What about my skateboard by Hannah S. (books like harry potter txt) 📖

- Author: Hannah S.
Book online «What about my skateboard by Hannah S. (books like harry potter txt) 📖». Author Hannah S.
Riely- girl, main character
Jacob- boy, jock, footbal player, a little popular, Riely's big crush
Samantha (Sam)- Riely's bff, nerd but pretty, Mike's gf
Kasie- girl, newbie
Cally- girl, most popular
Mike- boy, Sam's bf
Whitney- girl, Riely's big sister
Brody- boy, Riely's little brother
Todd- boy, Riely's dad
Stacie- girl, Riely's mom
Chapter 1
"Riely! Get up!" yelled my mother. "Urrgh. I'm too tired!" I said as I pulled the covers over my face after my mother opened my blinds. "Honey, you need to wake up, it's your first day of high school. You don't want to be late do you?" As she said that I jumped up from my bed and picked up my outfit which was, a white tank top with a crop top pink sweater with faded skinny jeans, black converse, and a chain earing on one ear, also little curls in my hair. As I finished taking a shower, and getting ready, my mom scared half to death by standing in front of my door and saying, "Oh honey, those curls look so beautiful with your brown hair." "Umm, thanks..." Since I didn't want to get more into that conversation, I slipped past my mom and went to the pantry and grabbed a poptart, shoved it in my mouth, and as I grabbed my keys to my car, I yelled to my mom, "Later mom, goin' to school!" And just as I was opening the door my mom said, "Bye honey, have a good day and,.." I didn't hear the rest of what she was saying because I already closed the door behind me and was riding down the street.
Chapter 2As I got to school, I went straight to where my best friend was standing. And as usual, she was under a tree, kissing her boyfriend, Mike. "Hey!" "Hey!" "HEY!!" I try to get their attention but it's hard to when they are not listing to you and that have their face smashed into someone else's. Finally I gave up trying and went to my locker. In summer school (yes I had to go to summer school) I already knew where everything was. I was closing my locker door when someone said, "Hey!" I literaly jumped and slammed my face into my locker door. "OOOOOOO, I bet that hurt." The person said. "Yeah, well no duh." I said that as I turned around to see who the voice belonged to. Oh my gosh! It's..It's..It's Jacob!
Chapter 3Ring! Ring! As everyone got up to leave Mrs. Crawlod yelled, "Class be seated! The bell does not dismiss you, I do. Now sit down!" Then what is the bell for? I thought. After Mrs. Crawlod gave us our homework assignment, I shot out of the classroom, went to my locker, and again, there was another "Hey!" And I jumped again. But luckly I didn't hit my locker door. "hey," I said weakly not turning around. Gosh I hate having a crush on him! And why does he have to talk to me? "So, I was wondering.." Before he could say anything I lifted my head up to meet his eyes, oh they are soo, Sam called me over shaking me out of my daydreams. Thank God! "Oh, sorry got to go. Um.. bye?" I said walking backwards. "Yeah bye. Se you tommorrow." He kind of sounded a little deflated. "OMG!!!!! THAT WAS JACOB? WASN'T IT! YES IT WAS!! OMG WHAT DID HE SAY? WHAT WAS HE SAYING? I WANNA KNOW!" Sam yelled in my ear. "Um I don't know. You called me over here before he could say anything." "oh. OH WELL! GOT TO GO BACK TO MIKEY-POO!" Sam yelled. She always yelled. "Mikey-poo?! Serioulsy. Ha! That sounds retarded. Poor Mike." I laughed at that. But Sam glared at me. As always, she is a drama queen. Like when her brother, Justin, stepped on her favorite shoe, she started whining about how it has germs and dirt on it now. And let me tell you this, you couldn't see ant footprints or dirt on it, it looked the same. But I still love her (in a friend way). Then I walked to the parking lot, got in my car, and drove home.
Chapter 4When I got home my mom was waiting at the front porch for me in her work clothes. And let me tell you, she did not look happy. As I walked up the porch to meet my mother, I noticed it wasn't anger it was more like sadness. Before I knew it she started bawling. "Oh! Mom what's wrong?" "It..It..It's your,..fathe..er." And that was all she could get out before I stormed into the house and found my father in bed with another women! I kicked open the door and shouted at my father, "WTF! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED MY MOTHER!!!" I started crying mad hot tears. "I... I.. I do. I.." studderd my father. "Aww shut up! I can see that you love that women more!" I spat "I can see her right there! That fat lump in the bed! She's trying to hide herself. She's so stupid! For sleeping with a man that is married and has THREE children!" "Don't say that she is stupid and fat! She is beautiful." I almost puked at that thought and the meaning of beautiful. "Aha! I knew it! You love her more than mom! But why would you do that to her!" I yelled. "I... I thought she was seeing another man too." He said defensively. "Ya she was. FOR WORK! And she was not sleeping with him!" "Oh.'' "Ya! And if you didn't know, then don't just asume and sleep with someone else!" I pressed back. Now the women had poked her head out of the sheets. And I couldn't stop my self from saying this, "You fat, ugly, stupid, women! You slept with my father! And I bet you knew that he had a wife and kids didn't you?" She shook her head slowly and had a scared expression on her face. "yes.'' She said in a tiny voice. "GET OUT!!!!!!!!" I screamed at her. And she looked very scared now. And I was also suprised at the tone of my voice. Then she scrambled out of the bed and grabbed her clothes from the floor and rushed out of the room. Thank goodness she had her underwear on. "Now you..." I pointed a slim finger at my dad.
Chapter 5I sat on my bed and cried my eyes out. There was a knock on my door and it slowly opened to reveal my mother. She closed the door behind her, and came up to my bed next to me and cried her eyes out with me.
Chapter 6
Ever since my dad left us, I started to change. My straight A's had dropped down to B's and C's. I became a little more moody. I was always late, mono-toned, and in my own daydreams. I also changed my apperance. I cut my hair so inow it has blue highlights in the front. I mostly always wore dark colors. And my black coverse's. But I'm not the only one who has changed, my sister quit all her sports and became a lazy person. My mom has either been in bed or working. The only person who hasn't changed was my brother. He's still the same little ninja turtle obsessed baby brother.
A week later Sam came up to my locker
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