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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » Anastasia by Wendy Luis (sad books to read TXT) 📖

Book online «Anastasia by Wendy Luis (sad books to read TXT) 📖». Author Wendy Luis

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A Little Insite

I'm about to turn 18 in a month. What sucks out of everything is that my birthday is during school I have always envied people who have summer birthdays. Well like my mother used to say tuff cookie. She got killed last month with a lot of the other pack members when concuring the silver moon pack. My pack calls me shrimp due to my height but it seems all the girls are taller then me in the pack. Can you blame them I am just 5 feet. I always thought I was a late blumer and that's why I don't look as hot as the other wolfs. The only thing i'm good at is fighting. If you saw me at first you would think you could take me down in one hit. They clam i'm the first red wolf that has been seen in a while. They say that a monster always comes after people like me with special abilities or so they try to scary me to behave. At first I thought it was true. I mean what is a child to believe. My red hair is all that stands out in the whole pack even my mom could find people to have white fur as her wold but never red. I always feel like the one left out even though my pack loves to have me around. I know that a lot of wolfs would love to be my mate or so i'm told by my friends. I have my honey eyes they all ways seem to have a tent of green in them. Cynthia always says they are mostly green when i'm happy. Unlike Cynthia or any of the other female wolfs i'm skinny and have a few abbs.  Which is sexy to some guys at school. I look good with a tone body but do have good boobds to stand out for a small chick. I wear a 34D and my butt is tinny but purky if i say so myself. Most girls think they can talk down to me but after a few trainings they not to bully me. I just can't wait to my birthday when we invite a lot of other packs in the hope to find my mate.

The Unknown Truth

"Stop running down stairs" Luke yelled out to me. "Your not my mom luke." "No, I'm not Ana but i'm alpha so stop!" He always like putting me down espacially infront of his mate. You see luke was rejected and became alpha cause of my mothers death. "Ana just cause you have a red wolf doesn't mean your alpha." " Brother please stop i'm going out to go out with cynthia and the girls." I hated when he acted like that but let it go cause I know how it felt to loose mine I can only imagine how it felt to loose a mate. "I'll be back before dinner. I know it's a school night. Love you bro bro!" He gave me a kiss as I walked out the door. I walked into my baby. Which is a silver Ferrari 488GTB that I loved so much. As I was pulling off Mike run up to my car. He tapped on the glass to make it roll down. "What do you want Mike?" "Please let me come you know the girls love me around." He said in his most sexy voice. I mean don't get me wrong the girls did love him around. But it seemed like if he liked me a little too much. "Okay what ever. Get in their waiting!"

We drive to the beach we live in California and love to go to a private beach we own my long beach. We get their and all the girls come to help me with the stuff I brought to eat for us. I always get stuck bringing the food i guess cause im always the last one there. Not cause i'm lazy but being next alpha in charge takes a lot off work. "Hey girls! how is the water?" Cynthia is the first to answer "It's okay. I wish more of the guys would have came." I laughed. "You mean you wish Mike's brother could have came." You see Nick was Mikes older brother by two years. He hasn't found his mate but she clames he is her mate she just can't feel it yet cause her birthday isn't intill another five months. "What ever Ana!" "Well I know I hope Mike is my mate." Claudia says looking Mike up and down. "You Wish Claudia." Claudia acts sad and pouts her lips. "I think you'll find someone better just you wait." Elle and alex where busy arguing like they always do. "Now what is the whole commotion over here." I say while putting my hands around thier necks. "Elle says that she was going through are pack history as a book worm she is and found your real birth cirtificate. That your birthday is today one min before Middnight." "That isn't what I said. I told you the legend is the one that has it written that way okay. But I did look and your birthday was today and today is a full moon. It states you will come to turn today and gain your true form you hide. Ana are you sure your birthday is not today?" I thought long and hard. Now that I think of it I have never seen my birth certificate. I always went with what my mother said to me. "The truth Elle I don't know if I have ever seen my birth certificate." I stated. "Can we have fun at the beach please I don't want to hear the legend today. Almost every year they try to scare me with that story. I've had enough." Mike noticed I was getting up set he picked me up and ran. "What are you doing?" "Making you have fun." He said as he through me in the water. He then grabbed claudia which he saw her jelousy and through her in the water too.

The Foggy Truth

 We arrived five min. before the pack was getting ready to eat. I love how everyone sat at the table and tried to get along even if we all were in arguments at each other. It was tradition for our pack to sit down and enjoy are selfs the rule was always no fights at the table. Which the little one's allways tried to get away with.

"Your home sis finnaly. I though you would want to move dinner to the beach." Luke said while messing up my hair. "You know I wouldn't miss dinner for the world. Plus I have something that has been brought to my attention." "What is it sis? Can it wait after dinner or do you want to go to the office?" I thougth of it for a momment and decided I was too hungry to wait till later. "If I was you I wouldn't wait?" I turned to see who was talking to me. I was the only when in the living room cause luke and mike had left me in the living room. "You are finnaly ready." I heard it again but I didn't know where the voice was coming from. Intill it hit me! I was my wolf maybe she has woken up finnaly." "Are you my wolf?" "Yes, Their is a lot you must know don't wait till 12:00 to find out. My name is Ray." I heard about awakening your wolf. They say it is wierd at first but your wolf is a second part of you that helps you out and warns you about a lot of things. I desided to eat then speak to my brother.

We ate everyone was having a fun time. Mike sat next to me and tried to flirt with me and the girls like always. We all teased that he was secretly guy cause he hanged out with us more then the other guys. Once dinner was over I got to talk to my brother but by then it was 11:00pm. I know their wasn't enough time is my wolf awoke so it was time to get down to work.

I walked in to luke office as i followed him in. "So what did you need to talk about?" "Well Elle brought up the legend of the pack. And well I had a few questions to ask." " Ana Please let me Elle didn't look up the pack history with out alpha permitions. Legends are for alpha Knowelege only and you know that?" " Well you know Elle." I justured with my hands. He looked mad and then he sat deeper in his chair. "What did you find out?" I waited a few seconds thinking if I sould tell him the truth. I knew Elle would get in trouble. "Just tell him before you change forms in the room." My wolf told me as she sounded worries. "She said my birthday was not in a few days it's today before midnight. And other stuff but the main thing is that I think I was born today." I said really quick hopping he would only catch on to my birthday being today. "What? I didn't read that in the books the page was blank. Are you sure she didn't use her ability to see what is written on the bottom of the legend? Ana it is important you know your mate will become for you and he will not stop to find you. Their is a lot of diffrent things that happenes when a red wolf forms." "No, She didn't say that. She just said my birthday is today and my wolf can talk to me. What do you mean my mate will come for me?" He looked at me worried. "I'm going to tell you the legend as I take you to the Trainging room. If your wolf is awake the only place that is safe is the training room." He looked at me and muttered something about having more time. 

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