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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » Beloved or Betrayed *(incomplete) by shay prinkey (read aloud books TXT) 📖

Book online «Beloved or Betrayed *(incomplete) by shay prinkey (read aloud books TXT) 📖». Author shay prinkey

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of the reason i love alana so much is because she reminds me of my sister. From her ridiculous obsession with clothes to her dedication to moving forward in life. I started to go through our old pictures. Taylor had curley hair too except alana's curls are deeper than taylors. I smiled at the picture of Taylor dancing in the mirror. I didnt realize it until i heard her close the bathroom door that she was actuallly awake. I smiled and closed the picture albums. I got up and warmed her food up. "good morning." she said. I started to  laugh because she still had the towel around her hair and it made her look like a cone head. "no good morning back. your just going to stand there and laugh." She said in a grouchy tone. I walked over and kissed her on the forehead. I kissed her forehead because i would actually have to bend down to kiss her on the lips. She smiled looking up at me with her bright brown eyes. "good morning. im not going to ask if you slept well because i know you did." i joked. She tilted her head to the side then rolled her eyes. When she did that it was so adorable. I shook my head thinking wow how the hell did i get so lucky. "so im hungry and i smell food." she said smiling. "Just cause you smell doesnt mean there is any." i teased. She looked around to see if she could find any evidence. "I know you didnt eat and not leave me some." she said cockily. "sure did. i was hungry." She huffed. I started to laugh. "your such a damn jerk ty. where is my food?" she said playfully. "I dont know what your talking about. but i had this bomb ass mcgriddle." She gave me her death stare. "seriously." she whinned. I smiled pointing to the mcdonalds bag on the tv stand. "Thanks. Now your offically the bestest." She said snatching the bag off the tv. I shook my head in disbelievement. "Your a phyco! who says "your such a jerk" then turns around and says "your the bestest." in the same breathe." I mocked. She was eating her mcgriddle so she just gave me a shut the hell up look. I started to walk away. "where are you going?" she said with her mouth full. "Im going to clean up the room real quick so we can go. dont you work today since you took yesterday off." She shook her head no. "okay. Well we are still leaving." i walked away letting out a sigh. I had to think quick. I had to figure out something to do with our day. I was making up the bed trying to figure out What to do with the day. I knew i had to come back at some point to wash the covers and stuff before my dad came over here but aside to that i was drawing a blank. She quietly tried to sneak in and scare me but i saw her shaddow. When she stepped behind me i turned around really quick and made her scream. I burst into laughter. "damn it man! You scared the shit out of me!" she squealed. I laughed looking at her shake her head. She was wearing a pair of basketball shorts and one of my t-shirts she had stolen months ago. " i am really digging that outfit." i said looking at her socks. "I know right its the bomb dot com. I got this shirt from some guy a couple months ago. He was extra ratchet too." I half smiled and said "i didnt think he looked half bad. I mean you was feeling him last night." i said stepping closer to her. Her breathing shallowed a little. She smiled tilting her head back. "last night he was looking hella good. but i always look better especially in his clothes." she muttered. "baby you can wear my clothes anytime. as long as i get to take your off." i teased. She rolled her eyes. I kissed her forhead. "love you." she said. "love you too shortie."

