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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » Beloved or Betrayed *(incomplete) by shay prinkey (read aloud books TXT) 📖

Book online «Beloved or Betrayed *(incomplete) by shay prinkey (read aloud books TXT) 📖». Author shay prinkey

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impress ty." I smiled and rolled my eyes. "look i dont have to impress ty. He's seen me at my worst and at my best i really dont think how i look tonight will change what he thinks about me. Im just saying. and why yall over there hatin. Yall are all coupled up why cant we be." "you are now!" jas squealed. I shook my head. "im out you bitches are whack!" i said standing up to leave the room. Jas followed. "who says whack?" I started to laugh. "white girls." storm ran out of the room. "i heard that shit! look who's the hater now." We started laughing. When we walked into the party room Ty was sitting on the couch texting. I ran over and plopped down beside him. "whats wrong?" I ask. He smiled. "nothing. brittney text and ask why she got stood up for prom and i had to explain it to her." i bit my lip. "were you nice?" he sighed. "seriously. was i nice? thats all you have to say?" I smiled a little shocked at his reply. "yea. what was i suppose to say?" He started to laugh. "maybe something like good or finally or a simple ok would have been understandable but instead you say were you nice. Who does that? you are intirely too damn nice." he joked. "not really i just know it cant feel good getting dumped on prom night." he sighed. "it was either you or her. would you have rather me picked her?" he ask leaning in close. "no." i whispered. "good. cause no matter if you would have i still would have picked you." I smiled shyly avoiding looking in his eyes. "for real?" i ask. "for real!" he said laughing. Jas come running in the room "drinks!" she yelled. She was  carrying a bottle of liquor. "Hell yeah!" i yelled back. She poured me a cup then went over to storms boyfriend pouring him a cup. "omg this is going to kill me. no chaser." i said to tyler. He laughed. "bet you cant chug it." he said. I plugged my nose then started to drink what was in the cup. He started laughin. When i finished it my whole body shook from the bitter taste. "so what did i just win?" i ask. "a sober driver." he joked. I shook my head. "i need a better prize than that." He smiled. "like what." he said very low. "oh im meeting another side of you i see." i joked. He looked at me in shock. "what do you mean?" he ask. "i didnt realize you had a mr. nasty side. i can see it all over your face." i joked. He shook his head rolling his eyes. "you never sease to amaze me shortie you are a trip." I shook my head getting up. "okay so where is the music" i said dramatically. Jas started dancing without the music. "your too hype!" storm said when she walked in the room with a drink. "this is my last friday off for like three weeks. Yea im hype. Im going all the way in tonight!" she said excited. Ty looked at his phone cheaking the time. He shook his head. "Its only nine chill out!" He said to jas. "shut up ty!" she yelled. I started to laugh. Ben walked in the room with a guy helping him carry a table. "this is my brother. eric this is." he took a deep breathe putting the table down against the wall. "ty, lana, storm and caleb. you know jas these are my  friend i tell you about all the time." eric looked at storm and i. I sat down beside ty not really wanting to be noticed. "Nice to meet yall. my little brother forever talks about yall. i really never thought my nerdy little brother would make such interesting friends." we all looked at him like he was stupid. Ben was far from nerdy. His apperance showed nerdy but he was actually pretty cool. People started showing up around eleven. we all just sat around taking shots and listening to the music low until then. When the dj finally showed up the party got a little crazy. By that point our small group of friends were well on our way past drunk. Ty and i danced until i started getting tired. It was about 2:30 in the morning. jas and ben had already disappeared for the night. I walked over to storm but she was so wrapped up in the music i just walked away. i walked by over to ty who was sitting on the couch. "Im so tired. Like i really just want to sleep. This day has been so long." i slurred. "lets go." he said getting up. he was the only sober one at the party but i was so thankful he was because i wanted to get away from all the loud music and crazy people. When we got in the car i leaned my head against the seat looking out the window. "whats on your mind shortie?" he ask as we started to leave the neighborhood. "nothing im just tired. Thank you for a great night ty." i slurred. i wiped under my eye then stretched to keep from yawning. He laughed. "what?" i ask. "nothing your just funny when your tired. ive always thought that." i rolled my eyes making my head start to swim. My stomach started to hurt so i curled my feet under me. "and your welcome. All i wanted was to spend tonight making you happy." he said while driving. "you going home? or to storm's tonight?" he ask. I couldnt form the words. I instantly felt the throw up coming up my throat. