what a lose, you are the one who is reponcible by chamudi semini (ebook audio reader TXT) 📖

- Author: chamudi semini
Book online «what a lose, you are the one who is reponcible by chamudi semini (ebook audio reader TXT) 📖». Author chamudi semini
[This is a situation which was occurred in a shop regarding some sales item]
Scene 1
Characters-the shop keeper Wilson, the one who came to by the refrigerator also owner of another shop Thusath
[In a large shop which sells refrigerators and other items]
Wilson-good morning
Thusath-good morning, as I’ve informed you earlier I’m here to by few refrigerators to sell my shop.
Wilson-ahh, oh Thusath, I’m Wilson
[Thusath says nodding and while examine the refrigerator]
Thusath-how much will be the price of these goods over here
Wilson-oh they are about 60 000 rupees
Thusath-that much, oh man I’m also doing a business here
Wilson-oh but regarding the cost which cost me for the ingredients you will be great full to have the refrigerator at that money
Thusath-oh but as it looks this refrigerator would not cost that much money
Wilson-oh now you are speaking to me like that all the cost I’ve input to this refrigerator is 54 000 rupees
Thusath-oh it’s not even fair I’ll buy this for 56 000 rupees and also just don’t remember that I’m buying several refrigerators also
Wilson-oh it’s not fair, I’ll sell it to you for 58 000 rupees when regarding the labor cost its fair
Thusath-ok then deal then as I’ve mentioned earlier I’ll buy 5 fridges
Wilson –ok then saman
[Calling a sevent boy]
Wilson-pack five fridges of this size
[While giving the money]
Thusath-ok then here is the total money
[Wilson counts the money and become happy]
Wilson-oh thanks sir, saman hurry
[Thusath says while looking at the people]
Thusath- he is such a moron. He has a profit of 4000 each and I’ve bought 5 already and he has a 20 000 rupees of profit.
Scene 2
Characters-Thusath, his servant boy Gayan
[The refrigerators have bought to the shop and Gayan is examine it]
Gayan-oh this refrigerator looks very good. Sir this time you had done a good job choosing the refrigerators
Thusath-oh it’s no big deal. But this time they had increased the price of the refrigerators.
[Gayan while acting cool and shows that he understands every bit]
Gayan-oh it is a very sad thing to be heard of. How much sir was their profit sir
[Thusath tells while taking a very sad expression and a very hurt sound]
Thusath- oh he had 4 000 rupees each. And I bought 5 and that moron even didn’t had a little discount.
Gayan-oh sir that is a very sad thing indeed. What was his selling price sir?
Thusath-oh don’t even talk about that it was 58 000 rupees.
[Gayan doesn’t understand even a bit which Thusath was saying. He asks the watching people]
Gayan-oh my, I doesn’t even understand a bit of what he is saying but I also must show him that I’m not a fool
[Gayan speak with Thusath and also act’s like he understand the all]
Gayan-oh then he had a 20 000 rupees of profit
[Thusath now looks little happy and speaks to the watchers]
Thusath-oh this boy Gayan, this is the best way to tease him
[There is a wicked smile sat across Thuath’s face]
Gayan-so sir what was the cost of the refrigerator maker.
Thusath-oh Gayan as you have succeeded this much I think you already know the cost of his
[Gayan answers without thinking a lot]
Gayan-oh then it probably is 38 000 rupees
Thusath-oh no what a fool are you. You don’t even know how to subtract something from another number.
Gayan- oh it is 34 000.
[Again tells looking as he has understood the question]
Gayan-you know sir the selling price is 58 000 rupees and the profit he had is 4 000 so as I’m a bright one I can simply tell the answer is 54 000 rupees
Thusath-ok ok I know that you are a bright one from the beginning. So mark the price of these refrigerators keeping a profit of 7 000 rupees
Gayan- ok sir it is probably……………..
[Gayan thinks for a few minutes and takes the calculator]
Thusath-oh you fool it is probably 65 000 rupees
[Gayan looking little astonished by Thusath’s sudden reply .reply back to maintain his status]
Gayan-oh, I was about to answer
Thusath-ok ok no need of remembering. I know you are the brilliant here. Make a display board and write the price. I have an important call.
