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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » Kidnapped the Wrong Sister by Marie Kelly (ebook reader with highlighter .txt) 📖

Book online «Kidnapped the Wrong Sister by Marie Kelly (ebook reader with highlighter .txt) 📖». Author Marie Kelly

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with a soft sigh she lifted her hands and gently clapped.

“Bravo, Mr Dranias”, she said, a small laugh rising to her lips, her eyes lowering to meet his, causing him to frown slightly. “Perfectly planned and executed”, she smiled, “Except for one little thing…you got the wrong sister”

He looked at her with confusion. “What are you talking about?”, he asked, his brows furrowed as he tried to make sense of what she was now telling him. “My name is Diona Brown…not Daryle Brown”, she said, a mocking look coming into her eyes. “You got the wrong sister”

Diona’s look of victory was short-lived however, as he started to laugh. “I have to give you marks for originality Diona. D Brown - that was the only information I had to go on…that plus where he was planning on meeting you today. It’s a very interesting little story, however, I think you are forgetting this afternoon, when you didn’t deny being my brother’s mistress”, a cold glint in his eyes. “Possibly because you didn’t give me a chance”, she retorted quickly, “You sat down and started threatening me before I could even explain who I was” Nikias Dranias smiled, an irritating self-assured smile as he sat down on one of the leather couches, crossing one long leg over the other, watching her with amused interest.

Suddenly realising what he had actually said she looked coldly at him, her eyes narrowing with anger. “And my sister is not your brother’s mistress… According to her they are in love and plan on getting married” He looked back at her evenly. “Now we seem to have come back full circle Miss Brown… and like I said before there is no way that you are marrying my brother” With a look of irritation she lifted the wine taking a large drink, before sitting down on one of the couches opposite him. “I came here to stop the wedding”, she said as patiently as possible. “But now thanks to you…the two of them are out there with nobody to make them see sense”

Sitting back, she clenched her hands in anger seeing how he sat silently watching her, his eyes not believing a word she was saying. His whole countenance was calm and controlled as his eyes watched her with mild interest while she felt her whole insides churning with so many different emotions. Sheer exhaustion was causing her to start to feel disembodied, lending the situation a surreal quality.

“You are the most arrogant, insufferable man I have ever met”, she bit out glaring at him, as he laughed back at her. “I’ll take that as a compliment”, he responded, his voice full of mockery as he took another mouthful of the golden liquid as the ice clinked in his hand.

Diona pushed herself back in her seat angrily, before putting her hand up to her brow, as her head began to pound. “This is crazy. My name is Diona Brown. I am a nurse from the UK and the only reason I am in this country at all is to stop my sister from making the biggest mistake of her life” Looking over at the man who still sat watching her with a mocking look in his eyes she sighed in surrender. “And you don’t believe a word I am saying”, she added with another sigh, as every limb felt so heavy from the tiredness which pervaded her whole body, as he smiled, shaking his head. “Finally something we can agree on Miss Brown”

Lifting her drink in her hands she looked over at him. “So how does this work Mr Dranias?”, she asked with resignation. With a small smile he looked over at her. “I am a civilized man Miss Brown, and hope that you will make full use of the many resources on the island... I hope that you enjoy your holiday… just not perhaps as rewarding a one as you were hoping for” “Fine”, Diona sighed, “Let’s just the two of us sit back on this beautiful island of yours and let our siblings destroy their lives”

With a small chuckle of triumph he stood up. “Come with me Diona, let me show you your room for the duration of your visit”. Reaching over he pulled her case into his hand, lifting it effortlessly as though it weighed nothing, mocking Diona’s struggle with it earlier. She watched him, before finally with a soft sigh she stood, realising that he was not going to listen to anything she had to tell him and knowing that she was too tired to make any sense anyway. “Lead on mien jailor”, she spoke lightly, seeing the small twist of amusement on his lips. He then strode over to the magnificent marble staircase, moving up it quickly before leading her to a large doorway. Following closely behind him, Diona gasped at the room she found herself in. Decorated in white and creams it was elegant and opulent, and despite herself, she stared in admiration.

“I hope you will not find your jail too difficult to live in”, he said, his voice mocking her earlier comment. However, Diona moved to one of the two other doors in the beautiful room. In the first she found a large walk-in closet and in the other a luxurious en-suite bathroom stocked with everything she could ever need. With a mocking look at him she had not even tried to hide the disdain in her voice. “Let me guess - you kidnap lots of women and force them to stay here”, her eyes contemptuous as he laughed back at her. “Not at all Miss Brown, the women who stay here usually stay in my room”, he replied, a wicked smile on his lips. Diona looked over, her eyes flicking over him, trying not to show how his dark good looks and sheer presence was affecting her, despite how tired she felt, her bones suddenly feeling so heavy with the fatigue which filled her whole being.

