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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » Hopeless Despair by Vanessa (novels for beginners .TXT) 📖

Book online «Hopeless Despair by Vanessa (novels for beginners .TXT) 📖». Author Vanessa

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The start

It was a normal morning for Emily. She woke up, had breakfast, got dressed, and walked to school. Walking down the street she ran into her best friend Buffy. Buffy has a interesting way of expressing herself. She is the complete opposite of Emily. Emily is the nicest person in school, she has the best grades, and is the most liked person in school. On the other hand Buffy is the meanest person in school, has awful grades, and is the least liked person in school. “Hey Emily wait up!” Buffy yelled down the street.
“Hi Buffy!” Emily yelled.
“So where are you going Emily?”
“To school and, so are you.”
“Na I was thinking of skipping today.”
“Um no you are coming to school if you like it or not. We have a test today that you have to pass or you will fail 11th grade.....again.”
“Fine I will go to school! But just because I am sick of Mr.Fafful.”
“Good girl.” she laughed.
As the girls walked into class there sat Emily’s crush Jason. He had blonde hair, and brown eyes. He was every girls dream guy. He’s tall, muscular, and very handsome.
“Emily stop staring you are going to scare him off.” Buffy said
“I can’t he is just so, so, so...perfect. And we should be together.”
Jason walked over to Emily and sat down. He was looking at Emily and finally he said, “Hey.” With a smile.
“Hey whats up?” Emily said shyly.
“Ah nothing much what about you?”
“Just waiting for class to start.”
“Cool. So I see you got Buffy to come to school today. How did you do that?” He laughed.
The bell rang and class had started. “I’ll tell you later” Emily whispered. As the last bell rang Mr.Fafful walked in to the classroom. He is short, bald, and very bitter, to everyone.
“All right class you have a big test today. I hope you all are ready for it.” Said Mr.Fafful. “Do any of you have questions before I hand out the test?”
“Um yeah whats the test about?” Buffy asked “As if I could care” she whispered.
“Buffy have you paid any attention at all during the year?” Mr.Fafful said irritated.
“Uh yeah, duh!” she said snottily.
“Okay so tell me what class you are in.” He said irritated again.
“Umm is it gym? Art class? Science? Global?” Buffy said with not a care in the world.
“Buffy! Stop messing around!” Emily whispered.
“No! Its math!” He yelled. Buffy gave him an evil glare. Then Mr.Fafful handed out the test facing downwards. “Now you may all begin.” As everyone began there quiz Buffy is trying to cheat off of the person in front of her. Buffy started poking her, trying to get her to move. “Hey kid what did you get for number twelve? I can’t see your paper, do you mind moving it for me?”
“Mr.Fafful, Buffy is cheating of my test!” The kid yells.
“I am not, don’t lie!” Buffy yelled back.
“Girls knock it off there is a test going on! Mindy move to another place and Buffy stop cheating off Mindy’s paper!” Mr.Fafful yelled across the room.
After the test Emily and Buffy walked down to lunch. Down the hallway, every nerd ran away as they saw Buffy. “Hey do you have any money I can have for lunch?” Buffy asked.
“Can’t you bring your own for once? I mean seriously this is the third day in a row!”
“Fine I will get my money off some nerd.” Buffy reached over grabbed a nerd by his shirt and told him to give her some money.
“No. Just here bring your own tomorrow I got ya again.” Emily said annoyed.
“Thanks Em I will try to pay you back soon.” She said all most promisingly. She let go of the nerd’s shirt.
“Oh whatever.” she laughed “I am starting to wonder why I hang out with you.” she chuckled.
“Because you complete me, you keep me centered for the most part. And besides you are the only one who was never scared of me unlike everyone else.”
“Yeah, and now look at us BFF’s for ten years.”
“Yeah, you are the only one that I can talk to without any criticism for most the most part. And most of the criticism is just trying to help me with my problems that I have with my life and stuff.”
“Yeah, you came a long way since I got a hold of you. Your welcome.” Emily laughed.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Buffy joked. “Hey do you want to come over after school?”
“Yeah I guess I will. It will be a chance for you to do your homework with me. Not just copy it but actually do it.”Emily said. Buffy stopped and thought about it.
“Actually, lets go to your house my mom is having plastic surgery tonight and I don’t want to see her when she gets home so she can ask me how she looks and all that crap. She never looks any better when she comes back from plastic surgery, just more disgusting.” Buffy said grossed out. Both Emily and Buffy shake it out of their minds, and keep walking.

