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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » Its complicated by Milli-may Skys (ebook reader with internet browser txt) 📖

Book online «Its complicated by Milli-may Skys (ebook reader with internet browser txt) 📖». Author Milli-may Skys

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we fell asleep. Seven-

Isac's p.o.v.

I was so happy to go home.I was so tired of that hospital...All i did there was watch tv and eat and sleep.Plus their food was shitty.I want some of my mamas food.I sat in the waiting room with with Addy.Oh my god Isac theres your new girlfriend.She laughed as a really ugly red headed girl passed.Oh man to bad you already saw here first.I chuckled.She slapped my chest playfully.Ow my stitches.I sed putting my hand over them.Oh Isac im so sorry....I forgot.She sed pulling me into a hug.Let me see.Did i ruin them.She sed trying to lift my shirt.Are you trying to see my stitches or are you really trying to see me shirtless.I smerked.She stopped and blushed.Shut up....She mummbled.So you do?I laughed.I do not.She sed.Yes you do.I protested.Isac ive seen you naked...Not very impressive.She smerked.My mouth dropped open.Hold up...I was 12.I was still developing.And as i recall i saw you naked too.I sed back.Her mouth dropped.When!!!!She yelled.When we went skinny dipping at your house.We were 12 and 13.I smerked.She glared at me cause she knew i was right.Oh and you didnt start getting boobs until you were in 9th grade.I whispered.She slapped me.I laughed.I did to have boobs before that.She sed angerly.Sweetheart no you didnt..Believe me ive checked.I smiled.Your sick!!She yelled hiting my arm.Im not sick...Im just a guy.I sed nodding.You know what it doesnt even matter because it was pretty small when you were 13 too.Hey didnt you say you lost your virginity when you were 13....She smerked.My face turned red.I was mad now.She swore she would never tell anyone or bring it up.Are we seriously fighting about my dick?I whisperyelled.Yes i believe we are fight about your dick.She glared.I had to laugh.The whole thing was stupid.Who fights over thier dick size with a girl.When i started laughing she started laughing too.Addy?Abby called.Addy smiled at me.Its time to go.Abby sed.Addy nodded and got up to leave.I pulled Abby aside.I forgive you.I sed.She smiled.You heard that?She asked.I nodded.I gave her a hug and she left.I sat back down waiting for my mom.She finally shows to pick me up.I cooked your favorite meal.She sed while we drove.I nodded with a smile.We got home and i ate and ate and ate.Oh how i missed your cooking mom.I sed.She smiled at me.I like it this way.Me being nice to her.Sometimes she just makes me so mad.I have anger issues and i cant control them...I looked at my phone and had like 50 missed calls and 30 text messages...All from Mitch and Levi.They must be so worried.Usually i answer my phone for them but ive been asleep and shit.Do you want to go shopping with me?My mom asked.Uh nah.Im gunna call Mitch and Levi back.I sed.She nodded and left.

Two weeks later-So wheres Addy?Levi asked.I dont know.I sed before some random burnnette jumped on my back.I turned around and kissed her.Whos this?Levi asked.Oh this is.....Then i looked at her to tell me her name.Jessica.She sighed.This is Jessica.My date for tonight.I sed putting my arm around her.She giggled.Levi fake smiled and turned away to talk to some other guys.I turned to her.Okay sweetie why dont you go wait for me in class i will be right there.I sed poking her nose.She blushed and walked away.I waited until she was out of site then texted this blonde that wanted to fuck me.I told her to meet me in the bathroom.I put a out of oder sign on it when no one was looking.I waiting until she got there.I wrapped a arm around her waist and pulled her in with me.

Addy's p.o.v.

I watched as Isac pulled a girl into the bathroom.I shook my head at the thought of that other girl.She doesnt even know that hes about to break her heart.I closed my locker and walked to class with my friends.At lunch-Hey Addy your his best friend why isnt Isac answering any of my calls.She asked tilting her head.I shrugged my shoulders.I got up to get some soda and heard some girls over talking.There she is.Best friend my ass.More like bed friends.They whispered.I turned around and walked up to them.What did you say bitch.I asked.Oh i was just telling my friends that i think your secretly doing Isac.Lexi sed.Lexi is a wanna be whore.I suddently turned red with anger.Listen here you stupid bitch.....I started before she cut me off.Save it Addy.Everyone knows your trying so desprately to get into Isacs pants.She laughed with her friends.Look you wanna be slut,i can have Isac just like that if i really wanted him.I sed snapping my fingers.She suddently glared at me.Well i bet he wont want you if you tried.Isac wants me not you.Just face it honey.She sed with her plastic barbie smile.Honey he wouldnt touch that with a ten foot pole.I yelled.Now people were starting to stop and watch.Oh right and thats why i have a date with him tonight.She smerked.That wont be for long you ugly ass cunt.I yelled.You take that back you fucking hoe.She sed getting in my face.She pushed and all hell broke lose.I pushed her back so hard she bumped into a table.She came back trying to punch me in the face but i blocked it.I came back with a sock to her eye.She yelped and grabbed my hair.I kept punching her in her stomach and her chin.She fell and i got ontop of her and punched her in the face.One after another until someone pulled me off.Levi held me as i kicked and screamed.Let me go!!!Just let me hit her one more time!!!I yelled struggling to get away from him.I calmed down until i saw Isac help her up.



