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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » Beloved or Betrayed *(incomplete) by shay prinkey (read aloud books TXT) 📖

Book online «Beloved or Betrayed *(incomplete) by shay prinkey (read aloud books TXT) 📖». Author shay prinkey

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head on his shoulder. "i believe we have a party to get ready for." he said as we walked to the car. I had completely forgotten that we were throwing a pre graduaton party at his house. "omg its got to be like six already. Omg what about your parent?" i said in a panic. He began to laugh. "Its all taken care of. like i said before it takes a lot of brain power to come up with this stuff." he said putting me down so i could get in the car. "i love you so much." i said looking into his eyes. He smiled and i got butterflies in my stomach. "I love you too." he said smiling. i drove back to his house. I had all my stuff in the car for the night. I checked my phone when we got back to his house and i had five missed calls from jas and two from storm. The last missed call was from my dad. i called him back. "hello." he answered. "hey daddy. did you call?" i ask. "yea i just called to see how you are." i smiled. "im great actually. how are you?" i answered. "im good. you ready for tomorrow?" he ask. "yep!" i said. I put the call on speaker phone and started straightening my hair. "Thats what i like to hear. im so proud of you. you have handled all this so well. I wish i would have been half as ambitious as you are when i was your age. I would have did so many big things in life." he admitted. "dad i think you did great. and thank you. as you would say thats what i like to hear." i joked. "how are things with tyler, and the rest of your little crew?" he ask. I started to laugh. "well first they arent my crew secondly jas and storm are great." i answered. "and tyler? or as your phone says tydizzle." Ty walked in the bathroom as my dad said that. I started to laugh. Ty shook his head and walked back out. "What?" my dad ask. "ty heard you. your on speaker phone. We're at his house getting ready to have some friends over." i admitted. He started to laugh. "ah so that means he's good i assume." he joked. "yes daddy ty is good. actually i have a confession you might like to hear." i said. "and what would that be?" he ask. "we finally made it offical we are back together." i said smiling in the mirror. "well congrats to you two. Its about time. I know you whinned about it long enough." Tyler started to laugh. "okay dad your still on speaker phone, so please try to refrain from embarrasing me." i said. I started to part my hair to finish straightening it. "sorry im just sticking my foot in my mouth tonight. well i love you baby girl have a good night. Ill see you at dinner tomorrow. Tyler take care of my daughter i still have that plate." he said before hanging up. My mouth flew open when he made the comment about the plate. That was years ago and i didnt even think he heard that. I searched my memory tyring to think if i had told him about it. I shook my head in disbelievement. "your dad is funny." ty said peeping around the corner into the bathroom. "yea he is sometimes." i said smiling. "you know i liked your hair a lot better brown. and i hate that damn straightener." he joked. I rolled my eyes. "I love it!" I said clicking the straightener together in his direction. "remind me to step on it next time you leave it in the car." he said smiling. I cut my eyes at him not turning my head. "if you break my straightener your buying me another one. This one was one hundred dollars." i said flatly. I raised my eyebrows making a serious face. He started to laugh. "im so scared right now. i almost took off running." he teased. "go away!" i playfully yelled. "not a chance shortie." he said smiling. "hey will you text jas. She called during my breakdown. Im sure she is flipping out. She called but i didnt answer." i said. "she already text me. she saw those pictures on facebook and started blowing my phone up." I sighed. "she never text me anymore. She always text you." i said finishing my hair. "it may have something to do with you never text back. its like pulling teeth to get you to respond to a text anymore." he said sitting on the toilet beside me. I gave him the stink eye. "only cause i was busy studing and working but i always answer you no matter what so why you complaing?" i said. He raised his hands in innocence. "hey im not complaining im just saying your friends text me to see how you are and did you know storm is from cali?" he said smiling. Of course i knew where storm was from. We had all grown up together. She didnt move to Georgia till she was in second grade. "yea. i think your the only one who didnt know that." i said flatly. He shook his head. "oh sorry i didnt grow up on yalls side of town. I dont know everyones history." he joked. I finished putting my make up on. "hurry up!" he yelled. I shot him a ugly look. He always rushed me when i was getting ready for something. "shut up." i said smiling. "i dont know why you take so long. and your not even dressed yet!" he stressed. "yes i am." i joked. He gave me a dirty look. "for real?" he ask. "nope. this was just a test run on make up im about to get in the shower." i lied. "oh your fucking kidding alana. who does that man?" he complained. He stood up about to walk out of the bathroom. "im kidding. chill." i said wiping the smile off my face. He started to smile. I punched him in the stomach lightly. "stop playing with my emotions." i said looking up at him. "oh those are called emotions now? i didnt think crazies had emotions." he teased. "get out." i said shaking my head. He kissed my forehead and walked out. I slipped on the outfit i had bought to match his at the mall that morning. I looked in the mirror at my reflexion. "vow broken" I said to my reflexion. I smiled in the mirror and walked into the livingroom where ty was sitting.  Chapter 12

