My one and only love by Ravon Carter (good fiction books to read .TXT) 📖

- Author: Ravon Carter
Book online «My one and only love by Ravon Carter (good fiction books to read .TXT) 📖». Author Ravon Carter
As the bell rings for dismissal I groan , not wanting to get up from my desk to go home. MY "Phone" rings, Its one of those phones where it has 3 numbers programmed into it. Bobs , Belles , and 911. The name of the product is "Smiley lady bug just for kids!" and yes it has creepy smiling lady bugs painted all over it. I answer. "I'm outside , hurry up!" Belle says quickly. "Fine" I hang up. I wonder if Bob has found out shes cheating on him will a collegue. I grab my bag and I leave the classroom.
We sit at the dinner table eating "Dinner" in an akward silence. We each have a small scoop of corn and once chicken drumstick , which has mold on it. I stare at the mold. "Goddamnit! Just scrape the mold off if you want to be picky about it" Bob says. "I'm not hungry" I say , and I start to stand. Bob yanks me back down "Your not leaving until you eat your dinner" I scowl at him "No I wont eat it so dont try to make me" He had grabbed a knife and aimlessley aimed it at my body , slicing a small part of my stomach. "You ungrateful bitch! I dont know why you're acting like this but we've raised you from the age of 4 to 16 and you are by far the worse out of all the children we've raised!" He screams , spit flying into my face. I whimper. Belle grabs a towel and holds it onto the long gash. Soon enough the towel changes from white to red from so much blood. "Hold that" she places my hand over the towel and she leaves and returns with a medical kit. She removes the towel and dabs at my wound with alchohol and peroxide. I bite my lip to keep from crying out. The blood had slowed down , not even to a trickle. Thankfully. Belle turns to Bob "Are you crazy?!" she screams "Want me to stab you too?" he glares at her making her break eye contact. She shuts up real quick. "Thats what I thought" "Samantha your excused" Belle tells me. Bob stares at her , I stare too , surprised and all. "Well hurry the hell up!" she orders. I slowly get up from the table. Bob doesn't move at all. I moan in pain. "I'll excuse myself too" she gets up from the table and helps me up the stairs. When we make it to my door she turns to walk away. "Mom" she slowly turns around , tears in her blue eyes. Thats when I realize how beautiful she really is. I slowly walk over to her and I hug her , not caring about my pain. Why had I not realized she was suffering aswell as me? I hold her close , lightly stroking her long blonde hair with a few gray specks. "Mom" I repeat. She continues to cry and I continue to hold her. Tear start to well in my eyes but I quickly brush them away , hiding my emotions from .. everything including myself.
I lay in bed thinking. I need to get the hell up outta her before he decides to actually kill me. I sigh , right when I was getting all cozy with Belle .. but its for my own good. I get up and I leave my room. I creep , quickly over to their room and I knock on the door. "What the hell do you want?" Bob barks. "Uh , I want to talk to Belle for a couple minutes" " then come back later!" He snaps. "I'll go and talk to her" Belle tells Bob. "We..we were in the middle of something" He replies. "Not anymore" Belle opens the door and stumbles out, her dress unbottoned down to her waist. Her make-up is smeared and her hair is messed up, , llike she was just in a fight. My heart suddenly drops. Belle runs a hand through her hair and wipes her face with the sleeve of her dress. I grab her arm and I pull her into my room "I've made a desicion" Belle fumbles with the buttons on her dress "What do you mean?" "I have to get away from here , I cant take it" I snap. Belle flinches at my sudden harshness. "I'm sorry mom" I say softly. "Well then you better get going because i'm going to have to tell him that you're gone" she says , her voice small and sad. I quickly stuff a bag with a couple clothes , a toothbrush , and deoderant. Belle stares at me , like shes about to change her mind. "I'm gonna come back for you" I promise her. She gives me a small smile. I start past her and then she pulls me in for a hug.
I follow her down the stairs and she unlocks the door. After the sun goes down they lock everything down , even my window is locked and it has an alarm. I guess thats what the'd decided to spend their money on. Belle reaches behind the Tv and pulls out a whole stack of cash and she thrusts it at me. "Go! While you still alive" She shoves me out the door. I run , not looking back. Not even once.
