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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » Beloved or Betrayed *(incomplete) by shay prinkey (read aloud books TXT) 📖

Book online «Beloved or Betrayed *(incomplete) by shay prinkey (read aloud books TXT) 📖». Author shay prinkey

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i know you cant go buy clothes so go buy some chocolate and watch 

a good movie or something. Make sure you eat that shit! no excuses so dont 

even txt back with that i dont want to get fat bs. its your birthday!

Have fun ill txt you tomorrow. i love you...


ugh i love you jerk. make sure you txt me! 

Im leaving now and ill get some choc. on my way home. gn ily. 

Chapter ten

*********2012*******SENIOR YR. GRAD WEEK****************

 "Turn up!" I yelled. Jas, storm and kacey laughed. We only had two days till graduation. I was beyond excited. "shhh i got to call ty, and make sure he's still coming out." i said turning the music down. "hey bae." i said when he answered the phone. "whats up?" he ask. "i was calling to see if your still coming out." i said. "yea, i left school this morning. i told you i was coming home this week instead of this weekend. Ill be in town in about thirty minutes." He said quietly. i could hear the smile in his voice. "okay we are going to the mall. Want me to grab you anything?" i ask. "no ill just meet you there. the one in town or in atlanta?" he ask. "in town. you sure?" i ask. "yep ill probably beat you there." he joked. "okay. and yea we will see." i smiled. "love ya shortie. see you in a few." he said hanging up.  Ty and i were back to the no strings attatched. When he came home we decided to just stay friends for a while. It was my senior year and he wanted me to completely focus on enjoying it and keeping my gpa up. Everyone assumed we were together but just had a open relationship but it wasnt even like that. We both knew we loved each other but we also knew we were young and there was plenty of time to commit to each other after high school. "so are yall back together yet?" storm ask. "nope! You already know how it is between us!" i said laughing. "yall are so ratchet." jas said rolling her eyes. I felt on top of the world. I had everything i wanted. I had my two best friends then i had ty. I had just gotten a new car and i had just gotten excepted into georgia state, plus i had ten thousand dollars saved up. I was beyond proud of myself. We pulled into the mall and ty was already there. Ty was going to georgia tech in atlanta for computers. When he came home he really got  himself together. I think i was more proud of him than i was of myself. When we walked up to the mall doors ty Picked me up in a hug spinning me around. "your so short!" he said laughing. "who grows an inch within three days. im the same height i was when I saw you three days ago." i said as he squeezed me. "you dont that for sure!" he joked putting me down. I hit him walking into the mall. Storm and anna decided to go to the forever 21. Jasmine met up with her new boyfriend, which left me and ty alone. Ty grabbed my hand and we started walking towards lids. "What we wearing this weekend bae?" ask. I smiled. "I dont know i gotta wear a red dress under my gown. thats the only thing set in stone at the moment. so what are you thinking?" i ask nudging my head into his side to be closer to him. "maybe some green." he said. "you know im down to wear green any time." i joked. "i know you are. your like a little leprechan." he said hugging me tight.  i elbowed him in the ribs. "dont be a douce bag." i teased. We walked the entire mall looking for something to wear. we finally had our outfits picked out for the weekend. For the pre party at ty's new place i got a green loose fit shirt that tied at the bottom with a pair of White shorts that had rips on the front. Then i got a pair of white and green bobs' that i searched the mall for. Ty got a little frustrated a few times when he picked up a pair similar to what i was looking for but wasnt exactly what i wanted. I also bought a red dress for graduation. We ran out of time to get anything for satuday. Ty bought a green shirt to some what match mine. He also bought a new pair of white pants. After that he bought a pair of white vans. I was so shocked because he never wore vans. He had said at one point that they were the ugliest shoes on earth. I loved vans and converse. I had a small selection of nike's but they were mostly in atlanta. What took up most of our time was lids and the shoe stores. Ty spent a hour in lids getting hats. He bought atleast eight. When we finished shopping we met everyone back at tgi fridays. "I cant believe yall bought matching outfits. Yet say yall arent a couple. i thought we passed this phase a long time ago." jas said while eating. "thats whats happens when you think jas. you get shit wrong" ty joked. she threw a french fry at him. "im just saying put a title back on that shit. seal the deal wrap it up whatever." she said laughing. "mind your own business." i said rolling my eyes. She shot me a look. "i am minding my own business. i was stating my opinion." i stuck my tounge out at her lazily. "whatever. ty and i have come to a conclusion we just need to remain friends right now. Nothing more for all yall nosey fuckers who feel you need to know." i said leaning on tys arm. I really wanted to give it another try with ty but i didnt think he was ready for that kind of pressure. Plus i didnt know if he was seeing someone at his school or what. I never asked because he never asked me about who i was seeing. Which was no one. I had no desire to be with anyone else. All my friends had dated most of the guys at our school and the few they hadnt were either true assholes who only wanted sex or they were in a relationship. My phone vibrated. 


