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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (romance book recommendations TXT) 📖

Book online «My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (romance book recommendations TXT) 📖». Author Shivani Sharma

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He glanced back at me every so often a sly smile on his face I felt my eyebrow raise

"what are you planning shard?" I asked to which I received an evil chuckle, he was so planning something.

"Surprise remembers?" he said chuckling at me.

I huffed and allowed ourselves to lap into silence my view blocked by his back I let out a soft sigh wishing to get to his surprise as quickly as possible, my prayers being answered moments later.

He stopped stepping back to reveal a lake completely frozen over the top and I raised an eyebrow again, I’ve been doing that a lot lately.

"if you think we're going to swim in that, you're even more messed up then I first thought" he chuckled again tugging me closer to his chest kissing the corner of my mouth causing me to smile

"As much as I had wanted to see you in a bikini again no," he let me go walking over to a tree he cleared the snow away from the bottom of it pulling out a large crate "I had something different in mind"

He popped the lid open pulling out two pairs of shoes from where I stood hard two blades attached to them if I weren't frowning a few seconds ago I was now. He beckoned me closer and I hesitantly took the steps towards him

He directed I towards a seat he had just cleared snow from and I sat down on in and I asked the one question on my mind

"what are those?" I ask him, looking at the shoes, with a puzzled expression.

 "These?" he asks holding the shoes in front of me. I nodded and his smile widened.

 "They are called skates and we're going to put them on and go out on the ice," he explains to me.

"oh," I said as I started taking my shoes off shivering as the cold air hit my feet, he laced on his skates then proceeded to do mine.

"I just hope they fit," he said with a nervous chuckle lacing mine on making sure they were secure helping me to my feet

"Woah," I said as my legs shook he pulled me closer practically carrying me onto the ice gently setting me down kissing my forehead as he let go

"no, no don't let go," I said suddenly falling forwards and hitting the ice

"Nikki, goddess" Cole said kneeling "I’m sorry" he whined pulling me to him before getting to his feet this mans stamina amazed me sometimes as well as his balance his eyes scanned my body scanning my body for any injury, he had done this ever since the incident that had happened a little over four years ago. I smiled up at him his eyes rested on my face ii was quick to join my lips to his in a short kiss I pulled back our breath visible in the cold air. 


"Now, hold my both hands and slowly take a step towards me," he said holding both my hands and taking a step back from me.


"Slowly, one by one, take your right leg first and then left, " he said instructing me while taking few step backs. after practicing with him for some time, he let me go and take a few steps away from me and beckoning me to come towards him. After falling few times and trying few times, I finally learned to walk in skates with my own and we skate for some time while holding hands with each other and I make a mental note to come here to have some fun. After that, we play with ice, throwing ice ball over each other, and try to dodge the ball thrown by each other, then walk back home to have lunch.


We take a nap for an hour and two and then he takes me to a carnival festival near our packhouse. Then he led me to an ice cream truck and brought my favorite ice cream, chocolate, and cookies.

Then we ride roller-coaster, twister, and tried almost every ride, then he takes me to the circus, then we played one of the game and he wins a wolf. Then he takes me to the puzzle garden and we roam around the carnival, trying a different type of game and fast foods until the sun sets and watches the fireworks that happen on the last day of the carnival festival. We also take some photos of us in photo boots and takes some selfies on our phones.

I was starving so he takes me to my all-time favorite restaurant for dinner and my favorite ice cream parlor. After that, we go to the park where I used to go with him when I was a kid to take a stroll in the park.

After that we go back home and watch some movies, this is the best day of my life, with that thought I fall asleep in my mate's arms.

Saving a pup

 (Nikki P.O.V)

I wake up fell my mate kissing me on my lips and I smiled opening my eyes I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss which he gladly accepted without the fear of being burnt by the silver that was no longer down my throat he pulled back with a chuckle looking down at me with his dark brown eyes.

"I knew you weren't sleeping" he whispered to which my smile grew I pecked his lips.