Part two: The struggleAfter a mile or so I stop running. Everytime a car passes I jump into the nearest bush. Its completely dark outside and theres one street lamp on each block. I take in the fresh air. I had never been anywhere past school , so this is like heaven to me. I turn down Hueberry street , as the sign says and I contnue walking. My arms are musty and my hair is even more matted than before. My stomach is grumbling and theres bo store in sight. "Man my like is built on bad luck" I mutter to myself. A woman passes by with a child of maybe 3 and scowls at me. "Jesus , go take a shower" she says and speeds off , with her baby in tow. I yawn. I've walked about 5 or 6 miles , im heading torwards the bus station .. or I think I am. Thats when a dark shadow appears behind me. I ignore it and I keep walking. The shadow follows me. My heart starts to beat fast. "Hold it right there!" A deep voice orders. I freak out and I swing my bag around to hit his face. I let go of the bag as soon as it makes contact with his face and I run.
I'm out of breathe when I stop running. My eyes start to burn. I'll never get that bag back. Luckily I had put the wad of cash in my pocket. I wipe my eyes and I smile to myself. "Hold it right there!" I think back to the words the man had said. I laugh. "What a cliché" I say aloud. I look around at my surroundings. "Yes!" I practically shout when I see a small cafe at the corner of the street. I quickly walk over and I open the door. A small bell tingles as I closes behind me. People gawk at me. I sigh. I guess i'd be gawking too if I saw a terribly must girl with matted hair , dirty clothes , and red eyes from crying and not having enough sleep. A couple of people cover their noses while others are polite and they continue eating. I walk over to the black and white checkered counter. I quickly glance at the menu and then I turn to the short ladie with blonde pigtails , wearing a bright pink apron. "I would like-" she cuts me off "please exit the cafe" she says harshly. "Pardon me? I'm hungry and I haven't ate in what feels like days" I tell her. A teenage girl my age says "You haven't showered in days either" I roll my eyes when her friends laugh like idiots behind her. I turn back to the woman. She points to a sign and reads aloud "We have the right to not provide service to anyone" Angrily I spit on the counter and I turn to leave. Nearing the door I stop and I turn torwards the teenage girl "How about you try being abused by your foster dad , locked in a basement with no food or blankets , stabbed by your foster dad , and bullied at school and see how you end up" "Gee , sorry but my rich daddy loves me and I get whatever I want" she batts her fake eyelashes at me. He friends laugh. I pick up her strawberry shake and I dump it in her hair. She screams. "Tell your rich little daddy to get your hair color fixed" I snatch her bagel from her hand and I wipe the cream all over her face and with that I open the door and I leave , hearing the tingling sound of the bell still in my ears.
I had walked around for a while but no cafe would let me buy food. What assholes. Because of my hunger my vision is a little off. I hadn't really cared when a man robbed and took the rest of my money. I slowly walk across the street , I hadn't seen it coming but out of nowhere a red sports car hits me. I roll down the windsheild and I hit the ground. I blink rapidly as if to make sure i'm alive and if this is even real. Theres a sharp pain in my leg and my heads killing me. I groan. A teenageboy jumps out the car , he rushes over to me "Shit..shit..shit" He runs a hand through his wavy brown hair. He pulls out his phone and starts to dial 911 , I panick. If I go to a hospital i'll be caught. Before he could put in the last 1 I click his home button "No hospital" I say weakly , not recognizing my own voice. "Are you crazy?" He stares at me with bright blue eyes , my heart flutters. What the hell...I sit all the way up. A few other cars had stopped. "Help me up will you?" I hold out my arm. He stares at my dirty arm and hands for a couple seconds before he slowly pulls me up. I lean against his car for balance. ''You need a doc-" I put my hand up to silence him "It never happended" I tell him and I turn. He softly grabs my arm , I make eye contact with him. "It never happened" I repeat , prying his hand off my arm and I limp away. He stares
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