Scene 3
Characters-Gayan, Thusath, the ones who come to take the refrigerator, costumers
Thusath-this refrigerator hasn’t been sold out
[Thusath asks Gayan]
Thusath-Gayan do you know the reason for this refrigerator to not to be sold out.
Gayan-oh actually I wasn’t paying attention to that refrigerator. But all the other fridges were sold out
Thusath-then Gayan pay attention to what the costumers say about this refrigerator
Gayan-ok sir I’ll pay attention
Next day’s morning
[Some customers have come to the shop and Gayan is showing the items to them.]
Gayan-oh sir this is a new refrigerator and it is also cheap. There were five of this type and they all were sold out.
Costumer-oh is it so but this is an old type there are many new types of refrigerators
[Gayan thinking to himself]
Gayan-so this is the reason for not to people buying this refrigerator
[Gayan looking back at the costumer]
Gayan-oh then would you like to see another items. We have rice cookers and also other items.
Costumer-oh no I’ve been here before. I was on my way to the workplace.
Gayan-thank you sir and come again.
In another part of the shop talking to Thusath
[Gayan tells while shouting]
Gayan-sir I’ve found the reason for not to being our goods sold.
Thusath-just don’t shout like you are Arkimidis.
[With a face covered with embracement]
Gayan-ok sir I’ve found the reason for not to being the refrigerator sold out
Thusath-yes then tell me the reason.
Gayan-what else, because it is an old module
Thusath-then if that is the reason we must put it on sale.
Gayan-yes sir then how much would be the discount percentage would be
Thusath-like 5% or 6% but make sure not to get over the bought price. We would have a lose
Gayan-got it sir
Later on Gayan is speaking to him self
Gayan-so if the discount is 5% the price will be ……………………………………. If it is 6% the price would be …………………………………………. So the perfect percentage would be 6%
Gayan-sir I think it would be appropriate if we put 6% as the discount.
[Thusath looks overboard. So he asks]
Thusath-Gayan tell me the way you got this answer.
Gayan-it’s so simple the way is that ……………................................................................... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
[Looking impressed]
Thusath-ok than put on a sales board.
Gayan-ok sir
Scene 4
Characters- Gayan, Thusath, the lady who comes to by the refrigerator Shyla, her friends
[There is a sale board which all the people can see, in this time on a corner of the stage we can hear a sound of giggles and pretty girls appear from the corner of the stage]
Gayan-oh these girls are pretty.
[While he expresses his thought in that manner the girls stop in front of the shop and chats about the refrigerator and enters the shop]
Gayan-oh good morning
[Girls giggle]
[Gayan looks a little embraced]
Gayan-ok then what were you girls looking at
[Another giggle from the girls, but this time the most beautiful girl among them speaks]
Shyla-oh we were looking at the refrigerator which was mentioned on the board.
[The girl speaks with a very nice twinkling voice, Gayan looks like he is in a dream]
Shyla-excuse me I was ….
Gayan- oh the refrigerator mentioned on the board is this refrigerator
Shyla-oh it is very nice. What is the discount?
Gayan-oh it has 20% of discount
Shyla-oh is it so I’m going to buy it
[A lot more conversations and the girl pays and leaves]
Back at the shop Gayan is speaking with Thusath
Thusath-oh it seems like that the refrigerator has been sold out
Gayan-yes of course sir.
Thusath-what was the price
Gayan- it was …………………………… rupees
Thusath-you moron what was the discount I thought that it was 6%
[Gayan looking a bit astonished and little bit later as he remembered everything he become very scared]
Thusath-[nearly shouting] tell me at once what the discount was
Gayan-it is 20%
[Thusath I now barely controlling his anger and shouts at Gayan]
Thusath-do you know how much did I lost because of your foolish thing lost ………………… this much are you stile telling that you calculated rightly. You are the foolish boy that I have ever met.
[There is a lot more discussion about percentages in this drama.]
Chamudi Semini Athapaththu
Publication Date: 02-24-2015
All Rights Reserved
i dedicate this book to my father and mother
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