Addy's p.o.v.

Addy really a fight?!!My dad yelled with his hands up.I shrugged.What was this about?He asked.She was talking shit about me.I sed.She was talking shit about you???Why didnt you walk away?He asked.She pushed me!!!Im sorry dad but im not going to walk away from that.I sed angerly.Wait she hit you first?He asked.I nodded.And you won?He asked.I nodded.High five.He sed.I looked at him confused and high fived him.He then left my room.I ran a hand through my black hair.I was opening my window for some air when i saw a shadow.I turned around only to bump into Isac.God Isac!!!I yelled.He smiled and laughed.So what was all that at school today?He asked plopping on my bed.I shrugged my shoulders.Addy come on what happened?He asked.I dont want to talk about it okay.I sed looking out the window.Okay Addy...If you dont want to talk about it you dont want to talk about it.I understand.He sed hugging me from behind.I felt butterflies.So wheres Abby?He asked letting go of me and sitting on the bed.Shes at work.I replied.And your dad?He asked.He just left for his job.I sed.I sat down next to him.Remember that one time i came here and told you i couldnt be your friend anymore...He whispered.What about it?I asked.Im sorry for that...I mean i dont even know why i went off like that.He laughed running a hand through his hair.Maybe because you wanted to have sex with me....I mummbled.I did not.My male horemoans wanted you.He sed with a pouty face.Okay whatever you say.I sed rolling my eyes playfully.He glared then he smerked.Which brings us back to you wanting to see me shirtless.He laughed.I jerked my head back to him.Dont you even start!!!We already went over this.Ive already seen you naked and not impressed.She laughed.Oh believe me i am so much bigger and better then i was when i was 12 and 13.He sed pinning me down.I laughed as he tickled me.He stopped and looked down at me.Wanna see it.He smerked.I layed under him looking into his deep green eyes.I was trying not to kiss him.He got off of me and before i knew it he was undoing his belt.I cant believe he was serious.He was actually going to show me his penis.He started unbottining his pants and i jumped up.Okay Isac stop.I get it okay.You have a big one.I sed trying to advoid looking down or at him.You didnt say no.He chuckled.Okay well im saying it now.I breathed.He buttoned up his pants again.Aww Addy are you scared?He joked.No.I whispered.Are you afraid to see my dick?He joked.He kept picking and picking until i had enough.No i am not afraid to see or touch your dick!!!Just stop picking already!!!I yelled walking away from him to sit on my bed.It was quiet for awhile until he sat next to me.You havent even seen a guys penis huh...He sed slowly.I nodded with a couple tears falling from my face.Oh Addy im sorry.I didnt mean to make fun of you or scare you.He sed wipping my tears away.Its fine Isac really.I sed pushing his hands away.I tried to walk away but he grabbed me.He turned me around to face him and kissed me hard.I felt his tounge slide into my mouth.I ran my fingers through his hair.He travled kisses down my neck to my chest.He bit my neck softly.He put me against the wall and kissed my chest.I felt his hands grab just under my butt.He picked me up.I wrapped my legs around his waist.He kissed my neck and took off my shirt.I knew he was serious when he tried to take off my bra.I grabbed his hands when they went to unhook it.He let out a irratated sigh.He put me down.Im sorry Isac im just scared.Ive never done this before.I sed.He nodded.Its fine i wasnt supposed to do this with you anyway.He smiled and kissed my forehead.I put back on my shirt.We sat on my bed.Do you want to watch a movie?I asked.He shook his head.I looked at him.Then what do you want to do?I asked with a smile.He looked at me sweetly.He sofly pressed his lips to mine.I put my hands on his neck.Lets get it over with.I whispered.You sure?He asked kissing my neck.I nodded.Just be gentle with me Isac.I sed looking into his green eyes.You know i would never hurt you.He sed then kissed me hard.He got ontop of me.We took off our clothes and did it.He was so sweet.So gentle.I have to go Addy...He whispered.What!!!No!!I sed glaring at him.You just cant have sex with me and just leave like that.Oh wait thats right you do that with all the girls.Go...Go ahead Isac.I yelled.He looked at me with sad eyes.Addy you dont understand...Maybe your okay with what just happened but im not.He sed sitting up.Oh so the sex was horrible with me.I sed throwing my hands in the hair.Okay now your just playing games.He sed.Me playing games???No Isac

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