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I grabbed my empty backpack and started to throw up in it. He pulled over quickly making my head spin more. "oh shit." ty said getting out of the car. He opened my door quickly without getting in my space. I leaned my head out the door and started to throw up again. Every time i would start to throw up my entire body would jerk. Finally i didnt have anything else on my stomach. I sat back looking for something to wipe my mouth with. He closed my door then got back into the car. He started to drive again. "are you okay?" He ask nervously. "yea i just." i paused. "should have ate." He looked over at me. I was leaning against the door. "you look so fucking pale are you sure your okay alana?" I sighed. "bae stop. Im okay stop trippin i always look pale when i throw up." i said rolling my window down to let some air in the car. he rolled it back up. "no offense but your a sixteen year old drunk alana you cant have your window down right now." I sighed. "oh my gosh this sucks!!" i yelled. he started to laugh. "nothing is funny ty." i snapped. "a lot is funny!" he said still laughing. i leaned my head back again. I really didnt see what was funny. i was furious, My mouth had a horrible taste and i was tired. "where are we going?" I ask. He didnt say anything. "ty!" i yelled. He sighed. "i do not like this drunken alana. What girl" he said. I started to laugh. "oh now you laugh." he said getting frustrated. I loved it when he got annoyed. He would talk so proper and polite. "yep. where are we going?" he ignored me again. I started to get annoyed again. "answer me!" i yelled throwing a empty sandwhich rapper at him. "home alana home!" he said calmly. I stopped smiling and looked out the window. We werent in my neighborhood or his. "home?" i ask. "yea my family house. My dad left the utilites on here so i could come here when i miss taylor." I put my head down. "oh." He sighed. " you dont need to go home and its two in the morning im not listening to my dad ask why im just now getting home. plus you cant drive home." he grabbed my hand. I smiled at him. "what am i going to do with you shortie. I dont know if i can handle your craziness." he said smiling. We pulled into the driveway. The house was beautiful. He came over to my door and carried me inside on his back. He took me to a room with green walls and a huge bed. I loved the room it was beautiful. "who's room was this?" I ask when he sat me down on the bed. "my sisters room. When she got sick she ask for this bed so that i could sleep in here with her at the bottom. sometimes we would all sleep in here." i smiled. "thank you ty." i said softly. "for what?" he ask. "always being there. being a great friend and just being you. i feel like there is no secrets with you. i dont have to hold anything back. you see me. not the me my family and friends see but the real me." He came over to stand in front of me. I looked up at him. He looked so calm. His beautiful eyes glistened in the dim light. "alana you just dont even know how i see you." he said sighing. "Then tell me." i said getting up. The static feeling between us was beginning to be a bit much for me. He turned around watching me as i looked at the pictures of his family. " I see beauty. I see intelligence. I see kindness. I see humor. I see so much i could go on for days. But its not what i see that makes me stay. Its how you make me feel." I turned around smiling. "But im not ready to tell you how i feel not just yet." i sighed. "why?" He bit his lip and sat down on the bed. "well because if i do you may run or you may stay either way there is risk involved. I cant afford any risk with you so i wont be taking any." i began to bite my nails because i was anxious to know. "seriously?" i ask. "seriously. your my best friend. Ive never had a female friend and its just crazy to me that i have one i think i may be in love with." I crossed my arms and stood there just looking at him. "is that how you feel or is that how you think you feel?" i ask. "Thats how i feel but the why is what im not willing to explain." I rolled my eyes smiling. He stood up and walked over to me. Without my heels once again i was quite a few inches shorter than him. I looked up into his beautfiul blue eyes wondering what was behind them. What was he thinking, And why wouldnt he just open up and tell me. His calm look went to almost a dark disturbed look. "are you ready for this alana? seriously? i know nothing will change between us but do you know that?" he ask. I sighed unfolding my arms. "ty i dont know but if i dont ever try will i ever know?" He closed his eyes for a moment. "ty to be honest i think i love you too." His eyes opened and it felt like he was looking into my soul. I looked away. He just didnt realize how much he affected my every breathe. Even the smallest things made my heart skip a beat. I didnt want to be in love again but i knew i was. The question was how to avoid letting it take over my life again.
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