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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » Adopted: Why me? by Ronnea Stiles (children's ebooks free online TXT) 📖

Book online «Adopted: Why me? by Ronnea Stiles (children's ebooks free online TXT) 📖». Author Ronnea Stiles

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"What were you doing in Mr. Olsens office Rahnee!?"
"Nothing he asked for me Mrs. Olsen I promise".
Mrs.Olsen looked at me with her bold green eyes. Her long brown hair hung down her back and her bold red lipstick scared the hell out of me. She gripped the belt tighter to her hands as she grabbed my chin and forced me to look into her surreptitious eyes.
"Tell me the truth Rahnee!"
"I promise Mrs. Olsen!"
Tears ran from my eyes as Mrs. Olsen looked at me close.
"Pull down your pants".
More tears fell hard like a waterfall as I pulled down my pants. My short black hair was now sweaty tangled strands. I bent over as a hard belt buckle hit my butt.
I wailed in pain.
She was so stupid. I loathed Mrs. Olsen, she always beat me but never did she listen to me of what I had to say. I can hear her words rang in my head.
"You're a lousy bitch. I'm sending yo ass back tomorrow morning!"


Chapter One


"She's a lovely girl"
Mrs. Wilkinson said. Bull crap I thought. She's just feeding them a whole pile of shit just so I can leave her alone, another soul she won't have to deal with. I sat back in the brown wooden chair listening to it screech with every movement I made. I huffed and puffed, I didn't want to leave Fort Wilkinsons, I loved this place, the only place where I belonged. I had finally made friends and even chilled for a bit. Another adopted family, no. I didn't want to get hurt anymore. This will be my seventh adopted family in my short few years. I wasn't surprised though, there's always some shit that happens like, they get me for awhile and I'm a total asshole so they send me back, or they just found out that they're pregnant or wait hold on this is the best one, they want a better family and not my obstinate ass. Aha! There it goes! I sat back in the chair as I saw three shadows walk there way towards me.
I looked up at them. There stood a lady pale as ever with brown hair and lots of makeup, she looked like a damn buffoon. Then there was a tall man who had brown hair and green eyes and lastly Mrs. Wilkinson, with her thick body, short curly grey hair, and chubby pink cheeks. They all smiled at me. I just looked them up and down.
"This here is Rahnee and Rahnee this is the Holland family they will be adopting you".
Mrs. Wilkinson said happily.
My remark was. Mrs. Wilkinson gasped, the other two just looked at one another. Mrs. Wilkinson looked at the two figures and started to speak.
"Excuse me Mr. and Mrs. Holland she's been through 6 adopted families she's had a hard life".
She whispered like I couldn't hear her. I rolled my eyes. They then smiled at me. "I don't want to go".
"Stop it Rahnee these are nice people". "You said they were all nice".
The pale lady start to speak.
"Rahnee I understand where you're coming from but we will help you".
She smiled brightly at me showing her sparkly colgate smile.
"Now get up Rahnee"
Mrs. Wilkinson scowled. I got up with one suitcase. My long black and pink hair dangled at my shoulders. I moved my bangs out the way and started to walk out Fort Wilkinsons with the Hollands. Mrs. Wilkinson waved me off. "Shit", I thought, I knew then and there I was going to be back in no time.
"I'm Marian and this is Gale Rahnee".
I didn't say anything. Finally they stopped at a nice black BMW. Mr. Holland got in the front, I got in the back and Mrs. Holland got on the passenger side. "Buckle up".
Mr. Holland said. I rolled my eyes and laid back in the seat. What do I look like buckling up? I didn't even want be here shit . . . life's hard.
Mr. Holland start to drive. As he drove I looked out the window, we were driving away from the orphanage. I wanted to run back and hide. I never wanted to see another family. I placed my pale hand on the window. I studied my black fingernails. I was in love with black. Black was everything life could offer, it's plain, dark, scary, solid, and warm, all of the above. We passed side walks and trees. It was just the beginning of fall. Orange, green, and red leaves fell from the trees. The world seemed to stop and get colder. Mrs. Holland broke my thoughts.
"How old are you Rahnee?"
"That's great we have two sons. One is sixteen and the other is seventeen. Don't worry you'll get along just fine".
Sure I thought, one thing I knew about being adopted was that kids hate to share or be shared. I bet they're all stuck up. I mean these people dress lavish they look like their wealthy and they even talk rich. I didn't want to be bothered. "We're glad you're here Rahnee give us sometime and we'll prove to you that we can be a real family".