 Ty and i were downstairs in the basement making sure everything was ready for the party when storm came in. "hey" she said a little too calm. Ty and i turned around looking for someone else. "did you say that?" i ask looking around still. "yea." she said quietly. "whats wrong?" i ask walking over to her. "nothing. why would you think something is wrong?" she ask. "you are usually hype. It the night before your graduation and your standing here like your dog just died." ty said walking over to us. She gave ty a evil look. "do not talk to me ty." she said. He shook his head. "what did ty do?" i ask laughing. "nothing. i just like fucking with him." she said smiling. He walked away. "fucking crazies." he said loud as he walked away. "hey watch yourself." i said smiling. "no nothing is wrong i just got off work about a hour ago." she said yawning. "go up stairs and go to sleep in the spare bedroom." ty said pointing to the stairs. "fuck no. im not missing a second of the party." she said. "just go. ill come wake you up when people start getting here." i said pushing her toward the stairs. She sighed but went. I started to move the tables against the walls so there was dancing space. People started coming all at once. The dj was the first one to get there. I didnt know him but ty was friends with him i guessed. A few of his friends from school had come down to the party. Ty had bought me a surprise bottle of jack daniels. Everyone was extra hype. I was having a great time dancing with ty and our friends. Ty had his hands around me and i was dancing in front of him when i saw him walk through the basement door. I sighed but kept dancing. I couldnt believe shawn had really come to ty's house to my party. He was holding hands with a girl but i couldnt make out her face. It made me feel a little better that he came with a date. I put my hand behind tys head pulling his face close to mine. "do not at drastically please. This is my night right?"  i said in his ear. He put his hand on my waist not moving as fast anymore. "what are you talking about? and yea of course." he said. "i just saw shawn walk in. but he had a girl with him so i really dont think he's going to bother us." Ty lifted his head back up making me loose grip of his neck. We continued to dance but i could feel the tensity even though we werent touching. I took another sip of my mixed drink. Storm was sloppy drunk already. She was dancing with some random guy and everyone was yelling and dancing along. I shook my head laughing. Some guy came over and started talking to ty. I stopped dancing and took the moment to look around. I spotted shawn and realized who the girl was that he had with him. It was keely. I shook my head and laughed. Jas spotted me and looked in the direction i was looking in. When she spotted them she shook her head and laughed. I squeezed ty's hand to let him know i was going to walk away. He caught my hand right as i went to take a step. He said bye to the person he was talking to then stepped closer to me whispering in my ear "where are you going?" I smiled. "upstairs. Im out of my drink." i said. He kissed my forehead then let go of my hand. He followed me up the stairs. When we got into the kitchen the music was dulled alot, so i could hear ty a lot better. There were a few people in the livingroom but not nearly as many as in the basement. "you good?" he ask. "yea bae im fine." i said getting the coke out. I looked in the cabinet getting down the crown instead of jack daniels. "no more jack?" he ask. "nope i cant stomach the taste. Im just going to make me a crown and coke instead." i said. He grabbed the bottle sitting it down on the counter. He put my face in his hands like he always did. "dont go over board you have graduation tomorrow." he said quietly. i smiled and stepped back hitting

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