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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » Its complicated by Milli-may Skys (ebook reader with internet browser txt) 📖

Book online «Its complicated by Milli-may Skys (ebook reader with internet browser txt) 📖». Author Milli-may Skys

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and i went back to sleep.

Addy's p.o.v.

The next day i told Riley about the kiss and how Isac has been advoiding me.Maybe he felt something too and got scared...She shrugged.Wait too???I asked.Addy i know you like him.You cant lie to me.Im your bestfriend.She sed.I smiled and nodded.I continued talking to her when someone pulled me away.They brought me into one of the janitor closets.I turned around and was face to face with Isac.Did you tell my sister about last night?He asked angerly.So now you decide to talk to me..I sed with a fake laugh.Addy im serious...Did you.He asked.I shook my head.He let out a sigh of relief.Why arent you talking to me though?I asked.His eyes got big and he tried to walk away from me.I pulled him back and he kissed me again.This time kissing me softly.I looked at him shocked and he walked out.I stood there  and then walked out to find him but he was gone.He left me confused.

Isac's p.o.v.

I had to set things straight to Addy.She needs to understand why i cant be her friend.I drove to her house.I really didnt care right now if her dad was there or not.I was going crazy.I knocked on the front door.It opened and it was her.I walked right in grabbing her hand and bringing her to her room.Isac whats wrong?Whats going on?She asked as i closed and locked her door.Addy i need to tell you some things.I sed.She nodded and sat down.Okay i cant be your friend anymore Addy!!I blurrted out.Why?She asked with her eyes filling up with tears.Its not you Addy...God thats a lie it is you.I mean its me.Your to damn beautiful.I cant do this.It was so much easier to be your friend when we were younger because i wasnt interested in girls like that.I mean i was when i was 13 but that doesnt really matter.Im sexually active Addy.I just want to fuck fuck fuck.Your a girl and your fully developed.You make my hormones go crazy.Like right now i want to kiss you...No fuck that i want to fuck you.What im trying to say is i want you really bad but i cant do that to you Addy.I wont.I sed really fast.She got up and came to me.

Addy's p.o.v.

He was breathing really hard and sweating like he was dieing for air.I walked over to him.Isac you need to calm down.I sed sweetly.I cant Addy.I have to go.He sed trying to walk away.I put my hands on his neck.He just stared at me.I then kissed him.He kissed back and then pushed me away.Addy no..I cant do this to you.He sed.Isac its fine.Im asking for it.I sed.He shook his head.My parents arent home and Holly is at a friends house.I sed rubbing his chest.Stop Addy....He sed with a really worried face.Fine...Its either we do this to get it over with so we can be friends again or we just dont be friends at all.I sed backing away from him.Addy you dont get it do you he began but i cut him off.It doesnt matter anyways cause you just hit it and quite it.I blurrted out.Thats not true.He sed getting mad.If its not true then kiss me.I sed.No.He sed.Then its true.I sed walking away.He grabbed me and kissed me softly.I ran my hands through his hair.He then pushed me away and went to my bed.Addy stop.He sed as i walked towards him.I sat next to him.Isac lets just get it over with.I whispered.We sat there in silence for a while.I kissed him again.He bit my lip.He made me lay down and got ontop of me without breaking the kiss.I admit i was a little scared when he put his tounge in my mouth and started grinding on me.He bite my neck.You scared?He asked in a whispered.I shook my head but really i was dieing inside.He let out a sigh and got off of me.Whats wrong?I asked.Your scared Addy.Thats what im talking about im not going to take it from you if your not ready.He sed.Im ready.I sed.No your not and even if you are i dont want to do that to you.He sed.We heard a car door.I have to go.He sed walking to my door.I grabbed him back by his hand.I pulled him into a kiss.Addy your parents.He mummbled between kisses.The doors locked remember.I sed with a smerk.I pulled him closer by his jacket.He fell ontop of me onto the bed.We laughed and he kissed me.I heard the rattle of keys but i didnt stop.The door opened and closed really fast.It was my mom...She grabbed Isac by his jacket and pulled him up.You wouldnt do this to her my ass.She sed and dragged him out my door.Fuck....Im so dead...I thought to myself.Shortly after i got a text from her saying pretend your asleep your dads coming.I ran to my bed and got under the covers.As i closed my eyes he walked in.Just in time.He came over and stroked and kissed my forehead.Then he left.I went to my phone again.Another text.Dont think we wont discuss this when your dad is at work cause we will.Sent from mom.I rolled over and tried to get some sleep.



I woke up to my dad calling my name.I sat up and saw his face.It was a look of panic.Dad whats wrong?I asked concerned.Addy....Theres been an accedent...He stuttered.My eyes got wide.Dad what happened.I asked squeezing his hand.Its Isac...Hes been in a car acceident...He said slowly.My grip on his hand loosened...I felt my heart stop.Tears flooded my eyes.Please no....Just...Tell me...Hes not dead...He cant be.I cried as my dad held me.Hes not dead Addy..They shocked him back to life.He whispered.Then what are we doing here??Lets go see him.I cried trying to get up.Addy honey hes in bad condition...I think it would be better if you saw him tomorrow..My dad sed softly.No!!!I want to see him now!!!I yelled.Addy i will take you in the morning.I promise.He sed.No!!!I screammed while crying.I ran away from him and locked myself in the bathroom.I hugged my nieghs to my chest.



