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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » Kidnapped the Wrong Sister by Marie Kelly (ebook reader with highlighter .txt) 📖

Book online «Kidnapped the Wrong Sister by Marie Kelly (ebook reader with highlighter .txt) 📖». Author Marie Kelly

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is not my boyfriend? Sort something out... what does that mean? And what about my sister?”, she asked with annoyance. With a grin, he once more rose to his feet, having eaten his fill.

“Well he won’t be your boyfriend for very much longer”, he smiled, elated that his plan to split up Diona and Alexis was working so well. Although he wondered if there was another reason for now wanting to see the two apart, once more looking down on her wonderful features as she sat looking out to sea, her teeth biting softly on her lip in concentration.

Diona sighed gently. The text did not exactly sound as though the two were married yet, in fact she wondered if they had a fight. Part of her hoped that this was indeed the case, while at the same time she was concerned for her little sister, knowing how badly she took breakups, not that there had been many in her young life.

Looking back over at Nikias she looked down at the phone in his pocket. “Don’t suppose you would lend that to me for a moment so I could phone my sister…find out what is going on?”, she asked in a voice which had already resigned itself to the fact that he would not let her have it. He smiled back at her. “Let me think…no”, his answer, moving over to offer his linked hands for her to remount her horse, before easily pulling himself onto his own.

For the rest of the afternoon he was in a great mood as they continued with their trip around the island. It was nearly five in the evening before they finally arrived back at the stables. As she dismounted, she smiled ruefully. “Well the one thing I don’t miss about riding is the smell” She grinned at him, as he nodded in agreement, once more flashing her one of his smiles which had her heart flip-flopping in her chest. She placed her hands on her back, stretching slightly. “That and the fact that I’ve not been in a saddle for over ten years”, she added.

With a laugh he looked at her with a sympathetic light in his eyes. “In that case you might be a little stiff in the morning”, he said, his eyes watching as she stretched her body, once more feeling the hunger rising within him as he averted his eyes. Soon this woman would be well and truly out of his hair he thought to himself; however the thought did not make him as pleased as he thought it would. The two then returned to the house before moving up to their own bedrooms. Once more Nikias told her that dinner would be at seven, this time seeing how she nodded, murmuring that she would be there.

In the shower Diona enjoyed feeling the warm water relaxing her muscles which were already starting to ache slightly. She took her time dressing, not really understanding her sudden need to make more of an effort. She pulled on the soft baby blue shirt Daryle had given her for her birthday from the exclusive boutique she worked in; she knew she looked good. The perfectly tailored top showed off her wonderful figure along with the white silky skirt which matched it so well. Leaving her hair down, she secured it at the sides with clips which stopped it falling over her face, finishing off by putting on some light makeup and lip gloss. Looking at the time she saw it was now quarter to seven, amazed at how long it had taken for her to get ready, as she moved back down the stairs.

Walking into the dining room she saw Nikias leaning against the large fireplace, talking on his mobile. He smiled briefly at her as he continued his conversation. Diona instantly recognised the language he was speaking so fluently as French, a language she herself spoke well. He was discussing problems with a shipment and was laying down the law to the man who was on the other end of the phone, his voice full of authority, clipped and masterful.

She was glad that she made a little effort with her appearance, seeing how he dressed in a light blue long-sleeved shirt and black trousers which fitted his slim waist so well. She averted her eyes to stop herself staring at his long lean body, his shoulders broad as they tapered down to his slim hips. She could see the long length of his back, the columns of which stood visibly beneath the shirt as he leant forward to write something down in a notebook. Finally he called off, the small frown still visible on his brow. “I am sorry about that”, he said, looking over at her and with admiration. “Business”, he added, his tone apologetic. “So I heard”, she replied, “Suppliers……but what are you going to do?” Diona shrugging softly “Shut them down and set up our own supply chain”, he replied grimly, before looking at her in surprise, “You speak French?” Diona nodded slightly. “Learned at school?”, he asked, watching as she shook her head. “No, while doing volunteer work with Sans Frontier”, she said, seeing the way he raised his eyebrow in surprise. “YOU worked for Sans Frontier?”, he said in disbelief, seeing the way her mouth tightened before she shrugged her small shoulders once more. “Believe what you want” she bit tartly, his tone softening “I’m sorry, it was just a bit of a surprise, that’s all”, he smiled apologetically. At that moment the housekeeper entered the room, wheeling in a tray full of plates of steaming aromatic dishes, which she placed on the table with a smile. The two then took their seats as he poured her some delicious wine, which she sipped slowly, savouring the expensive merlot, before enjoying the wonderful food which was served on the large mahogany table.