Mr. Holland said. That's when they turned in a neighborhood full of huge houses. I looked out the translucent window now amazed when they pulled up to a huge brick house. Two boys sat on the porch. They stood up when we pulled in the driveway. Flowers surrounded the path of the walkway. The grass was greener thab kale and nicely cut. Their mailbox stood straight and fierce.
"We're here".
They both said. They got out, I waited awhile then got out too. The boys looked at me, I even heard one of them whisper "Is she gothic?" I looked back at my clothes. Blacks shorts, black hair, and a black shirt. I then looked at my shoes, black Chucks. I shrugged and got my suitcase when a tall tan boy with brown hair and eyes grabbed my suitcase. The other one stood at the steps, black hair bold blue eyes, burly and tough looking. He had a masculine face.
"I got it".
He spoke. We then all walked in the house. Marian start to speak.
"Derek and Ron here will show you to your room while I get dinner ready".
I looked around, this house was beautiful. A long crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, a long nice staircase waited to be walked on, a nice luxurious living room, and out the corner of my eye I saw the kitchen.
"Follow me"
The tough looking one said. I followed them upstairs, we made a left and I saw an all white room. We walked into it, everything was white in here. The boys stood at the door while I looked around. I heard them say, "She's either emo or she's just scary looking".
"We kept it white so you could decorate it however you want".
The one that held my suitcase said. I placed my hands on the white cover, for some reason I felt back at the Hartons home. The smell of warm bread waiting for me downstairs, oh how I miss that, the only thing wrong was that the bread was getting me fat. I broke out of my daze when I noticed the boys looking at me. "I'm not gonna pretend like I like you". The tough looking one said. He looked at me with those harsh blue eyes. He then walked away. I was use to people not liking me, but this was just too soon. "Don't mind him he's always like that . . . that's Ron by the way".
I nooded my head.
"Yeah I'm use to it".
"Just know I'm happy you're here".
I gave Derek a fake smile, he smiled back then walked away. This was going to be a long night.
Marian called from downstairs, I had just got done unpacking my stuff from the suitcase into the drawer. I put my hair into a dirty bun and kept my bangs out, I then walked downstairs slowly. As I hit the last step I heard laughing and smelled fresh pasta, and warm sizzling garlic bread. As I walked into the kitchen, Marian, Ron, Derek, and Gale were all sitting down. I stopped and looked around, the blue wall painting with family portraits covering it , all white chairs and counters, and a table with glass cups and plates,the window open, letting the coldest breeze in, then the Holland family. This was a family, if they were to take a picture now they would be the type of family you see on the commercials, loving one another, and laughing with each other. Now if I was to get into the picture I'll ruin everything like I always do.
"What are you waiting for?"
Marian asked.
"Oh sorry".
I took a seat next to Ron. (The only seat left). He kicked me from under the table, I really felt like grabbing this knife and stabbing him in the leg with it. One thing I learned at Fort Wilkinson and that was to stand up for myself. I decided to keep cool for now.
"Let's eat".
Derek spoke.
"Bout time".
Ron said.
Gale spit back. They then start to pass pasta and garlic bread back and forth. I dug into my pasta as Marian start to talk.
"So we enrolled you in school you'll be going to Lakewood High with Ron".
No I thought, not this bitch.
"So does this mean I'm gonna have to give her rides?"
"She's your sister Ron".
He huffed and got up and stomped away. "Excuse him".
Gale said while getting up and following him. I put my head down.
"Rahnee tomorrow we'll go shopping so you can get stuff for your room".
Derek just stared at me. To be honest he was the only friendly face I'd seen in awhile.
"We're really happy to have you". "Sure . . . I'm pretty tired I'm gonna call it the night".
Marian shook her head at me as I got up. I then walked upstairs to my new room. Thankgod I have a bathroom in my room. I closed the door then locked it. I then took off my clothes and slipped on a T-shirt. I turned the lights off and opened the window. I always slept with the window open after I left the Delwood family. I then hopped in bed and slowly went to sleep.


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