*********************Graduation 2011**************************

Ty and i were offically a couple and everything was decent. We argued a lot but our love was so sincere it was almost crazy. I was on my way home from graduation when i got a call from jas. "hello." i answered. "whats wrong?" she asked. "nothing. im on my way home to change out of this dress. i just dropped ty off at home." i sighed. "dont tell me yall are fighting today of all days." jas groaned. "no. we arent fighting. im just overly stressed about work and finals and stuff." i lied. "omg stop worrying about work and school. geesh loosen up lana." i sighed again rolling my eyes. "its all good. you still going to the party?" i ask. "yup.  i cant believe ben graduated im going to loose my mind without him next year." she admitted. I laughed. "well i dont have to worry about that. ty isnt going to college so he says." i said angrily. "ahh and here is why your in a foul mood. You know he will. I really just think ty is in a rough patch right now." she said trying to make me feel better."yea really rough. okay well i just pulled up to the house. ill call you when i pick ty back up." i said cutting the car off. "okay love you boo. cheer up!" she said before hanging up. I sighed getting out of the car. Truth was ty went to his friends house to smoke before he went to the party. I didnt mind that he smoked, what bothered me is how he acted when he did. He just had no cares in the world. At first i was like okay this is cool he's happier and its a once in a while thing. Well then it turned into a everyday thing. Then it turned into a Three times in a day thing, now it whenever he can. It takes away from the little spare time i have with him and it just makes him numb to everything. When he's not high he's my ty but when he is i feel like im with a complete stranger. I ran up to my room and slipped on a crop top and skirt with some ankle sandals. I didnt even care what i was wearing i just wanted to get back to ty to make sure he wasnt doing anything stupid. I ran back down stairs to leave but my mom stopped me. "where did you get that outfit?" she ask. "i bought it a couple weeks ago." i said quickly. "little revealing dont you think?" she said pushing the subject. "not really. mom im in a big hurry." i sighed. She grimaced at my outfit one last time. "okay go. Please be home in the morning. Your aunt is coming in from detroit." I gave her the thumbs up then ran out the door. When i got to ty's friends house outside of town he came out laughing. When he got in the car i began to cough. "ew you need a shower." i spat. "please dont start lana." he pleaded. I threw my hands up laughing in disgust. "okay tyler what the fuck ever." He shook his head. "you look good tonight." he said putting his hand on my leg. I pushed it away with my free hand. "what the hell alana?" he yelled. "what do you mean what the hell! I hate this shit!" i yelled. He sighed shaking his head. "here we go again!" That made my blood boil. Shawn would say that when i would say anything he didnt want to hear. Tyler was starting to fall into the habbit of saying it and it was just that much worse for me to hear it. There was no part of me that wanted shawn back but there were still plenty of parts of me that hated him. "Just shut up tyler. Your pissing me off!" i yelled. As we rode he sat looking out the window. I decided against going to the party. I pulled over at a gas station. "Im not going to the party." i spat. He sat up looking at me. His eyes were so clouded and red it broke my heart because his eyes was one of the reasons i fell in love with him. I made a decison right then. "What you mean your not going? Tonight is my graduation night. You really arent going to just leave me hanging?" he said angrily. "yea. yea i am ty. your not the person you were. I dont know what the hell is going on with you but im giving you tonight to fix it. If you dont im done." i said taking a deep breathe. He looked at me shaking his head. "you done!" he yelled. i put my head on the stearing wheel. "YOU DONE!" he yelled again. "yes tyler ill be done! I cant do this any more. you once told me you refused to watch me destroy myself well i refuse to watch you destroy yourself. i love you too damn much for that shit." i yelled back. He started to laugh coldly. "Really. if i recall if it wasnt for me you would still be destroying yourself. So how are you going to sit here and tell me what i told you. Plus you leave me who are you going to run to? Im the best your going to find. Your my everything ill never find anyone better than you tyler. REMEMBER THOSE WORDS." he yelled. The anger rose from my stomach. "GET OUT OF MY CAR TYLER! WALK YOUR ASS HOME! ITS NOT THE WEED THATS GOT YOU ALL FUCKED UP IN THE HEAD. ITS YOUR SHITTY EGO! GO TO HELL YOU ASSHOLE!" I screamed as loud as i could.  "gladly." he said getting out. As soon as he got out of the car i sped off leaving him standing there. I rolled my eyes shaking my head. I didnt even get down the street before he was calling my phone. I ignored it. I thought about going home but decided against it. I had taken tonight off and i was going to enjoy it. I pulled my phone out to call jas but when i picked it up i accidently accepted ty's call. I let out a growl. "WHAT?" I YELLED INTO THE PHONE. "you really going to just leave me at the store." i started to laugh. "oh what now you need me. When i was trying to talk some sense into your ass you didnt need me. i needed you remember." he sighed. "come on babe please come pick me up." he pleaded. "nope. your offically a single man. dont call my phone again." i said hanging up. I dialed jas's number. "hello." she answered. "lets show out tonight. Im fucking single!" i yelled. Jas sighed. "what?" she ask. "you said cheer up and now im cheered up. I just dropped the weight on my should off at the store." i said laughing. "alana what the hell are you talking about where is ty? have you been drinking already?" she ask. "jasmine listen to me. I broke up with tyler. We are done. where is storm she's single she will show out with me." i said happily. "call her then. I cant believe how your acting your going to regret this tomorrow." she said sadly. "not really. and okay. love ya boo." i said hanging up. I called storms phone and i could hear the music in the background. "where you at?" she yelled. "coming to find you! where you at?" i ask. She laughed. "im riding around with kasey. im not coming to hang out with you and ty. im fucking single and

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