“I bet”, she replied with a weary sigh, her look still full of contempt , “I suppose given the large amount of traffic, it saves changing too many beds”, she added icily, before she turned away to move towards the large balcony, missing the look of anger which crossed his dark eyes.

As she moved onto the balcony, she realised that she was in one of the rooms facing the back of the property, overlooking the sea from the top of the rugged cliff below them. Diona gasped in wonder at the wild beauty of it all, her eyes shining in awe, as she remembered the picture from the magazine. Nikias watched as her eyes half closed as her whole body seemed to embrace the smells and sensations of being so close to the cliff. As he watched her, he felt a strange need to touch this woman, to reach out and run his hand down her body, that body which was causing him to react in a very personal way. Frowning with the realisation of his own thoughts, he looked away.

Diona Brown was not what he had expected. She was smart, funny and quick, most definitely not the kind of woman he expected Alexis to become involved with. With another frown, he worried more. This was just the kind of woman who could actually get his younger brother down the aisle. She was different and even he could feel how he reacted to her, feeling the stirring within him, as she stood so statuesquely against the outline of the sea. That wonderful body, so young and supple, was calling to a very primitive part of him. With a small shake he moved off the balcony, as she followed him. “We will serve dinner at seven”, he said in a more business-like tone, before looking at his watch. “Make that thirty minutes” Diona looked at him wearily. “If you don’t mind Mr Dranias, I will skip it thanks” “That’s up to you”, he said, his tone a little harsh at her deliberate snub, “I suppose I could have something sent up to you if you would rather play the martyr and stay in your room”

Diona threw him a derisory look as she wearily rubbed her head. “Actually, as much as I have no real interest in spending any more time in your presence than I have to, the fact of the matter is that I pulled a double shift, before having to fly over here to save my sister, only to be kidnapped by her boyfriend’s arrogant brother”, she said, her eyes flashing angrily, “And on top of that I have a headache, which will only really go if I get some sleep, so if you don’t mind, please leave”, her voice suddenly so tired. As Nikias was about to speak he saw just how pale and tired she did in fact look, and with a small nod he put down her case and left the room. When he left, Diona again sighed wearily, as her whole body cried out for rest. Pulling out her nightdress and toothbrush she prepared for bed, too tired to unpack that night. Crawling under the sheets and feeling as she moulded into the softness of the mattress she sighed with pleasure, relaxing as sleep quickly took over, her last thought before she lost consciousness being that she would sort this whole mess out in the morning.

As Nikias ate his dinner that evening, his thoughts kept returning to the young woman he had so neatly trapped on his island. His intentions had been to have as little contact with her as possible, not liking the giggly young women his brother associated with, but she was a surprise. He expected tears and tantrums when he sprung his trap, but instead she was calm and controlled, countering all his comments with those of her own. He found himself enjoying her company, even if she was so obviously lying with her unbelievable story with regard to not being involved with his brother. She was D Brown and had been at the restaurant as expected. When his detective followed her to her hotel, there had only been one Miss D Brown resident, and it was the same hotel that Alexis often booked his lady friends into. Her story was preposterous, but he frowned at her insistence that it was the truth. With a small sigh, he wondered whether to check it out anyway, just to be on the safe side. For the rest of the night he tried to contact Alexis, frowning when he was unable to reach him. He expected Alexis to have been in touch by now, complaining about his missing love, and he grew worried that he could not contact his young brother who when upset had a tendency of doing stupid things.

Sighing, he knew that the loss of such a woman would upset any man, his mind returning to her wonderful face and body which had his own reacting so quickly. He lifted the phone once more, pushing the thoughts of her to the back of his mind as he again tried calling Alexis’ mobile number, by now becoming really concerned. Looking at the time he could see that it was after midnight and with a scowl, he rose. There was one person who would know exactly where his brother was, and he was going to make her tell him, before he had to read about it in the papers.

Opening the door to her room, Nikias could see her sleeping on the large bed. He remembered how tired she had been as he saw her lying so peacefully on her back, her head turned to the side, long golden hair framing her soft features. One hand was laid under her gently rising perfect breasts, the nipples visible through the skimpy material of the nightdress she wore, and the other was thrown level with her head, palm side up. Nikias looked down on her, a desire for the young woman before him rising

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