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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (romance book recommendations TXT) 📖

Book online «My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (romance book recommendations TXT) 📖». Author Shivani Sharma

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your eyes very slowly, while keeping concentration on extracting the energy in your body," Emma said to me, and I open my eyes to see the light all around me coming from tress and entering inside of my body, while I watch all it happen in awe. But as soon as I get distracted from the concentration, it disappears from our eyes.

"It's okay, it takes time to controls it," Emma said with a smile on her face.

"Does anyone else can see the small light coming out from trees and bushes and entering inside my body?" I ask her.

"No, only you can see that, because it was you who was extracting the energy of nature," Emma said to her.

"Dose the dark witches can also extract energy from nature?" I ask her.

"No, they can't, it was a secret formula of our Clan to extract the energy from nature, which was passed down to us from generations, the first person to find about it was your great, great, great, grandmother Elisa, and besides nature energy is good energy filled with good vibrations and moon-goddess energy, if they try to observe it, it will counter their dark energy and kill them, if their body can't be able to handle it and they will die due to it," Emma explains to her.

"But you said they hunt down the strong white witches for their powers, but they get affected with the white witch powers?" Nikki asks her.

"No, because first, they killed them, then turn their powers using black magics and then observe their powers," Emma said making her shudder with the thought of it.

"But, we can observe negative powers or energy, and if we do that we will have to face consequences for it, it's negative vibration take control our soul, and turn ourself into a dark witch, so to save ourself from negative vibrations, I want you to differentiate between positive and negative energy and extract only positive energy and repeal the negative energy," Emma said to me.

"I am going to make some evil and dark soul person appear around you, but don't worry they are not going to hurt you because, I have them captured in a cage, but they will stand in a different corner of the forest, all you have to do is sit in the ground, close your eyes and feel the vibration and energy around you," she explained to me.

"Now close your eyes, and feel the vibration around you," Emma said to me and I follow her instructions.

"What are you feeling?" she asks.

"I feel calm, relaxed, and positive vibration from some places and dark, uncomfortable, and negative vibration from other places," I said with a frown on my face.

"Good, now only concentrate, and make sure it's coming from the good things, it doesn't contain any bad things or bad vibrations," she said and I follow her instructions.

"Yes, it's safe to use their energy," I said to her.

"Good extract the energy from it and repeal any other energy or vibration other than good energy and vibration coming towards you," she said and I follow her instructions. After some time. I feel tired and lay down in the ground

"I think that is enough for now, let's take one and half hour of break, then eat something, after that you are going to practice on extracting the energy from nature again and will do the obstacle course, that I have prepared for you, okay," She said to me and I nodded my head at her. She snaps her fingers and we appear in front of the mansion, she helps me to get on my feet and we walk inside the mansion.

I walk inside the washroom, take a most needed hot shower, get in comfortable clothes, and walk down to have Lunch. I was starving so when Emma serve us the food, I eat like I haven't eaten anything from decades. After lunch, I go to my room, and as soon as my head touches the pillow, I was out like a light.

I wake up, startled when I feel someone throw the cold, ice water over me, I turn to see the culprit and see Emma controlling herself from burst out from laughter and failed horribly. Then she started laughing at me while holding her stomach, while I was just glaring at her.

"You're awake, good change your clothes and meet me at the living room," she said after composing herself and walks out of my room, leaving me glaring at the blank space. With a sigh, I get out of the bed and change my clothes, then walk to the living room. We eat something, then we go to the forest, and I sit on the ground and extract energy from nature.

After that, Emma led me to the place where she had set an obstacle course for me, it was a normal obstacle course which you find in movies and army school, with the dummies of vampire, dark witches and rogues, coming towards me to stop me from reaching my destination.

It takes 2 hours for me to complete it and then we go back to the mansion to work on my spells and potion skills. After that, we have dinner and I go back to my room, call Cole and we talk with each other for some time and then I go to sleep.

