you broke me, but i fell for you anyway ( it wasnt like i had a choice ) by christina foster (free romance novels TXT) 📖

- Author: christina foster
Book online «you broke me, but i fell for you anyway ( it wasnt like i had a choice ) by christina foster (free romance novels TXT) 📖». Author christina foster
i soon hopped out of bed and grabbed a mid-drift shirt that said "imma bad girl" on it some shorts that werent to short some matching bra and panties and hopped into the shower.
(20 minutes later)
all refreshed i got dressed grabbed some socks and slipped them on and went down stairs. everyone had soon left for school as they were all boys and they had morning football pactice, i tld he girl tocome in the afternoon while the boys could hep as well.
i strowledinto the kitchen and saw the staff ard at work
"hey lidia,mark,lucinda,greg,jo how are you all this morning"
"very well elena how are you " replied lidia
"im very good lidia thank you" i said giving all of them a hug
"here's your breakfast sweetie" greg said while putting a plate of hot eggs and bancon in front of me
"thanks greg "
i atemy breakfast, said bye to the staff, garbbed my white converse slipped them on, grabbed my kays to my black porsche and grove off to school
"elena " screamed katie,lola,stefenie and luke while running up to me and pulling mt into a hug
"hey my gorgeous friends"
"hey you all still staying over for the holidays right "
"of course"
"your crazy"
"ok cool "
"hey elena how was jacks kiss last night " katie said
oh shit the kiss i forgot that jack kissed me last night
"WHAT"" screamed lola,stefenie,and luke
"oh yeah jack kissed elena last night"
"wait how do you know he kissed me "
"well i forgot my purse at yours and when i went to go grbb it i saw jack kiss you "
"oh yeah i kinda forgot that he ever did that i guesse "
"well jack has told everyone that he is gonna ask you out tonight at your place"
"WAIT WHAT! " i screamed
"NOTHING" they all said running to class
"they betta watch out hahaha " i said to my selfwhile walking to class
the school day went as usual
i droe in the drive noticing all of the boys cars and my girls cars there yay they were all here
"hey everyone" i said walking into the door
no respne was heard until i heard screaming coming from the backyard
"pool" i said to my self before rushing up stairs putting on my black and white bikini and running out side
"damn your sister hot " said daniel maxs bestfriend
"shut up daniel " max said getting out of the pool and giving me a hug
"wasup sis were you been "
"miss kept me in as she asked me to finish my art project"
" ok then " he said lifting me up over his shouder and ruching over to the pool
"no no no matt my oh" but befoe i could say it i was in the pool
"MATTTT you fcken asss hole my phone was in my hand you little fck "
"oh please you have like ten phones ok "
i was really mad with matt as my phone had all my memories in it
"ugh you little ffck
i was really really really made now and i didnt know why
"hello elena "
"oh sorry "
"oh elena im your wolf and im setting my self free , this is gonna hurt "
but before i could ask what my bones sarted cracking, imense pain shot throuh my body
"elena what is going on " i heard max yell from behind me
i couldnt talk
my bones went CRACK! and before i know it i had formed into a crisp white wolf with a black line going through its eyes
"omg elena you did it " everyone screamed
i felt my body fal to the ground and soft hands piced me up and then i blacked out. I DID IT
i really didnt know how long i had blacked out for but i woke up with everyone beside me, thank god they all were wolves as that would of been trouble.
"elena" i heard a soft voice say
"mmmm" i replied trying to gte up but everything hurt
"no no dont get up " i soon relised the voice was maxs
"why " i groanded
"your gonna be really sore for today and that is how it ges but by tomorrow you should have healded but for now sit down and relaxe you have you own personal slaves for the day "
"slaves?" i asked confused
"oh yeah everyone has movedin today and they are unpacking so if you need anything just cal me "
"ok thank bro "
"no worries sis sit tight"
i layed back down and fell back asleep.
jacks pov
today was the day we all moved into matts house and stayed all holidays
i begged and begged my parentd until they gave in and et me go, i txted max and sad i could come.
i packed all my stuff and got into the car and drove to the adress matt gave me, i got to the adress and the house was huge like a masion well it kinda was, it was blackish kinda outisde and look like it went out all the way, i had ben here before but never relly went inside. i walked u to the door and knockedon the large wooden door.
