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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » SO HELP ME GOD (sample) by Journey Home (mobi reader android .txt) 📖

Book online «SO HELP ME GOD (sample) by Journey Home (mobi reader android .txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Journey Home

Chapter One - Darkened Doorway

A phone call in the night.

"We have another one if you’re willing?" A voice uttered into the receiver.

"Of course, see you soon." A sleepy voice replied.


Ewen and Stella had been foster parents for over seventeen years. In that time they had seen it all.


These poor souls that had the worst start in life, some had unspeakable cruelties performed upon them. Others witnessed horrific scenes like those you would see only in movies. They had taken in hundreds of children over the years, from angry, violent teens to scared toddlers.


Ewen and Stella had been robbed, assaulted and threatened by over half of their placements, but this is what they had become accustomed to in the world of foster parenting.


They weren’t all bad though. Ewen and Stella had foster children that would move on, only to come back as adults with families of their own.

They would return because they wanted to introduce their children and partners to the couple.


“They saved me from a terrible life.” they would tell their families.


“They saved me from me.”




A phone call in the middle of the night was not out of the ordinary for Ewen and Stella. Having a young grandson living with them since his birth, meant they had to be a little more careful, but they did not close their doors or their hearts to those in need.


Some children stayed for an hour or two, some for a night, or some, like Kara, had stayed for years.


Kara had grown to love Ewen and Stella as her own grandparents and even call them nana and poppa and they, in turn, loved her too.


Stella yawned and flicked on the bedside lamp. She looked at the digital alarm clock that resided on her bedside table. Its glaringly bright, red numbers showing the time was 11:55pm.


Stella reluctantly sat up and gently shook her husband, Ewen’s shoulder.


“Wake up Hun, C.Y.F.S will be here soon.” Stella told a Groggy Ewen.

“C’mon.” She whispered. “I’ll make us a cuppa tea.” She said.


She gently patted Ewen on the back as she stood and wrapped her pink, thread bare, night gown, an ancient mother’s day gift from years gone by, around her frame, slipped on her worn, grey, slippers and shuffled out of the bedroom, down the hall toward the kitchen.


“Yup, yup, I’m coming.” Ewen mumbled without opening his eyes.


Within half an hour they were both dressed and having a cup of tea in the lounge. Stella was busying herself in the kitchen, preparing a snack in case the expected child was hungry and Ewen was stoking the fire.


The knock at the door signaled the arrival of the child.

What sad case could cause a late night placement this time? Ewen wondered to himself.


Stella opened the door to reveal a small, meek girl. Head down and buried inside an obviously oversized hoody that bunched at the waist where she tried to hold it up. Standing behind the girl was a stout woman with a stern face. She was tight lipped and almost scowling.

I don’t think she likes getting out of bed in the middle of the night either Stella thought.


“Kiaora Stella, This is Ellen.” The stout woman barked as she clapped her hand on Ellen’s shoulder with an unusually firm grip.


“Kiaora Glenda.” Stella said perplexed at Glenda’s slightly aggressive attitude,

“And, hello Ellen.” Stella said warmly to the child.

“Haere mai e korua, come in you two, come and get warm by the fire.” Stella offered as she stood aside to allow them in.


The pair crossed the threshold and stood for a few minutes assessing the room before Glenda released the grip on Ellen’s shoulder. Stella closed the door behind them and they each took a seat beside the now blazing fire.


“Kiaora Ewen” Glenda said curtly, as she extended her hand to Ewen.


“Kiaora Glenda” Ewen replied with the same tone, before taking Glenda’s hand in a firm handshake.


“Ellen here is in need of a safe place to stay, I’m unsure how long this placement may be for but I have her file for you to read over before you decide.” Glenda pulled a thick, tan colored, manila folder from her satchel and handed it to Stella.


“No” Stella said immediately as she took the folder. “I don’t need to read anything. She is welcome here.”

Stella smiled kindly at the girl who gave a quick smile back at Stella before returning to looking at her feet.


“Ewen?” Glenda said looking for a confirmation of Stella’s hasty decision.

“Ae Glenda, If Stella says ‘yay’ then it’s a ‘yay, she’s the boss.” Ewen gave his wife a smile and a wink.


Seemingly satisfied with that, Glenda rose from her seat and proceeded toward the door.


“Alright then, any trouble, you know how to contact me” She said without turning to face them.

“Ae Glenda, kei te pai” Stella said to Glenda’s retreating back.


Glenda opened the door and stepped back out into the darkness.


“Ka kite koutou” She said as she walked to her car.

“Ka kite Glenda, Po Marie” Stella said as she closed the door.


Ellen sat on the floor in front of the fire gazing at the flames as they danced. The flickering flames casting strange, orange shadows over her small, pale face. Stella noticed that Ellen’s hair was tousled at the back as if she had been sleeping not too long before arriving, and wondered how far this girl had to travel tonight to be here.


“Ellen?” Stella said softly as she slowly approached this tiny bundle wrapped in huge clothes.

“Are you hungry? Do you want a kai?” Stella offered.


Ellen didn’t turn or look up but just silently and very slightly shook her head.


“Ok, that’s ok. I can show you to your room if you want to check it out.” Said Stella


Ellen made no response. Stella glanced at Ewen.


“We have another girl that stays here too, she’s a little older than you though.” Ewen interjected.


Ellen spun around and looked up at them both. The movement was so sudden that Stella flinched in surprise.


They all remained motionless for a few seconds, although it felt like minutes to Ellen.


Ellen looked them both up and down. She took in Ewen’s dark skin, short, stocky build and frizzy, short, black hair and Stella, whose skin tone was lighter than Ewen’s but slightly darker than Ellen’s own.


Stella’s hair wasn't frizzy exactly, Ellen thought, but boofy...yes, boofy is the best word to describe it, Short, black, thick, boofy hair and square reading glasses that perched on the bridge of her thin nose.


“Oh, yup ok.” was all that Ellen said.


And with that, they proceeded to show Ellen to her room, a room she would be sharing with Kara.


Ellen saw only kindness in her new foster parents’ eyes.


Perfect, she thought.



Publication Date: 05-23-2015

All Rights Reserved

This is my first attempt at writing a book, I just want to see how its received :)

Free ebook «SO HELP ME GOD (sample) by Journey Home (mobi reader android .txt) đŸ“–Â» - read online now

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