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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » Broken by Navaura Campbell (libby ebook reader .TXT) 📖

Book online «Broken by Navaura Campbell (libby ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Navaura Campbell

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As the cops handcuffed him and put him in the back of their truck, he began thinking of a way out of this.

~ ~


“Mom I swear I didn't tell him to come here.”

“Ofcourse you didn't hun, and I am going up to my room.”


Cutting her eyes at Jordan, Denise stated, “You take care of this.”


Jordan shrugged his shoulders, looking at Vanessa. “So I take it he just busted through that door?”


“Yeah.” Vanessa stated.


“He also shoved you up against the wall in one of the most provocative positions imaginable?”


“Yeah, that's exactly what happened.” Vanessa stated, nodding her head.


“Jordan I'll be down around dinner time.” Denise stated, her tone hard as she went to their bedroom.


“Dammit mom, why don't you believe me?” Vanessa inquired. “Ya'll both know how I get when I'm pissed off. I don't want that idiot.” Her emotions burst through that one comment as tears welled up in her eyes. Jordan watched, his heart shattering into a million pieces as his daughter's green eyes filled to the brim and she began to cry. His body stiffened as he felt anger, agitation and pain slither through his body at once. The tears that slid down her cheeks wracked her body so hard, she sunk down to the floor, her heart inconsolable.


“Vanessa, baby...Come on..” He stated going to her, pulling her up into his arms. She cried on his shoulder as she had when she was a child. “Why, daddy? Why did this have to happen to me? Why did he have to go and sleep with my best friend? Why?”


Offering comfort, Jordan pulled her around to face him and held her as she bawled her eyes out. He wished he could remove the pain and suffering that was there.

Chapter Sixteen


"God at times bring trials our way to draw us close to him. He allows things to happen so that we may acknowledge and know who he is, so that we may acknowledge our sins and ask for forgiveness..."


Kalen flickered her tape recorder, wrote the words, trials, draw, acknowledge and forgiveness in her notebook, before pressing play again. 


"He at times allow trials to come our way to test our love for him, just as he allowed King David to suffer through the hands of King Saul, and Job to suffer through loosing his family, health and material possessions, God allows us to suffer through various trials so that we may endure to the finish. Just as Jesus had to die on the cross for our sins as the ultimate test of his loyalty, obedience and desire to please our heavenly father..."


The sound of the pastor faded as Kalen's head phones flew out of her ear and her cd player hit the floor. "Oops, my bad." Her former bestfriend was looking down at her, her eyes hot with anger.


Kalen stood up and faced Clarissa, "Really Clarissa? Dang!" She pushed passed her to grab her cd player. Clarissa pushed the device away from her, knocking it into a corner. "My bad Kalen." 


Kalen wrapped her arms around each other. "What is your deal?" 


"You. I can't stand you."


"As I recall, you used to be my bestfriend." 


"Due to bad taste." She stated, her tone sour. Her face filled with anger.


"If that's the case, why do you mess with me so much? I've done nothing but be nice to you."

"Spitting that Jesus crap. Sure nice I suppose."

"It's true. You do need to be saved, Clarissa."

"Hmmm." With that, Clarissa pulled her bag up on her shoulder. Her gaze going beyond Kalen. "What ever. I'll deal with you later." She then rushed past Kalen, toward the chem building. Kalen rolled her eyes.


That girl made her mad so much at times she could beat the mess out of her and if Kalen had been the same angry child she'd been years earlier, she'd beaten her to a pulp by now. Putting her note book in her bag, she turned to make her way to the field yard, where the new gym had been made. She had gym now. As she did so, she was surprised to see Vanessa Williams walking her way. As she reached the thresh hold of where Kalen stood, Kalen smiled.


"Hi Vanessa." Vanessa looked as if she was ready to punch somebody's face in. "Hi Kalen, was Clarissa bothering you?"


Kalen shrugged, "Why?"


"Because I have been waiting to get ahold of that girl again and right now, with the way I'm feeling, it's as good a time as any." Vanessa rolled up her sleeves. Grasping her bag tightly around her hands.


"Girl, Clarissa's not worth it. Are you the reason she took off?"


"Oh she did?"




"I should beat her ass just for running then."


"Why do you always want to fight, Vanessa?"


"I haven't faught that much this year."


"Vanessa, I've heard about the fights you have had with girls."


"Well, I haven't had one campus fight nor have I gotten suspended for anything."


"I think that's more so your mother's doing."


Vanessa shrugged her shoulders, "How do you know my mother? Miss bible toting teen."


Kalen smiled, "I pay attention to what goes on here."


"So I suppose you've heard what's happened between Tamarah and I right?"


"It's school, everybody knows."


