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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » Is He The One? by Ja'Quele Agurs (no david read aloud .txt) 📖

Book online «Is He The One? by Ja'Quele Agurs (no david read aloud .txt) 📖». Author Ja'Quele Agurs

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Chapter 1: Where It All Begins

Sitting in the bedroom staring at the closet full of brand new out wear clothes.
“Jackie are you ready to go?” my best friend Dria yelled from the bathroom. “No. I really don’t want to go to this damn party.” I said putting my hands over my face in frustration. Dria walked out the bathroom in her 5 foot 5 inch frame, wearing an all black dress that stops at the middle of her thighs, trimmed in all gold, wearing matching 5 inch heels. Dria is no slim frame chick, she is pure thick all over.
Dria is my friend of many years, I met her back in middle school actually in detention. I know weird way to meet a friend right? Trust I know my family was all down my throat about “watch out for her, she is no good” but came to realize the ones they thought were my good friends turned their back on me when I was announced prom queen in eighth grade. That was one of the best moments in my life and it was also horrible because the ones I thought would support me and actually happy for me turned their backs on me instantly. But not Dria, that girl cheered me on the whole night and we had a private sleep over at her house with just me and her and her sisters. That showed me the unexpected friends can turn out being the ones that sticks around in the end.
She is also the type of person who makes straight A’s and B’s in her classes. The one that is honest and couldn’t lie through her teeth if she had them glued together. The person you can go to and ask for help or lend a hand. Was always quiet and to herself, never followed the crowd. You may be asking yourself: Why was she in detention? To answer your question, she was bullied in class and decided to do her work in detention. I know I know, she doesn’t seem like the type to be bullied. But honey boo child, this girl had it bad until she met Derrik. Now that’s a whole entire different chapter.
“Listen, you cannot leave me hanging Jackie, plus you are going for me not anyone else,” walking towards the closet “look at all these damn clothes in here. You are like my personal fashionista I know you know how to put together an outfit in 1 minute. So come on and get it together.” Deciding whether to stick to my gut or not, I got up and picked out some random pumps and matching tights with a top. “The only reason I am going is so you can shut up and get out my ear.” I joked.

Dria walked into the bathroom and finished curling her hair. Since I had a bob (a certain hairstyle where it is short in the back and long on the sides) only thing I need to do is straighten my sides and curl my hair under. “I’m ready now so lets go.”

We walked out the door and drove in my 2013 Dodge Charger to the party that was happening on 123rd st and 14 ave. By looking outside you can see that it was packed in the club, good thing I know people cause unlike the people outside waiting to get in the club we can just walk right in through VIP lounge.

Chapter 2: Life Of The Party

Walking in Club Nude, it is crowded and in action right now. It can be about atleast a thousand people in the building not even talking about the long line outside the door. Dria is all hyped up and swirling her arm in the air doing the Fist Pump and singing along to Let Me Love You by NeYo.
“Hey D whats up with you girl I haven’t seen you in forever shawty.” Derrik yelling over the music and pulling Dria closer to him. Derrik is the kind of guy that can be down to earth, play around, and who is straight up with you but also a jerk. Derrik is Dria ex boyfriend, they have been dating since freshmen year in high school. On and off for our four years in high school. The reason is because Derrik was popular because he was the quarterback of our football team and he was a phenomenal player on and off the field. You can call him a Ladies Man, but I clearly call him a unfaithful bastard. Why? He had a great girlfriend, Dria was a virgin, a church girl who sung in the choir every Sunday, made straight A’s and B’s, had a nice dresscode in school, was honest and outgoing and lets not mention being head cheerleader. One year she made team captain in the first two weeks! But he dumped her for the Ho of our high school and left her in a depressed stage, I mean she turned her life around a little now she drinks, smokes and club more than ever! But she never changed educationally.
“Hi Derrik. What you doing here?” she responded back. “Oh I got an invitation from the fraternities of your College.” Derrik smiled. Dria face dropped to the floor. I was about to go catch it so she wont look surprised but oh well too late. “Wait what? You-“ she was interrupted by a fine ass 6’2 caramel skin, low hair cut, cutie with tattoos. “Um sorry ma’am but can I borrow your friend that’s standing alone?” he nodded in my direction. Just to make sure he wasn’t talking to me, I turned around and tapped the young lady that was dancing behind me. “Uh, this guy want to talk to you.” I pointed at the strange cute guy. But for some reason he held his head down laughing. Why would he be laughing? The cute guy waved his hand as if it was a misunderstanding. Then I felt a hand on my hand. I looked up so quick cause who can be touching me? I don’t know anyone in here. Then there it was, the person I dreamed to never see again; my ex boyfriend: P-Nut.

I moved my hand so quick because I was in shocked to see him. Especially with another chick on his arms. “Uh Hi P-Nut didn’t think I would catch you here.” I rubbed my arm in awkwardness. “Yeah me neither especially since you not the club scene type.” He smiled. “But since you are here can I dance with you? I deserve it, you been ducking and dodging me lately.” He pulled me close. “Listen, you know exactly why I don’t want to see you.” I said looking at the chick he cheated on me with. “Tonight doesn’t change how I feel. You not getting a dance from me, so why don’t you go with your ho and move on.” I waved them off.
Turning back around to see Dria and Derrik gone. Surprisingly, cute guy is still here. Three feet away from me. Smiling. Looking straight at me in my face just smiling. But why? “Are you looking at me?” I asked confused. “Yes.” He replied. “But why?” I asked. Then he took my hand and led me to the center of the dance floor. Wrapping my arms around his neck, he wrapped his arms around my lower back. We danced for a few minutes to They Don’t Know by Jon B and talked a little about each other. Something in the mist of our moments, felt good but I was not about to let my mind lead my way again. It messed me up with the last guy. After we exchanged numbers and laughed and got to know each other, it was about two in the morning and I was ready to go home. That’s exactly what Dria and I did, went home and fell asleep.

Chapter 3: Reflection

Woke up with a big headache and my feet were aching from the night before. My legs are weak, I really don’t feel like getting up out of bed to do anything today. Thank God its Saturday, I don’t have no classes or nothing to do. Looking over at my clock to check the time its eleven thirty-eight in the morning, as I lay my head back down I get a knock at the front door. Noticing that Dria didn’t answer the door like usually I decided to go answer the door.
Walking down stairs in pain the knocking gets even louder. I have a headache and they knocking on the damn door like the police. Angrily as I flung open the door, I see P-Nut on the other side of the door. Exhausted and not really trying to put up with his bullshit this time of morning, I close the door in his face. I wasn’t quick enough and he placed his foot in the door so it won’t close. Making his way in my house I turned around walking into the livingroom and sat on the couch to listen to what he has to say.
“Damn so you was about to close the door in my face!” he raised his voice. Holding my face in my hands I nodded. Getting louder in my ear he said “you act like I did you wrong or something.” Did he just say that? Did this nigga just say what I think I heard him say? I think he did. I couldn’t hold in my anger anymore I just let him have it all and the dessert. “Listen here, I don’t want you here and I damn sure don’t want to see you. Why do you constantly show your face around me if you know you got a girlfriend. As far as your black ass doing something wrong, baby boy you did plenty of wrong. Don’t get me wrong I do love you still but I hate you to the maximum. No getting around that just handle the damn truth. You cheated

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