Once more Diona was surprised at what good company Nikias was as he talked to her about Greece in a manner which fascinated her, before he asked her about her work with the charity, which she talked to him about with an obvious passion. After dinner they moved into one of the many living rooms, where Diona admired the large ornate chess board which sat in pride of place on the table in the middle of the room. “Do you play?”, he asked in surprise as she nodded. “I used to play a lot”, she said ruefully, adding sadly, “Don’t seem to get much of a chance these days”

He offered to play her a game, more out of politeness, as he rarely found anybody who could beat him in chess. Of all things, Nikias was a master planner, something which stood him in good stead when playing such a game. However, he been pleasantly surprised as she played magnificently. He had to really think hard, as she outmanoeuvred him in several traps he set for her, often turning the tables on him, and he enjoyed the game tremendously. Eventually though he won, seeing how she smiled, conceding the game. “Like I said - it’s been a while”, she grinned before giving a small yawn.

“Thank you for the game Nikias, but I think I will turn in now if you don’t mind”, she said, as he stood and taking her fingers in his hand, kissed them. “Thank you, you play very well”, his voice husky from just the touch of her fingers on his lips. He could see how she flushed slightly, her eyes filling with a smouldering look, which she tried to hide from him as she moved quickly out of the room. That night in her bed Diona saw only his face, and as she fell once more to sleep she remembered the feel of his mouth on hers, moaning with such a strange feeling of pleasure which filled her whole body as she sighed gently.


Waking up the following morning, Diona grimaced, her body stiff after the previous day’s exercise. With a small grin she chided herself on her state of fitness, wondering if Nikias was suffering, while instinctively knowing that he would not be, given how toned his body looked. Flushing slightly at this thought Diona threw the covers off, moving to the shower.

After she dressed, she moved slowly down the stairs, wincing every now and then before suddenly seeing Nikias at the bottom of the stairs. He looked up at her, a knowing sympathetic smile coming to his lips. “Good morning”, he said brightly as she gave him a small weak return smile.

“You will be glad to know that you don’t have to suffer the threat of my cooking this morning”, he joked, as he moved through to the dining room. Following him, she smelled the delicious aroma of sausages, eggs, bacon and a host of other tempting delights. Taking some toast and cereal, she sat opposite him, watching with a disbelieving smile on her lips as he piled his plate with food.

“How on earth do you keep yourself so trim eating all that?”, she asked before she could stop the words from leaving her mouth. He looked up at her with a small grin. “Well I appreciate the compliment Diona”, he said, his eyes full of mockery, as she flushed at what she just said. “I...I mean, don’t you know that is very bad for you?”, she added as primly as possible, while he just carried on smiling at her.

“So what are your plans for today?”, he asked her, seeing those lovely blue eyes look back at him as she raised her chin defiantly once more. “Same as they have always been”, she said, “To find a way off this island and find my sister” He chuckled gently. “I will give you marks for perseverance Diona”, he murmured softly, his smile widening as she scowled at him.

“I know a lovely beach where you can swim. We could take some snorkelling equipment and see if that helps with your stiffness”, he offered gently, seeing how she grimaced as she moved. For a second Diona felt like telling him to go to hell, part of her panicking at spending so much time with him, not fully understanding why herself. However, with a small sigh she nodded, part of her wanting to have him with her as she told herself it would give her a chance to perhaps get to the phone he kept in his pocket. However another part of her laughed at such a flimsy justification. After breakfast she moved back upstairs, moaning gently as her body complained. She put on the bikini she brought with her, realising it was the one which Daryle gave to her when she found out that her sister only possessed one-piece swimsuits, frowning slightly thinking that it was perhaps a little more sexy than she would have liked. However, when she had been packing she was more pre-occupied with her sister’s predicament than on selecting the correct clothes. She put on her shorts and a summer blouse over the top which complimented the golden tones of her hair, which was once more securely fastened in a ponytail at the back of her head. Grabbing her sunglasses and a summer hat, she left the bedroom.


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