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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » Broken by Navaura Campbell (libby ebook reader .TXT) 📖

Book online «Broken by Navaura Campbell (libby ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Navaura Campbell

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glanced down at what she’d been momentarily distracted from. “Yeah, a light dinner, consisting of seasoned sliced hotdogs and black beans over a bed of rice.” She spooned two heaping fulls of rice onto her plate and then onto his, followed by the beans and hot dog combo. Taking the last skillet back to the stove, she went and sat down, grasping her fork in hand. “When you spend a lot of time at home by yourself, you have a tendency to learn a lot on your own.” Timothy nodded, reached across the table and grabbed Tamarah’s hand. Tamarah jumped, not used to the contact. Timothy sighed, “Grace, Tamarah. We have to thank God for our food.”


“Oh.” Tamarah put her hand back in his. She listened as he gave thanks for their food. When he finished, her hand stayed put.


He slowly pulled his away, “So are you always by yourself?” Taking ahold of the fork set beside his plate, he mixed his food together. “Yeah for the most part.”


“You know before I met the Rawsins, I always stayed at home by myself.”Tamarah sighed, “Yeah, it kind of sucks. All I do is cook, clean and sleep. I also used to spend a lot of time with Vanessa’s family.”


Timothy sighed, bringing a spoon full of food to his mouth. “Speaking of her, have you guys spoken?”


“No. I don’t think she’ll ever speak to me again, Tim.”


“How long have you two known each other?”


Tamarah shrugged, “since second grade.”


“Oh yeah?”




“I don’t think she would give that up for a guy. She doesn’t seem like she’s all that emotional anyway.”


“Vanessa is very emotional with a side of outspokenness and me me me.”


“You mean selfishness?”


“Yes, deeply so. Vanessa is smart and she is vocal. Although she lacks the empathy she needs for other people. She’ acquired taste.”


Timothy’s eyes went big, “Wow, that doesn’t sound too likeable on her part. Are you sure you’re her best-friend?”


Tamarah sighed, “Only a friend can say that with out fear of being beat up. Vanessa is loyal too you know, too a fault. I tried to tell her Tommy changed when we entered high school but she wouldn’t listen.”


“So you decided to show her, right?” Timothy regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth.


Tamarah stared at him, without saying anything. She’d wanted to but something told her to hold back. She was reminded of when they were at the docks and how he’d been brash with her then. “I take it holding your tongue is not something you have conquered yet.”


Timothy looked down at his plate, staring at it’s emptiness. He hadn’t realized he’d eaten everything that quickly. “You know Tamarah, I haven’t always been a Christian and I sure didn’t grow up with the Rawsins.” He stated, glancing up at her. Tamarah’s eyes sparkled their curiosity. “No?”


“Were you a bad boy?” Tamarah inquired, teasingly, a soft smile on her face. As his gaze fell to her lips, he shook his head, she had no idea.

Glancing up at her, he asked, “Why don’t you want to go to church?”


Her eyes went to the table, “I’m kind of a private person. I don’t like people knowing my business.”


Timothy sighed, “Understandable, Tamarah, but everyone does things they are not proud of.”


“And church isn’t going to change that.” She stated while standing up to take her dishes to the sink. Timothy stood up, grabbing his items. He waited til she turned around before he handed them to her. “Church isn’t there to make your problems go away you know.”


Tamarah laughed, “Really?” Tamarah turned to face him and was surprised to find him a few feet in front of her.


His gaze was serious as he stared at her. “Really, it isn’t. Church is there to help you cope, give encouragement and help you to learn to love and respect God.”


Tamarah’s tone was breathless as she whispered, “And how is that working for you?”


He shrugged, his tone soft, “You tell me.”


Tamarah’s gaze waivered at the seriousness in his. She could see for the first time that there was an attraction in them. She could read the truth in his look. He did like her. Swallowing, her eyes drifted away from him and she said, “I have to clean off the table.” Timothy watched as she ran the dish towel over the table. She’d already cleaned the dishes they used. When completed, she stood at the table, refusing to move, her gaze meeting his. The dish towel dangling between her hands. As he stared at her, their was a heightened sense of attraction and the temptation to kiss her became strong. There was something about the sincerety in her eyes that called to him, almost seductive in a sense. It was pleading. He understood the reason for her standing by that table. If she moved any closer, it would be unbearable and undeniable of the unspoken attraction between them. He stood where he was, his gaze steady.


“I’m pregnant.” She stated. Her tone anxious.


He furrowed his brows, “yep.”


Tamarah’s gaze lowered, “I told my mom, you know.”


He raised his brows, “Yeah? Was she angry?”


Tamarah sighed, “No, all she said was, a lot of young girls get pregnant now adays.”


Timothy’s gaze went wide, “Seriously?”



Tamarah finally was able to move, walking past him, to the sink, “And then she went off to work.”


“She went to work?”