Family time

“Emily time to get up we are going to grandma’s for your cousins birthday.” Emily’s mom whispered as she woke her up. Emily got dressed, ate breakfast, and left with her mom, brother, and dad. She pulled in the drive with her family at her grandma’s yard. Everyone watching as they got out of the car.
“Hello everybody!” Emily’s grandma yelled.
“Hello! How you doing?” Her aunt yelled.
“Im doing good what about you?” Emily replied.
“Oh Im fine.” Her aunt replied. Emily is thinking to herself,
“Why is my aunt wearing booty shorts, three inch wedge heels, and a shirt that a teenager would wear? She’s dressed as if she was one herself. But she is far from it. Isn’t she in her forties by now? That should not be.”
Then her cousin Patty comes up to her and gives her a huge hug. She is squeezing Emily like she is trying to pop her head off. Not letting go Emily could barely breathe. Emily is trying to get away.
“Hi sweetheart! I missed you! How are you?!” Patty yelled in her ear. As Emily pulls away from her she says,
“Im fine. Happy Birthday.” She said annoyed by Patty’s yelling in her ear.
“Oh thank you Emily. Do you know how old I am today?” she said excitedly.
“Yeah you are twenty-two.”
“I am twenty-two! Can you believe this? Me twenty-two!” She yelled happily. Emily walked away slowly trying not to be seen by Patty and went to her grandma and asked
“Has Patty called the police lately? You know for no reason, just because she is mad at you?”
“Yes, just last week because I wouldn’t let her go out with her friends, she called and said I was keeping her captive.” Emily’s grandma said.
“Wow she really has some issues. Why doesn’t Aunt Susie just leave her in the mental hospital for a little while more?”
“They can’t keep her there forever!” Grandma snapped at Emily.
“Well I know that!” Emily said irritated. Emily left to go inside to eat. Everyone ate, talked and caught up with everyone. All of the weird conversations going on about football, college, gambling, and issues going on in our family.
“Time for dessert!” Grandma yelled.
“Ooohhh yummy yum yum I want cake and ice cream with lots of toppings and everything on it!” Patty yelled excitedly.
“All right Patty calm down you can have it in just a minute let me make it first.” Grandma said. Grandma put chocolate, caramel, sprinkles, whipped cream and pineapple on Patty’s. About an hour after everyone ate their ice cream and cake Emily, her mom, dad, and brother left grandma’s house.
When they got home Emily went up to her room to find Buffy sleeping in her bed. Buffy was snoring up a huge storm, Emily thought “And thats why I don’t sleep in the same room when you sleep over.” Emily tip-toes over as quiet as a mouse and screams in Buffy’s ear “Wake up you lazy bum!” Buffy jumps out of her bed. Flopping around, on the floor and she hits her head on her desk.
“Ow what did you do that for I taking a nap.”
“Why are you here taking a nap in my bed?” Emily said laughing.
“Because my house is full of reject parents and I can’t get any sleep there.”
“Oh well, why didn’t you sleep last night then?”
“I forgot to.”
“You forgot to?”
“How do you forget to sleep! That is the worst excuse I have ever heard about why someone didn’t sleep!” Emily said laughing.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah I know. No I’m just kidding I was up all night fighting with my mom.”
“Oh what about this time”
“I asked her what time it was and she started yelling at me about how she doesn’t have a job and that I should get one if I want to know what time it is. You know normal mother, daughter fights.”
“Thats not normal mother, daughter fights. Normal fights is when you want a car, or you want to got to you boyfriends house, or she tells you to do the dishes. Thats normal fights.” Emily explained.
“Well not in my house.” Buffy laughed. “Hey can I spend the night?” Buffy asked.
“Sure let me ask my mom.” She told Buffy.
“Hey mom can Buffy spend the night?” She yelled.
“Is she already here?” Her mom yelled back.
“I guess so”
“Okay Buffy you can stay.”
“Sweet!” Buffy said. The girls went outside on the trampoline. Emily is doing her gymnastics on the trampoline and Buffy is watching.Emily is flipping, jumping, leaping, and doing almost any thing she can think of. Then Buffy went on the trampoline just jumping up and down, nothing special.
“Whats that?” Emily laughed.
It’s my gymnastics. Aren’t they so much better that yours?” Buffy laughed.
“Oh yeah tons.” Emily laughed.

Back to school
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