"hey" matt gretted me at the door
"hey "
"comone in and i wll show you your room"
we walked up stairs an notced everyone else here i didnt bother saying hi as they were busy unpacking
"this is your room "
i walkedinto the rooma and all that could come out was "wow"
"ill levae you to it " matt said before leaving the room an closing the door.
i looked around the room it had a king sized ben in the middle of the room, i walk in closet , my own bathroom , a balcony, and a large window our stretcinthe forest(yas perfect for my weekly more like daily runs)
i unpacked and left the house for school
school was just like usual boring balh blah blah imma grade A student so i really didnt matter to me
after school matt came up to me
"hey coming back to mine "
"yeah " we got into our cars and drove to matts house technacly now our house but what eves
when we drove into the drive way we noticed all the girl cars in the drive way so we all went to one and grabbed there stuff and took it to there room. after a intense unpacking we all decided to hit the pool.
we were all being realy stupid dunking each other under the water and splashing around the pool. we all were having alot of fun and we heard a loud slamm of the door and soon relised it was elena coming into the house.
lot long after she same outsite in a black and white bikini showing of her six pack , wow it was just damn sexy.
"damn your sister is hot" daniel siad when she walked out
"shut up daneil " matt said getting out of the pool and running up to elena and giving her a hug
"wassup sis were uyou been "
"the teacher kept me in " she replyed
" ok then " he said lifting her up over his shouder and ruching over to the pool
"no no no matt my oh" but befoe she could say it she was in the pool
"MATTTT you fcken asss hole my phone was in my hand you little fck "
"oh please you have like ten phones ok "
"ugh you little ffck she said to mat
i could she was really really mad and her beauiful hazel eyes turned balck
shit ! i sai in my head
everyone heard bonses cracking and elena screaing out in pain
"elena what is going on" matt screamed
"let her " i said to matt through mindlink
her final bone cracked and she shifted into a beautfiul white wolf with a blac line through her eyes
"elena you did it" everyone screamed
wow she was beautiful she was the complete opisite of me
i was full black wolf with a white stripped down through my eyes
we were all so happy no one noticed elena fall to the ground
i soon ran up to her and picked her and and wlaked her up to her room
and couldnt help but notice my whole body tingled when i picked her up, i shocke it off and continuded up the staris, people following after.
"matt which room "
"one next to youre "
i walked into her room and it was beuaitful
i plopped her down on her bed and sat next to her and just looked at her peacufully sleeping , she looked beautiful, woah beautiful what th hell
"MATE" my wolf cried
"shut up no way "
"oh fck off useless boy she is your mate "
my whole heart fluttered, i cant belevie out of all girl she is mine.
beep beep beep beep
"ok i get it " i turned my alram clock off, since i forgot to turn it off for the holidays
"grate now im awake" i said getting out of bed and into the bathroom
i wasnt sore anymore and cold move with out pain, i washed my hair and body then jumed out and wrapped a towl around my body and walked into my walk in closet and got out a a two piece bikini which was blue and black, my black shorts, my see through grey top that said " bite me bitch " on it and slipped them on and walked down stairs for breakfast.
i walked into the kitchen and was greeted by staff and bacon and eggs.
"thank you lidia"
"youre welcome dear"
i walked outisde and noticed everyone up
"why " i thought to my self
"why you all up so early "
"elena its 12:00 " said jack
"oh right "
i walked over to a chair and stripped so i was just in my bikini, and jumped in splashing everyone
"hey" they all said
"sucked in "
i felt some one pulled my legs and far enough that i was face to face with
"wtf" i thought to my self
my thoughts were soon stopped when lips went to mine and tingles shot through my body
yeah we kissed under water what a weird thing to do
we had to come up for a breath but no one had noticed
thank god
i quikely got out of the poola grabbed my towl and ran up stairs.
jack pov
i woke up at i think 10:00, i got up and got straigt into my swimmer and went don for a swim
i got out side and notced the staff cleaning the pool, i helped
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