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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » My one and only love by Ravon Carter (good fiction books to read .TXT) 📖

Book online «My one and only love by Ravon Carter (good fiction books to read .TXT) 📖». Author Ravon Carter

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after me but I dont look back , I just keep limping , looking for a place to rest. "My life is seriously built on bad luck , no lie" I mutter before turning down an alley to rest.

 I had a dream about the boy with bown hair and blue eyes , but I wake up as if it was a nightmare. I look around the alley. I let out a lond dramatic sigh. My leh hurts like hello. I feel as if my head is screaming at me "Doctor.Doctor.Doctor!" I clutch my leg in pain "Damn that car!" I hold onto the dumpster beside me and I help myself up. Hopefully if I rest a little more , it wont hurt as much. "Yea , right" my mind tells me. I limp over to a wall and I honl onto the wall as I leave the alley. The sun stares back at me as I enter civilization again. People stare at me "well thats not new" I mutter. I contine , but then I spot another cafe. Well I guess i'll ask someone the easy way. I limp over to a table infront of the cafe and I quickly sit across a man probably in his mid thirties. He looks up from his newspaper. I give him a nice smile and her nervously smiles back. "Excuse me sir but I need to know where the bus station is" He thinks for a moment as if whether to tell me or not. "Its a mile that way" he points to a road to his right. "Thanks you ... but do I look crazy to you?" sorry .. I had to ask. He clears his throat "a little" I frown. "Sir! your croissant is ready!" a girl calls from inside. He gets up "excuse me" and he disappears inside the cafe. I start to get up , but then I notice he had left his wallet. I quickly open it. Damn he's rich! 100 dollar bills are exploding from the pouches inside the wallet. I snatch out 200$ .. not to be greed. I put it back , I get up and I limp the direction he had pointed to.

"One ticket to GoldStone City" I tell the person inside the booth. The man glances at me. I clear my throat. "That would be 200$" he says. God is on my side! I push the money through the little window and he exchanges it with a ticket. "Thanks" I go and I sit on one if the comfortable black chairs. "Arrives 12:00" I read. I look around the station for a clock. An old woman taps on my shoulder. I turn around "Its 11:45" she tells me. I smile in reply and then I turn back around. GoldStone City is 3 towns away , which is about 15 hours away from here. Sadly I dont have anything to entertain myself with. I sit all the way back in my chair. GoldStone is actually a very rich city and its huge! I only know about it because they always write about it in the newspaper Bob always left on the kitchen counter. I look at myself .. "I'm not even fit to be in a city like that". A big blue bus pulls up to the curb "Goldstone city!" the driver yells. I get up and I limp over to the bus. Others stand by and wait for me to get on the bus. I hand the driver my ticket. He barely even looks at it before he waves me onto the bus. Thats was too easy. I limp to the back of the bus and I sit down. God , what do you have in store for me now? While others pile onto the bus , I fall asleep

Part three: Coincidence? Yea right

 "We've arrives in GoldStone city , everyone please exit the bus" the bus driver announces. I blink. "I was asleep for 15 hours?" I ask myself. A man next to me answers "To be precise only 14" I stretch my arms out. He wrinkles his nose because of the smell "Oops sorry , I haven't .." wait why the hell do I need to explain to you? He gets up and grabs his small suitcase. I wave "It was nice talking to you sir!" he exits the bus. I grunt as I get up. I quickly thank the driver and I step off the bus.

