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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » Best friends for never by a.j rouse (easy to read books for adults list txt) 📖

Book online «Best friends for never by a.j rouse (easy to read books for adults list txt) 📖». Author a.j rouse


chanell: ELANA? where were you today .. we couldnt find you anywhere. and brooke and hallie and i tried calling your phone but you didnt answer?
me: sorry i got my phone taken away
brooke: psh thats a lie.. you never get your phone taken away .. you play by all the rules
me: do not!!
hallie : yes you do !!
chanell: well ima go ill see you guys at school mkay ?
hallie: im gonna go too i have tumbling classes at 6:00
me: aww... well bye
brooke: im out ... peace!! young grass hoppers!! :))

Thank you for using ChatNet. It appears to be that everyone is offline would you like to log off or leave a message ?

me: really?

Thankyou your message will be sent shortly.

BlIIINGGGG. I threw my pillow across my head. What the hell was that noise .I picked up the alarm clock and staired into it as if I could see it . It was still dark in my room. I climbed into my bed and went back to sleep . Then I started to dream . Dreaming for me was like living in a world that I could actually call my own . It had everything I wanted it to have. Dad was still here, Mom went back to working at H Jane designer company, and as for me , I was the top journalist in the world. Then of course there was Trent Mathews . High class blue eyed Varsity team football player for the Michigan High Mustangs. He was mine and not Cassidy Tanner's. Then it started raining in my dream . It was odd because I wasn't trying to dream about rain I was trying to dream about Trent .I started to wake up. It was onex drooling on my face. I glanced over to my purple clock. It was hard for me not to have my phone . I had it taken away because I lied about going to my grandparents house. Instead I went to this cool icecream place called Jenova. The icecream there was bomb! Wait a minute. I glanced at the clock again it was 7:02. The bus normally got to Oakstone at 7:15. There was no way in hell that i would make it . I rolled out of my bed as fast as I could . I did every thing that i need to do and ran outside of my house and down the street. I seen the big corn on the cob. which for me was what i called the bus. I quickly got on. Every one had started to laugh. I looked around to see if anything was different with anybody elses face. Then i checked there clothes. Cassidy had her baby blonde hair propped up in a high ponty tail. Her make up was perfectly shaded for her green eyes. Her clothes were tight but very stylish . She seem to have dressed normally. As for trent the same. Chanller had a different pairof sneakers on. In fact he almost had new pair of shoes every week. He was nominated "Most Swag" for our school year book. Then I checked my self . Everything was fine . My hair was still dirty blonde. My eyes were still brown

. My boobs were still small. My clothes were still 7th grade like. Everything was normal . It wasn't me that every one was laughing at. Or was it. I tried hiding out so no one would say anything to me. I went to the very back off the bus and quickly sat down." Some one missed the toilet ". Every one started laughing . I thought to myself . Toilet? I didn't go to the bathroom since

10:00 at night . Thank god it wasnt me they were talking about . Missing the toilet is something that I do not fail at . Sounds Humiliating. I checked my backpack to see if my mom had put my phone back in there. Usually she calls me to see if I got on the bus. I never get my phone taken away , but i know for a fact that my mom wouldnt let me go anywhere with out it . Since im her only child, she's very over protective over me. Yup. It was there with a text message from her. Have a good day at school angel. and its laundry tues-night so I will be washing your clothes. empty the pockets of your jeans and wish me luck because that large pudding stain on your pants might be hard to wash .... it might have to go in the wash a few times. xoxo -mom.

Now i want some pudding. Chocolate was my favorite. I logged on to ChatNet.

me: anyone online ?
me: what?? :D
chanell: thanx hallie ...-_-
hallie: your welcome
chanell: lol ikr ... she shitted herself
me: GUYS I G2G !!!!! I need to go home now!
chanell: what why ? whats wrong ..
hallie: are you gonna get back home your already on the bus .. arent you ?

I was crap girl! It all made since. Pudding stain on pants. How could this happen? I simply grabbed the pants out of my closet! What is Trent going to say . Every one at the whole school will see me. There goes my life .Right down the toilet . Or should I say right down my pants.
At that point I totally lost it. I would be Known as "Shit girl " For the rest of my life. We finally arrived at school. I pretended I lost my phone to make sure I was indeed the last person to get off the bus so that no one would see me . After everyone got off the bus I seen hallie and chanell get on the bus . "Hey there you are, why are you the last one getting off the bus ? and did you see shit girl yet"? chanell said . " Nope I missed her .. oh wait no I didnt ." I said with sarcasim. " No Way you seen her !! Did she smell "? hallie said. " She smelled like the best thing in the world. Chocolate Pudding.". "Chocolate pudding ? you love cho- Oh no your shit girl"?
I looked up at chanell and hallie in shame. I didnt know I had on these pants. I felt uncomfortable even telling them. So I nodded my head. Hallie looked down at me. "I have a Skirt ! come on get up me and chanell will cover you from behind and we'll rush to the bathroom". "ok" i said .I was happy to hear that i wouldnt be known as shit girl . Then again I thought to myself . I hadn't shaved my legs in centuries. I might as well just be called " The hair " . It was much better than being called the " shit girl " anyway. I started to panick. We made it to the bath room in time but hallie had to go to her locker to get her skirt. Chanell went to the restroom . As I staired at myself in the bath room mirror I noticed behind me came the A-sqaud . Cassidy, Bailey, and Emily. "Go ahead guys" . I staired in the mirror and suddenly The A-squad pulls out there cell phones and take pictures of my pudding stain. Hallie rushed in with the skirt. "Hey sorry im late I got-". she paused " You guys are such bitches . What did she ever do to you that mad you want to do anything to make her feel like she nothing. You Know what Ill find you in my toilet you peace of shits! ".hallie said in her filipino bitch mode. Finally chanell walks out of the stall and comes by the mirror to wash her hands. She keeps her head down because she has nothing to say . which was really odd. " Why dont you tell your firend about the toilet sometime hallie". "Chanell.. are you still coming over on saturday"? WHAT! Chanell is going with the A-sqaud on saturday . Is she brain washed our something. Besides thats our pizza night she wouldnt miss it for the A-squad would she ?." Yeah . are you "? I said with no hesitation . I knew she was going to Go with us. Why would the A-squad even invite her. They never liked us before.She answered yes in a soft and quiet tone . I was applaude. Hallie didnt even seem to say much and hallie ALWAYS has something to say. I felt like the no brainer on this one . They were totally going behind my back and the worst part about it was they were going with the A-squad. The most Popular girls in Michigan High. I snatched the skirt out of hallie's hand and ran into the stall to change. I stayed in there for a long amount of cause i had to try to pick my baby blone but noticable leg hair. This was truely the most humiliating day of my life.



Publication Date: 01-21-2012

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