Training - 6

(Nikki P.O.V)


The Next day, I wake up early in the morning, all thanks to Emma throwing ice-cold water on me, then get ready for the day and walk to the dining room to have breakfast. After breakfast, we go to the forest to have some training.


After doing our actual workout and exercise, we meditate for one and a half hours. Then I work on extracting energy from nature, then practice on differentiating between positive and negative energy and she allowed me to have one hour rest and tell me to do an Obstacle course.


"You have a gift of nature so let's see if you can heal someone or yourself using nature's energy or not," she said to me then snap her finger and a wounded rabbit appears in front of me.


"Calm the rabbit down, try to find the place where it was hurt or wounded, and try to heal it by concentrating your nature power at its wounded place," Emma said to me. I calm him down using my mind-controlling powers and find out the place where he was hurt. Then I put him in my lap in a position in which I can see her injury. I put my hand one inch up on his injury and try to heal it with my nature, energy.


After some time I saw a green light appear from my hand and fall over its wounds and slowly its started to heal it, not even a scar was visible when I was done with healing it.


"Thank you," he says to me in his mind and I smile at him saying your welcome to him through telepathy. He jumps down from my lap and runs away to his family.


"Good job, Nikki, let's go to the mansion for lunch and rest, then we will work on it again. okay?" she asks and I nodded my head at her and we go back to the mansion. I was starving so when Emma serve us, I eat everything on the plate and take more food on my plate like a caveman, and they only chuckle at me. After lunch, I go to my room to take a nap and was out like a light as soon as my head touches

the pillow.


After 2 hours, I got up with my alarm clock ringing in my ears, I get out of bed, do my business in the washroom, brush my hair and walk down to the dining room. I have some snacks and walk inside the forest and work on my healing skills. I get to know that I can heal small and little complicated wounds but I cannot heal life-threatening wounds for now, yet.


After that, I work on Extracting the energy from nature again and do some fighting training with Emma for some time and she allows me to rest for some time and told me to do the obstacle course.


After that, we go back to Mansion and practice on my spells and potions skills. Then we have dinner and I go to my room to take a hot shower. I call Cole and talk to him for some time and goes to sleep.


The next day, after breakfast we go to the forest for training, we do our usual work out and exercises, and after extracting some energy from nature she told me to do the obstacle course and this time I finished it in one hour and she allow me to have one hour rest.


After that, we practice mine other powers for some time and go back to the mansion to have lunch and have some rest. After lunch, I take a hot shower and take a nap. After 2 hours, I wake with my alarm going off, get fresh, and meet her in the living room, after eating something we practice on my spell and potions skills.


Then she releases me early from the training telling me to go to sleep early and meet her in the living room at 3:00 am. When I ask her for what, then she dismissed me saying she will tell me when I meet her here. So I have dinner early and messed Cole that I won't be able to talk with him today, set my alarm, and goes to sleep.


I wake up with my alarm going off and change into comfortable but presentable clothes, brush my hair and walk to the living room to see already waiting for me.


"Here wear this and hide your scent," she said while passing me a cloak.


"Where are we going?" I ask wearing the cloak and hiding my scent when I saw her walking outside the mansion and walking inside the forest.


"You will see when we reach there," she said still walking in of me. After some time we saw a cave and hide behind the trees when we saw a woman walking out of the cave and walks somewhere as, giving goosebumps all over my body.


"Where are we, Emma? I am not getting good vibes from here?" I ask as I feel a cold chill run down in my spine.


"We are near one of the dark witches Coven Cave," she whispers to me still looking at the cave.


"What? What are we doing here?" I ask with wide eyes.


"We are here to kill all the dark witches of this coven," she said and I look at her like she had grown 2 heads out of blue.


"We are going to kill them?" I ask still shocked by the information.


"Not we, YOU are going to kill them alone," she said to me.


"Are you out of your mind Emma, I am not going there alone," I said and started walking back to the mansion, but she stopped me before I go too far by restricting my moments with her magic.


"I know you think that I have gone insane, but first answer my question, Nikki, do you trust me?" she asks me and I nodded my

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