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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » what a lose, you are the one who is reponcible by chamudi semini (ebook audio reader TXT) 📖

Book online «what a lose, you are the one who is reponcible by chamudi semini (ebook audio reader TXT) 📖». Author chamudi semini


[This is a situation which was occurred in a shop regarding some sales item]

Scene 1

Characters-the shop keeper Wilson, the one who came to by the refrigerator also owner of another shop Thusath

[In a large shop which sells refrigerators and other items]

Wilson-good morning

Thusath-good morning, as I’ve informed you earlier I’m here to by few refrigerators to sell my shop.

Wilson-ahh, oh Thusath, I’m Wilson

[Thusath says nodding and while examine the refrigerator]

Thusath-how much will be the price of these goods over here

Wilson-oh they are about 60 000 rupees

Thusath-that much, oh man I’m also doing a business here

Wilson-oh but regarding the cost which cost me for the ingredients you will be great full to have the refrigerator at that money

Thusath-oh but as it looks this refrigerator would not cost that much money

Wilson-oh now you are speaking to me like that all the cost I’ve input to this refrigerator is 54 000 rupees

Thusath-oh it’s not even fair I’ll buy this for 56 000 rupees and also just don’t remember that I’m buying several refrigerators also

Wilson-oh it’s not fair, I’ll sell it to you for 58 000 rupees when regarding the labor cost its fair

Thusath-ok then deal then as I’ve mentioned earlier I’ll buy 5 fridges

Wilson –ok then saman

[Calling a sevent boy]

Wilson-pack five fridges of this size

[While giving the money]

Thusath-ok then here is the total money

[Wilson counts the money and become happy]

Wilson-oh thanks sir, saman hurry

[Thusath says while looking at the people]

Thusath- he is such a moron. He has a profit of 4000 each and I’ve bought 5 already and he has a 20 000 rupees of profit.


Scene 2

Characters-Thusath, his servant boy Gayan

[The refrigerators have bought to the shop and Gayan is examine it]

Gayan-oh this refrigerator looks very good. Sir this time you had done a good job choosing the refrigerators

Thusath-oh it’s no big deal. But this time they had increased the price of the refrigerators.

[Gayan while acting cool and shows that he understands every bit]

Gayan-oh it is a very sad thing to be heard of. How much sir was their profit sir

[Thusath tells while taking a very sad expression and a very hurt sound]

Thusath- oh he had 4 000 rupees each. And I bought 5 and that moron even didn’t had a little discount.

Gayan-oh sir that is a very sad thing indeed. What was his selling price sir?

Thusath-oh don’t even talk about that it was 58 000 rupees.

[Gayan doesn’t understand even a bit which Thusath was saying. He asks the watching people]

Gayan-oh my, I doesn’t even understand a bit of what he is saying but I also must show him that I’m not a fool

[Gayan speak with Thusath and also act’s like he understand the all]

Gayan-oh then he had a 20 000 rupees of profit

[Thusath now looks little happy and speaks to the watchers]

Thusath-oh this boy Gayan, this is the best way to tease him

[There is a wicked smile sat across Thuath’s face]

Gayan-so sir what was the cost of the refrigerator maker.

Thusath-oh Gayan as you have succeeded this much I think you already know the cost of his

[Gayan answers without thinking a lot]

Gayan-oh then it probably is 38 000 rupees

Thusath-oh no what a fool are you. You don’t even know how to subtract something from another number.

Gayan- oh it is 34 000.

[Again tells looking as he has understood the question]

Gayan-you know sir the selling price is 58 000 rupees and the profit he had is 4 000 so as I’m a bright one I can simply tell the answer is 54 000 rupees

Thusath-ok ok I know that you are a bright one from the beginning. So mark the price of these refrigerators keeping a profit of 7 000 rupees

Gayan- ok sir it is probably……………..

[Gayan thinks for a few minutes and takes the calculator]

Thusath-oh you fool it is probably 65 000 rupees

[Gayan looking little astonished by Thusath’s sudden reply .reply back to maintain his status]

Gayan-oh, I was about to answer

Thusath-ok ok no need of remembering. I know you are the brilliant here. Make a display board and write the price. I have an important call.