“Yeah. When she get home I think I’m going to talk to her about terminating the pregnancy.”


“Why not give the baby another home?” Timothy asked, “There are many people out there wanting to adopt.”


Tamarah shrugged her shoulders, “I can’t. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if that happened.”


“And you can live with an abortion?” Timothy took the seat he’d had during dinner.


“Atleast I won'’t wonder if the baby’s being taken care of.”


“No, just about whether or not it would have been a boy or girl.” He stated.


Tamarah furrowed her brows, “Why is it that you always have something smart to say? Abortion is better than being a mother at fifteen.”


“Maybe you should have thought of that before you slept with the guy. I mean, it’s Tommy Whitaker for crying out loud, not someone actually worth sleeping with.”


Tamarah’s eyes got big, while Timothy wanted to slap himself on the mouth for saying what he said. Quickly his face turned beet red, to a point where his embarassment was extreme.


“Timothy Rawsin.” His name on her lips burned in his ears.


“I have to go. I will talk to you another time Tamarah.” He turned, swooping up his bag off the couch and running to the front door. Even as he pushed his way to the front door, he knew he wouldn’t come back over here.

~ ~

Vanessa POV:

I sat on the couch staring at both my mother and father like they were crazy. Another baby? They were having another child ten years after Craig and fourteen years after me? Why? “I think it will be cool having another baby around here.” Craig stated. I’ve always wondered why you guys never had more children outside of me and billy goat gruff over there, but then again, looking at how she acts, I wouldn’t want to have any more either.” I cut my eyes at him, “Shut up, el stupido. Mom, dad, another kid this late in the game, really?” My dad’s gaze went to me, “Are you going for a guiness book of world record for the most groundings ever, because if so, you’re on the fast track.” I sighed, and through clenched teeth stated, “Congrats. I hope this works out for ya’ll.” Mom flickered her eyes over to me, “Shut up. Seriously, one more time Vanessa.” I was irritated beyond belief. No one saw this as a disaster but me? First Tamarah now my mom. Seriously, I didn’t want to be the most talked about girl in ninth grade. I could see it now. Did you hear about Vanessa? Her mom and best-friend are pregnant at the same time.” I felt nauseous as I considered the laughter that would be at my expense. Life couldn’t get any worse than what it was at the moment. “So that means that you guys will be expected to help out more around here, especially when your mother gets further along in her pregnancy.” My dad was saying.

“I don’t mind mom, just give me a list and I’m good.” Craig stated. I narrowed my brows up to him. Unusually helpful. What was he up to?

“I’m glad. Your mom and I have decided to increase your allowance for the time being to show our appreciation.”

I raised a brow. More money meant more clothes, more shoes and well, anything else I wanted. I started thinking about my wardrobe and what could use an upgrade. Many ideas came to mind.

“Alright, dad, I am on board, how much are we talking here?”“Twenty extra bucks each month.”

I wasn’t satisfied with twenty but for the time being it would do. “Cool.”

"So, tomorrow, Vanessa, I want you to make sure that when you come home you to start the laundry."


"I can't dad, I have cheerleading practice."


"Yes, at five o'clock. There's a two hour window between school letting out and practice, so come home and start the laundry. Denise and I have our first appointment tomorrow with Dr. Lister, so please make sure that you get the clothes in the wash and in the dryer."


I sighed, "Alright, dad. That will do."


"Thank you." With that, I asked to be excused and dad agreed. 


Chapter Fourteen:


The following morning, after the kids had gone off to school, Denise who'd awaken later than usual came downstairs to find Jordan in his home office working from his desk. Glancing up at the clock, she inquired, her tone still a bit sluggish, “Why didn't you wake me up and aren't you supposed to be at the office?” His eyes never left the screen he was working from and said, “No, right now, I'm completing updated paperwork on The Harrelson case.”

Denise shrugged, “ok. Plan on staying all day?”

“Your appointment is at one and I want to make sure I'm there? What better plan to work through what I can while I can?”

“Work through what you can while you can?” This sounded strange to her. The only time he ever brought work home was when there was an overflow in his schedule or he was wrapping up a case. Sighing, Denise crossed her arms over her chest, “So what's this about?”

The doorbell intruded on her question, signaling the arrival of someone else. Standing up, Jordan glanced at her, “Nothing. I just thought it was a day for leisure.”

Denise narrowed her brows, biting her bottom lip in suspicion. As he passed her, he placed a kiss on the top of her forehead. Denise turned and followed him toward the living room. As she did, she watched as the door opened and he greeted someone, “Hi Gina.”

“Hi Mr. Williams, thanks for allowing me to come in today, I have those papers that you requested on Monday. It took a long time for me to get acess to them.”

“That's fine, I just wanted to stay at home today. My wife has a doctor's appointment and I don't want to chance that I'll miss it, given how often I work.”

Denise furrowed her brows in confusion. In all the years

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