and smiled." Lunch is ready milady." He said and lead her outside. There was a soft purple blanket ,with the food on it, sitting in the grass. During her munching Rose stopped and looked at her protector to see him not eating anything." Aren't you hungry?" She asked with a look of confusion." I don't eat normal, human, food." He said and smiled that creepy grin of his." Well.....w-what do you eat?" Rose asked nervously." Souls. Human and Angel souls, and don't forget blood and wine." He said and chuckled at her frightened look." Your soul is mine once your wish is fulfilled." He said and held her chin is his hand." Your untainted." He whispered  to her and leaned forward to brush his lips against her ear that made her shiver." St-stop it!" She said as she pushed him away. He chuckled and grinned." I will leave you be for now." He said softly and stood." Call my name if you need me." He said and left her side.

Lord Terry

Many months later, Raum and Rose were in London." It's so beautiful." Rose said in awe." I've been in this area far to many times." Raum said with a blank expression." Who is this lovely lady?" A soft male voice said calmly." W-who me?" Rose said as se looked at the handsome lad. He had amber brown eyes and back hair." Yes you. Who did you think I was speaking of? I would never address a common man like that." He said and pushed Raum out of the way. Raum growled darkly and tightened his fists as his eyes glowed red. The man kissed Rose's hand and smiled." I'm Lord Terry, and you are?" Terry asked her with a grin." I-I'm Rose." She stuttered." Ah what a beautiful name. Would you like to have some tea at my manor?" He asked and held her hand." I would love to!" Rose said happily." Can we go? Please Raum?" She said to him pleadingly." Frolic in your filthy customs? I haven't the faintest idea if I should allow you to." Raum said as he was glaring angrily." That's an order Raum." Rose growled to him. Raum frowned then sighed." As you wish my Mistress." He said her and followed her to the horse drawn carriage.' This is going to be a painfully long day.' Raum thought to himself.

The Beast Has Been Bested

At the manor after Rose and Terry had tea they were in a beautiful room with a balcony and green velvet wallpaper." Have you ever used a Ouija board before?" Terry asked with a grin." A-aren't those dangerous..." Rose asked unsurely." It's perfectly harmless." Terry said and got into the position to use it.Raum was aimlessly walking around the manor until he sensed Rose was in danger. He sprinted to where she was and listened closely behind the locked door."Does anyone wish to speak to us?" Terry asked aloud." Y.E.S." Terry announced as the piece moved to the letters. Rose looked shocked." What's your name?" She asked and leaned closer to the board." W.H.E.R.E I.S R.A.U.M." Terry said as it spelled out that sentence." Where is Raum, How do you know Raum?" Rose asked then screamed as tentacles burst out of the wall followed by a pitch black figure with green glowing eyes." Bloody Hell!!!" Terry yelled out in shock and tried to open the door." IT WON'T OPEN!!" He cried out."Move out of the way!" Raum yelled through the door. Terry moved and Raum broke down the door." Raummmmmm~" The evil creature purred. Raum's eyes glowed red as he took up a fighting stance." What do you want with me!?" Raum growled at the creature." Soullll Hungry neeeeeed~" The creature rumbled." Go to hell foul monster." Raum growled a took a sword off of a display on the wall. He cut of

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