Scene 3

Characters-Gayan, Thusath, the ones who come to take the refrigerator, costumers

Thusath-this refrigerator hasn’t been sold out

[Thusath asks Gayan]

Thusath-Gayan do you know the reason for this refrigerator to not to be sold out.

Gayan-oh actually I wasn’t paying attention to that refrigerator. But all the other fridges were sold out

Thusath-then Gayan pay attention to what the costumers say about this refrigerator

Gayan-ok sir I’ll pay attention


Next day’s morning

[Some customers have come to the shop and Gayan is showing the items to them.]

Gayan-oh sir this is a new refrigerator and it is also cheap. There were five of this type and they all were sold out.

Costumer-oh is it so but this is an old type there are many new types of refrigerators

[Gayan thinking to himself]

Gayan-so this is the reason for not to people buying this refrigerator

[Gayan looking back at the costumer]

Gayan-oh then would you like to see another items. We have rice cookers and also other items.

Costumer-oh no I’ve been here before. I was on my way to the workplace.

Gayan-thank you sir and come again.


In another part of the shop talking to Thusath

[Gayan tells while shouting]

Gayan-sir I’ve found the reason for not to being our goods sold.

Thusath-just don’t shout like you are Arkimidis.

[With a face covered with embracement]

Gayan-ok sir I’ve found the reason for not to being the refrigerator sold out

Thusath-yes then tell me the reason.

Gayan-what else, because it is an old module

Thusath-then if that is the reason we must put it on sale.

Gayan-yes sir then how much would be the discount percentage would be

Thusath-like 5% or 6% but make sure not to get over the bought price. We would have a lose

Gayan-got it sir

Later on Gayan is speaking to him self

Gayan-so if the discount is 5% the price will be ……………………………………. If it is 6% the price would be …………………………………………. So the perfect percentage would be 6%

Gayan-sir I think it would be appropriate if we put 6% as the discount.

[Thusath looks overboard. So he asks]

Thusath-Gayan tell me the way you got this answer.

Gayan-it’s so simple the way is that ……………................................................................... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

[Looking impressed]

Thusath-ok than put on a sales board.

Gayan-ok sir


Scene 4

Characters- Gayan, Thusath, the lady who comes to by the refrigerator Shyla, her friends

[There is a sale board which all the people can see, in this time on a corner of the stage we can hear a sound of giggles and pretty girls appear from the corner of the stage]

Gayan-oh these girls are pretty.

[While he expresses his thought in that manner the girls stop in front of the shop and chats about the refrigerator and enters the shop]

Gayan-oh good morning

[Girls giggle]

[Gayan looks a little embraced]

Gayan-ok then what were you girls looking at

[Another giggle from the girls, but this time the most beautiful girl among them speaks]

Shyla-oh we were looking at the refrigerator which was mentioned on the board.

[The girl speaks with a very nice twinkling voice, Gayan looks like he is in a dream]

Shyla-excuse me I was ….

Gayan- oh the refrigerator mentioned on the board is this refrigerator

Shyla-oh it is very nice. What is the discount?

Gayan-oh it has 20% of discount

Shyla-oh is it so I’m going to buy it

[A lot more conversations and the girl pays and leaves]



Back at the shop Gayan is speaking with Thusath

Thusath-oh it seems like that the refrigerator has been sold out

Gayan-yes of course sir.

Thusath-what was the price

Gayan- it was …………………………… rupees

Thusath-you moron what was the discount I thought that it was 6%

[Gayan looking a bit astonished and little bit later as he remembered everything he become very scared]

Thusath-[nearly shouting] tell me at once what the discount was

Gayan-it is 20%

[Thusath I now barely controlling his anger and shouts at Gayan]

Thusath-do you know how much did I lost because of your foolish thing lost ………………… this much are you stile telling that you calculated rightly. You are the foolish boy that I have ever met.

[There is a lot more discussion about percentages in this drama.]




Chamudi Semini Athapaththu






















Publication Date: 02-24-2015

All Rights Reserved

i dedicate this book to my father and mother

Free ebook «what a lose, you are the one who is reponcible by chamudi semini (ebook audio reader TXT) 📖» - read online now

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