"She's such a bitch for that." Vanessa stated, her tone heavy.


"I suppose you want to beat her up too, or have you?"


Vanessa shrugged, "Can't beat a pregnant girl, that's just crazy. I'm going to wait till she have the baby."


"How nice of you to wait til the baby comes out." Kalen replied sarcastically.


Vanessa gave a soft laugh, "It's very thoughtful right?"


Kalen laughed, "Seriously though, Vanessa, perhaps you should find something else to do with your anger."


"I'm not going to church Kalen, you may as well forget that."


"All I'm saying is that a girl your age with two parents who love you and who have treated you like gold, deserves more than just to be known as the girl everyone else is scared of."


"Not everybody is scared of me Kalen. None of my friends are."


"Yes they are, that's why they didn't tell you about what happened at the party."

Vanessa narrowed her brows, "What do you know about that party?"


Kalen shrugged, "Relax girl, I didn't go, but my brother went." Kalen slapped her hand over her mouth. Dang it, why did things find there way out of her mouth all the time.


Vanessa put a hand on her hip, dipping her head to the left, "Timothy Rawsin went to that party?"


"Well, I mean, he wasn't there partying or anything..." She smacked her head with her right hand.


Vanessa put her hand on her waist, "If not then why..." Her voice trailed off. Her eyes grew big, going back up to Kalen. A smile went across her face, "He has the hots for Tamarah doesn't he?"


Kalen licked her lips. "Look, nobody is supposed to know that. He has faught really hard to keep that bit of information to himself."


"Why? Tamarah's crazy about that boy. I'm sure he's noticed how she always trying to talk to him."


Kalen shrugged, "He's looking for a wife, not a girl friend."


"Who the hell looks for a wife in high school?" Vanessa inquired.


"He is a Christian Vanessa, it's not like he just bangs anything walking."


Vanessa crossed her arms over each other, "Well, I guess, but um I don't think Tamarah is the marrying type, I mean being fifteen and all."


Kalen laughed, "I know and so does he. That's why he won't even attempt to talk to her. That and she's not saved. Tim is a junior in high school anyway. I'm sure that crush will go away."


Vanessa sighed, "Well, I gotta go, the bell's going to rang." Just as she spoke, the bell rang.


"See you later, Vanessa and remember, "Tell no one what I told you."


Vanessa rolled her eyes. she doubt anyone would care what was going on with Timothy right now, especially in the middle of Tamarah's treachery.



~                                                                                                                                                ~



"Tamarah, pull your damn self together and get out of this car."


Tamarah glanced over at her mom, her heart pounding, head throbbing and irritation in her voice, "Thanks for the pep talk mom."


"You did this to yourself. Nobody told you to go and sleep with your best friend's boyfriend and frankly, I thought you had better taste than that in boys. He has no class what so ever. A walking thug."


Tamarah sighed, "Tommy's not a thug mom. He's a jerk, there's a difference."


"Well, I'm still not sure why you'd sleep with that boy."


"You know what mom, thanks for the ride. I'll see you after school." Tamarah stated, getting ready to open the passenger door. 


"I have to work today, so I won't be able to pick you up." Her mother stated, her dark brown eyes, staring into the mirror attached to the visor. Angela Gray was equally as beautiful as her daughter, with the same dark brown skin, long silky hair and full lips that stayed groomed in lipstick. Her beauty was stunning. Her coldness was equally as stunning.


"You know what mom, maybe if you were at home once in a while I wouldn't have to always go seek attention else where." 


Angela smacked her lips together, "Puhlease, Tamarah, grow up. You are fifteen years old, well able to take care of your self, and don't give me that mommy neglect me spill. It played out at twelve."


Tamarah stared at her mother, her eyes hot with anger, "Whatever. I'm gone. I'll have someone drop me off at home."


Tamarah got out of the car and slammed her door shut. Her mom didn't speak, just drove off. God she couldn't stand that woman. How was it that no matter what she said, Tamarah was never right. Her mother was always right. 


~                                                                                                                                            ~


Tamarah flickered her long dark hair over her shoulder as she made her way to the front of the building, where a click of girls were sitting with their bodies facing outward, glancing- more like glaring at her. "What the hell are you looking at?" One girl barked at her.


"Once a ho, always a ho Brooke. Looking at you is one thing, but beware when she starts looking at your man. Vivian Tucker stated, her gaze both disdainful and cold. The girl called Brooke laughed, her fair cheeks reddening a little. Tamarah rolled her eyes, "I don't have time for this." Another girl, stepped in front of her. Her arms folded, showing a lack of respect for Tamarah in her eyes.


"Yes you do, ho. So tell us, did you suck his dick too?" The other girls were first silent

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