I wonder around for a few hours. By the time I sit down to rest the sun is just coming out. I am sitting in a neigborhood park. From everything i've seen , this town is beautiful. I interrupt a teen couple  , making out ehind a tree. They flinch when they see me .. typical rich kids. "What ... time is it?" I ask , my throat feeling terribly dry. The boy picks up his Iphone. Lucky. "7:30" he replies. I laugh. They exchange glances. "You must'be snuck out" they laugh nervously "of course not" they say at the same time. I glare at them .. "ok .. we did" they say. I laugh again "well its not my problem". I turn and I walk away. I guess i'd walked longer than I thought , my stomach grumbles. I had kinda forgot about my hunger. I haven't eaten or dranken anything in 2 days .. well I actually did have a couple scraps though. I start to the laugh to myself but my laugh starts to sound like a strangled goat. I trip over a rock snd suddenly my leg starts to hurt again. Everything starts to feel so real. My eyes start to tear up "I cant cry now" I quickly wipe my eyes. God , give me a sigh .. please. Then a few feet ahead of me stands a water fountain. I limp over to the fountain and I drop to my knees and I hug it. "Weirdo" someone passing by says. I come to my senses and I drink some. I moan. Its nice and cool , the best water i've ever tasted. I drink so much but then .. some of the water comes back up and I throw up. "Food" I mumble. I slowly stand up all the way ans I turn down a street and I limp/walk down the street. Every house I pass , the next gets bigger. By now every one of the houses are mansions , I gawk. I start pass a huge white house. A woman comes out on a phone "He went to a party last night .. I dont know if there was drinking! I'll just leave a spare key under the mat incase he lost his .. alright love you honey" she hangs up and places a key under their welcome home mat. Perfect! I duck under a bush when she pulls out of her drive-way in a nice black BMW. As soon as shes out of sight I casually walk over to their day , a slight limp in my step and I stick my hand under the mat. I quickly grab the key. My hands shaking nervously , I unlock the door and I step in. I close the door and I put the keys on the counter. Just a few minutes ... A humongous chandelier hangs above me. I gasph. I look around the house oohing and ahhing at every little thing. Then I stop .. what if they have cameras? I look around but I dont happen to find any. Food .. right .. food. I look around for the kitchen , I walk up the stairs and their it is , the kitchen. I stare at the glass cabinets and dishes , trimmed with gold. After a few minutes of staring I hurry and I open the refridgerator. Nothing. "Do rich people not have leftovers?" I ask myslef. I turn around and on the counter theres a dish with an egg omelet , some bacon strips , and some waffles. I could feel my lips water , just looking at them. I wipe my mouth ''well I wont be coming back here anyway" I look in one of the drawers and I get a fork. I lick my lips as I dig in.

I burp nice and loud as I finish it off. Whoever made that can cook! I cut on the faucet and I cup my hands underneath and I drink. I turn towards the stairs , maybe .. i'll look around for a bit .. Just 5 minutes I promise myself. I walk over to the first room but its locked. I try the others , unlocked! I carefully explore each room and then I quietly close the door. I go to the last room , closing the door behind me. I'm guessing its a boys room. A couple of posters of sports cover part of the wall. A queen sizd bed with a really nice blue blanket. I run my hand through the soft white carpet. I look in the bathroom , a huge tub is in the corner. It practically big enough for 3 people. A ahower cinnects to it too! Awesome!. The toilet has a nice soft covering , i've never had one. They're way to rich for me. I leave the bathroom and I return to the room. I open the closet. "Woah!" I shout , I quickly cover my mouth with my hand. I pick up the remote "whats this do?" I click a button and the clothes rack moves aside and another set of clothes appear. They're filthy rich! A car suddenly pulls up to the drive-way. I freeze. I hear the person get out the car and enter the house. I quietly put the remote back and I close the closet door. I get on my knees and I roll underneath the bed. I listen to the footsteps. They stop infront of the room i'm in. No.No.No.The person turns the knob and enters the room "Man , I need to work on drinking 1 cup of beer instead of 4" a boy says. Its probably the boy that woman was talking about. I scoot over a little so that I can see him. My eyes widen. That guy who had hit me!He pulls off his shirt and tosses it onto his bed. A full six pack. Beautiful! He pulls out his Iphone and texts someone. Lucky! I had my "Phone" in that bag but now .. its gone. He sits on the bed and it sinks in , hitting me in the head "Ouch!" I yell before rubbing my head. He jumps off his bed "What the .." Bad mistake. I dont move. "Who the hell is under there? Come out before I call the police!" he orders. I sigh before rolling out from under his bed. "Holy shit" he stares at me. I stand up "remember me?" He blinks "your that one girl who I had hit" he replies. "The point goes to you" I say joking. "What the hell are you doing in my house , thats was 3 towns away .. who are you?"  I mutter. "what was that?" he

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