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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » The Kidnapping by Tina G. (ebook reader android .TXT) 📖

Book online «The Kidnapping by Tina G. (ebook reader android .TXT) 📖». Author Tina G.

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Jack's POV

Jack's POV


We were heading to the airport to leave to Houston from Dallas. We had a day off so we decided to take the day tomorrow and hang out around Houston. We were getting out of the airport when we saw a big black van and we got in thinking it was to keep the fans away. We all got in and I texted Logan cause he said was going to met us. Logan called but my phone didn't ring but I answered. He started to yell, "What van? You're support to be in a car!" I look at Zach who was sitting by my side and his face went pale. I see Daniel and Jonah trying to open the door while Corbyn kept an eye out for the driver. Then out of nowhere the van stops and I hear someone speaking in spanish and then they were on the phone. I hear to driver say 'yeah we got them we just need the girl. shes here with some family members. Yeah her family will be too busy with the birthday party. yeah its the 5 year old. so it will be easy.' I hear someone getting out and then the other opens also. We stayed in horror not know what this will come to....



Errlantina's POV

Errlantina's POV


I was waiting for the clowns and well I see a big black van and ignored it because my cousin was with me. He was a few months older then me and he said the clowns were close. I see Ruben make a face and said 'I'll be right back' I smile and nodded. I sat on the corb and saw two men coming to me and said 'finilly are you the clowns' they nodded and saw my cousin walking from behind me. I was only there because he know the clowns. 'Tina they arnt the clowns!!!' I look back at the guys and everything went black.


Ruben's POV


Ruben's POV


I told Tina I was going to the restroom and there was a line. I called Ryan and asked where he was at. He said they were almost here and I got out of the line and see Tina in view. Something felt wrong so i walked to her. I see the two guys and I see there faces. She asked them 'finilly are you the clowns' they nodded and I yelled 'Tina they arnt the clowns!!!' I see Tina turn back to come face to face with the tall ones fist. I started to scream for them to let her go. I ran after them and see them throw her in the back of a big black van. I hear yelling once they open the door. There were about five other guys yelling 'HELP HELP US!!!' I took pictures of it. I put my phone away and ran to one of the men and another one hit me on the head. I fell on the floor in pain holding my head while they drove off. My dad and uncles came and asked where was Tina. I cried and said 'They took her' while my family members cried for her. It's the first time that we see them and someone decides to kidnap Tina a day before her birthday. I look at the time and say '5 more hours til her birthday.' I've seen the other five before. My family walked us into the house and called the cops too. Most of them were busy because someone kidnapped this famous band. Only one officer can and asked me questions. The officer asked me if i saw the kiddnappers and anything else. I nodded and saw my little cousin Tina's sister wearing the other guys that were in the back of the van. I pointed to Chelsea's PJs 'thats the other guys yelling for help. they got kidnapped like Tina did.' the officer ran to the police car and said into the radio 'they were here. same kidnapper.' in less then a minute there were cars everywhere.



Logan's POV

Logan's POV


The police had my number and were saying there was another kidnapping of a girl and they say my boys were kidnapped by the same people. I had to see for myself. I walked into the room and see loads of people crying and I see the sadness fill the room it made my heart sink and shatter into a million pieces. I walked over and asked who saw everything. They pointed to a kid pacing. I walked over to him and said 'You saw everything.' he nodded and said 'yeah. I have pictures but the police are just looking for the band.' i look into his eyes and see worry and guilt. I asked 'why do you feel guitly.' He said 'last year everyone forgot her birthday and look at her now shes gone and her birthday is in less then 4 hours' this family has gone through so much. I look around and hear 'mom wears Tina? I want her to sing me a song for my birthday.' I had to get out of there. I felt every heart shatter in that room once her little sister asked that question. I ran to the police and said 'you need to fine all 6 of them' I ran to the car and called every police department for a heads up.



Jack's POV

Jack's POV


All we see is a girl in boots and blue jeans with a tight blue shirt tucked in and a belt that matched her boots. I look at her weird and said 'Thats weird isn't she cold.' i see her waking up and she asked 'where am i?' she made eye contact with all of us. she smiled and said 'Great what time is it.' i checked the time and said 'well at least we can say tomorrow is christmas.' she hugged her knees and said 'Great Happy Birthday to me. finilly 18 what a great thing.' I dont think she knows we all hear. i found a blanket and motioned her to move close to me and she sat on my lap and said 'thanks but have yall tried to get out?' we all nodded and told her everything. I hear the truck stop and we all stayed quite and hear laughing. we hear the guys door open and close. I see her move to the door window and she said 'stay quite.' She stood and started to kick the window and then we hear the back door open. It was to late. they grabbed by her feet and we started to pull her back in. She started to kick again and started screaming. I guess they figured they would hear all the nosie and slamed the door shut and started the van. You can see the fear in her eyes and we hear the van move. Why is this happening to us and what will happen to any of us.


Errlantina's POV

Errlantina's POV


The next stop called my cousin 'Ruben'. I told him that, "Ruben!!! We are all okay. I'm with Jack, Zach, Corbyn, Jonah, and Daniel. We have been driving for hours and I don't know where we are going but do you remember Raul? Well he's one of the drivers and I think we are going back to the valley I'm not sure but I'll text you where I am going to be at. Okay. Bye. Oh wait. The guys told me for you to tell Logan that they are okay. Ruben please if I don't make it back home make sure my mom is okay."


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