'That’s what you said last night when you woke me up' I said to him. He grimaced looking at me apologetically but I hugged him tightly telling him it was okay to which he showered my face in soft kisses

"I’ll be back later okay?" he told me and I nodded he didn't let me go through and I laughed hoarsely shoving him in the chest

he growled at my remark placing a possessive kiss over his mark on my neck I don't like him he told me bluntly he touches you so much you end up drenched in his scent I rolled my eyes

"there's nothing a warm shower won't fix," I told him as he sighed slowly letting me go as he retreated out of the room casting one more look at me before leaving


I lay back on our bed rolling onto his side and curling up into a ball and falling asleep. When I woke up the house was thick with tension and I had a feeling I knew why I can feel the aura 2 strangers in the house. Growling from downstairs quickly snapped me back to the present I turned to look at the clock

'Lunchtime?' I thought 'their growling over food now?'

"Get up Nikki" Kiyara voice called "the pup is in danger"

"there's a pup down there!" I ask her and she nodded her head at me. At that thought, I was out of bed and halfway down the stairs before you could say my name twice my jaw dropped at the mess in front of me

Stranger/Rogue was being held down against the table his nose bloodied as he was beaten down upon warriors were roaming around the shredded lounge room chasing what appeared to be a pup like Kiyara said but the small boy didn't look to be in danger until he was grabbed ad thrown halfway across the room

"Hey!" I yelled out but my voice was hoarse due to sleep and the pup was still hunted and Stranger/Rogue was still beaten by them. I marched down the last steps and it was only now that I smelt the blood of not only Stranger/Rogue but the pups too. "I SAID STOP IT!" I bellowed to which all the wolves flinched turning to me Stranger/Rogue was immediately released and escaped to my side but he didn't touch me or talk to me he knew my first priority was the safety of the children and I was a growling mess

They all look at me, then their heads were bowed and their necks bared to me, something they haven't done for a while.

"What is going on here?" I asked feeling my eyes stray to the injured pup quivering against the wall he was thrown against

“We found the brat and the rogue on the front lawn,” the warrior Javier said the little runt ran into the packhouse as soon as he saw us the rouge cowering behind you Luna tried to protect it

“He is not a rogue runt, we have told you before his name is Kyle and he is the son of Alpha Derek,” Stranger/Rogue said growled at them and I  look back to him he whined lowering his head in submission. I walked over to the little boy who started backing away forest green eyes wide and feeling with tears I kneeled down opening my arms to the pup

“it's okay, you are safe with me, no one is going to hurt you,” I cooed my Luna tone relaxing him slightly as I beckoned him towards me. I only had to blink and he was in my arms crying onto my shoulder.

"He's scared" Kiyara mumbled to me "he trusts you"


"Runt" Javier growled "waterworks for a pity par----"

"Enough Javier" I stated firmly "would you throw little Rosie against a wall" I watched his eyes widen with shock

"No Luna never," he said still shocked with my question.

"I see would you throw someone else’s pup"

"Never," he said looking at me with complete shock


"Lying must come easy to you then Javier because that is exactly what you did today I am very disappointed in you," I said to him and his head dropped and he whimpered as I stood up holding the pup on my hip.

"All of you," I added "I’m disappointed in all of you,” he may be a rouge I motioned to Stranger/Rogue but he is allowed here by my word and my permission" And their heads lowered and whines and whimpers could be heard from them

"I am embarrassed to call you my pack if you cannot treat a child as a child he may be a rouge but he is still a child, a pup, what do you have to say for yourselves?" Their whines and whimpers grew into a crescendo off apologies none of which I accepted and I left them like that to think over the mistake they made.

“What’s your name?” I ask the stranger.

“Felix, Luna, and I are an omega of the traditional pack,” he said bowing his head to me.

“Follow me,” I said then start walking towards my room.

“Stay outside of my room, if my mate finds out that there is some an unmated male in my room, he would not like it and he will kill you,” I said to him while stopping at the door of my room.

“Are you hungry little one?” I ask entering inside my room and he early nodded my head.

“What would you like to eat?” I ask him.

“Chocolate pancake,” he said excitedly.

I call an omega and told her to bring breakfast, first aid kids, and clothes to

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