Addy's p.o.v.

The next morning i woke up on the bathroom floor.I got up and washed my face.My eyes were crusty from all the tears.There was a soft knock at the door.Addy honey did you still want to go to the hospital?My dad asked.Yeah just give me a moment.I called.I heard his footsteps get farther and further away.I went to the restroom and came out.Oh Addy how are you?My dad asked flying to my side.Im fine i just want to go to the hospital.I sed.He nodded and we left.They told me what room he was in and i didnt even wait for my dad...I just took off running.I got there out of breath....There he was perfect.He didnt even look like he got into a car accident.I rushed to his side ignoring the fact that my mother was on the other side sleeping.I grabbed his hand tight.I wanted to talk to him.I wanted to see his piercing green eyes again.His smile...I wanted to hear his laugh more then anything in the world.Hes so perfect right...I heard Lorie my grandmother say from the doorway.Lorie was Isacs and Abbys mother.I looked at her.Like as if it never happened.She whispered.I nodded.I walked over to her as her eyes filled with tears.I gave her a hug.Its going to be okay grandma.Hes gunna be fine.I whispered as she sobbed.Oh im sorry baby for getting tears on you.She half smiled.Its fine.I smiled.Anyway how are you?She asked.Im not doing any better then you are.I sed.She gave me a hug.Oh Abby your up.She sed.I turned to face my mother or step mother either one.Yeah...She sed softly.Hun why dont you come with me to go get some food.Isac will be fine with Addy.She sed.Abby nodded.My grandma left the room.Oh and Addy we arent going to talk about last night.Your off the hook.She sed.I nodded.She left the room.I held Isacs hand again.Then suddently he squeezed my hand and mummbled my name.Isac?I sed trying to get him to open his eyes.He slowly opened his eyes halfway.He smiled halfway and sed hi.I laughed and sed hi back.I started crying cause he was awake.Why are you crying???He asked.Dont cry.He sed stroking my cheek.Im crying cause im happy your awake.I sed wipping my tears.I called for a nurse and she came in right away.I ran to get my grandma,my mom,and my dad.They ran back with me.The nurse wanted to talk to my grandma and of course Abby wanted to know what was going on with her brother.My dad went also.I sat on the side of the bed.How you feeling?I asked.Uh good...I think...I mean ive never had stitches before so...He sed.I giggled.Dont worry you will get those out soon enough.I sed.I better or i cant have sex anymore.He smerked.Dont worry Isac youll get them out in like a week or so and then you can have sex with as many girls as you want.I laughed.Thank god.He sed sarcasticly.I laughed.So how long do i have to stay here.Im bored.He sed moving his toes while looking at them.Ill ask.I sed getting up.I walked over to my mom.So whats going on?Are we taking him tonight or what?I asked.Uh he has to stay here for one more night just to make sure hes good to go.She sed.Can i stay with him!!!I asked excited.How did i know you were going to say that.She sed.Well?I asked.Addy i dont know...She sighed.Oh come on please.I begged.Your dad would never allow it.She sed.Thats why your going to talk to him.I sed with a smile.Her eyes got wide and before she could say anything i walked away.Okay theres good news and bad news.I sed.Okay give me the bad news first.He nodded.Okay bad news is you have to stay here for one more night.I sed with a sad face.Oh man are you serious!!!I have neck cramp from sleeping on this bed!!He whined.I know..Do you want to hear the good news?I asked.Sure im gunna need something to make me kinda happy.He sed.I nodded.Im trying to stay here with you tonight.I smiled.He grined.Thats awesome.He sed.I nodded.I watched tv with Isac for about a couple of hours.My dad came in to say goodbye.He had to go pick up Holly from school.My mother went with him cause she hasnt seen Holly in a day.We both waved at him.After he left Isac shook his head.What?I asked.You know hes never going to let you stay.He smerked.Dont say that.I sed.What its the truth...He sed changing the channel.Thats why i have a plan b if plan a doesnt work out.I smiled.He looked at me.Plan b?He asked.Youll see if plan a doesnt work.I winked.He rolled his eyes playfully.Later on that night my parents came back to pick me up.I heard them arguing  outside Isacs room.Shit.I whispered.What?Isac asked.I ran over to him.Scoot over.I whispered.What???Why??He asked.Plan b!!I whisper yelled.He scooted over and i climbed in next to him.Pretend to be asleep.I whispered.He nodded and closed his eyes.I closed mine too.Addy your........My dad started but stopped when he saw me already sleeping.Look shes fine.Just let her stay here with Isac..Abby sed.I promise they are just friends.She sed.Okay fine but i want her home after Holly gets dropped off at school.He sed.Okay lets go.She sed and i peeked around to see if they were gone.I think you should have went with plan b first.Isac laughed.I nodded and laughed too.Shortly after

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