ride home wit me



I wasnt going to turn my new car over to anyone plus i wasnt ready for him to make me spill on how i felt.




not today im tired and i drove which means im in my brand new car


plz. i just want to talk. i missed ya shortie.

He gave me the puppy eyes, that i hated so much because they made me give in to him every time. "yall are so damn rude. I mean really who text right beside each other unless theyre talking about the people they are beside." she said looking skeptical. I rolled my eyes. "we are talking about you. we are talking about how your fucking nosey!!" i joked. 


i missed you too but i really dont want to let my car gooooo. 



I busted out laughing. Everyone looked at me like i was crazy except ty. I had changed his name to tydizzle a few months ago because i got tired of him calling me shortie so i gave him a nickname too. He absolutely hated it. "whats so funny?" storm ask. "Tydizzzzzale!!" i said still laughing. He shook his head. Jas started to laugh. "i have it in my phone too now." she said. "yall are some fucking bullies!" ty joked. We all laughed. "for that we are deffinately riding together!" he said I let out a sigh. "storm will you drive ty's car to my house." He looked at me with wide eyes. I winked at him. "yea sure." she said without hesitation. I knew jas would probably ride back with her new boyfriend who i hated! We all missed ben. I didnt even think jas really liked him. They had broke up over spring break, i wasnt sure why but it was pretty bad. "wait what the hell just happened?" ty ask looking around. I started to laugh. "we are riding together but storm is going to drive your car to my house and im going to go to your house. Its really not that complicated of a plan." He sighed. "storm if you wreck my car ill kill you!" he said giving her the stink eye. She rolled her eyes. "keys please." she said holding her hand out. "Do not be riding around in my car. Do not stop anywhere. Do not do anything except drive to lana's. you are fucking trouble in a small package storm." he said seriously dropping the keys in her hand. She closed her hand quickly. "yea whatever. Ill return your precious baby back in one piece." she said smug. i rolled my eyes. I stood up and waved bye to everyone. "come on tydizzle my nizzle drizzle." i joked. He smiled a little shaking his head. When we got back to his house i changed into one of his nike shirts and keeping my shorts on. His shirts were so big on me they fit like a dress almost. "i love it when you wear my shirts." ty said laying down on the bed. "why?" i ask. he shrugged. "they make you seem smaller i guess you could say." i sighed. "smaller? seriously im taking this shirt off now. thats the last thing i need around you who already calls me shortie." he smiled. "i love it though. Your personality is so strong but your appearence is so fragile. Its" he paused looking for the wohrd. "interesting." i crawled on the bed and layed my head on his chest. "im going to sleep. stop talking to me." I said snuggling up to him. He started to play with my hair making me fall asleep faster. When i woke up he was gone. I looked around and sighed. I got up walking into the livingroom and say his mom sitting on the couch. I immediately backed up hoping she didnt see me. "too late ms.rashad." his mom said in a calm voice. I wouldnt have mind seeing her if i wasnt wearing ty's shirt. If i was wearing one of his smaller shirts it wouldnt have been so embarrasing but i was wearing one that made me look like i had no pants on. "how are you today?" she ask formally. "im good. I took a quick nap i was exhausted from work and final exams. How are you?" i answered. I  looked around for ty but didnt see him anywhere. "Im great. I came to check on tyler and see how he was. He had said he was coming home for the weekend so i figured i come spend some

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