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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » False Friendship by Charity Oliver (e books free to read txt) 📖

Book online «False Friendship by Charity Oliver (e books free to read txt) 📖». Author Charity Oliver

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scumbags like you." The man stood up and slap my father with the back of his gun.


"I dont care who you are , I asked you a question and I expect a answer. Unless you want your pretty wife over here to suffer." He walked towards my mom and grip her face." I would forcefully hate to mess up a pretty little face like yours." She wimpered lightly.




"I will once I get my answer, and since I'm a nice guy i will give you 120 secs to give me answer starting now."


I couldn't let my parents take the fall for me I will go down before he kills my mom. Before I stood up I heard the creak from behind me and turn around and say my sister. "Elia what is going on."


"Shhh before they hear you, they have guns downstairs."


"Why are there people here with guys? What happened?"


"I got into some trouble, but dont worry im going to straight everything out, promise. Just be quiet ok." She shook her head in agreement.


The guy that spoke pulled his gun towards my mother head and said. "Times up. Answer now or else."


My father hang his head down then spoke. " Elia is my daughter but she hasn't been home in days, I don't know where she is or when she will be back."


" That wasn't so hard." He turn around and said something to one of the guys , then looked back at my parents with this evil smile.


Before I could even react what was going on, I see the second guy pull out his gun and shoot my father and mother in the head.  Clara screamed and all eyes went to the stairs. I tried to pull her but she wouldn't move , then her body drop to the floor with blood puring out. I ran to my room and lock the door then blocked with my dresser, swiftly putting th card in my pocket and my bag on back . I opened open the window and step onto the roof when I heard banging on the door, I walked towards the side of the roof and jump into the pool, right when the door was kicked down. I swim towards the side of the pool,  pulling myself up with falling and ran towards my neighbors yard with stopping until I was three blocks down. A car pull up next to me and Tasha was inside, I was about to run until she got out the car and stop me.


"Elia, are you ok?"


" Don't act like you dont know whats going on you convincing little bitch." Tasha was taking back.


"Elia, Asia called me and I was worried about you." I roll my eyes. "Look I get it I lied about Trey but guess what he wants to kill you and I could have gave him you location by now. Even though we are mad at each other I can't let your blood be on my hands E."


"Fine but I need to get out of town now Tash."


"I got you just get in E, I know a place we can stay for tonight, then you will be on your way."




We both got into the car, when we were about to drive off my house caught on fire. Tasha press the gas and sped down the road until we were on the highway."Elia I'm sorry. I should have came sooner."


"No Tasha you would have been killed to it's ok. I just wish that I didn't get my family involed." We drove in silence until we reached this house in the middle of the woods.


"What is this place?"

"My family cabin, nobody been here for years so we are good,"


Tasha stop the car and we both got out. I follow her up the steps and into the cabin. For the outside it look abandon but the inside was beautiful, bright, and very opened: liked it was newly furnished. She walked towars the alarm and cut it off.


"You should take a shower and het out those wet clothes, and I will make us something to eat." I shook my head still memorize by the place." The bathroom is down the hall last door on the left. I follow her instrustions and went the bathroom, I turn on the hot water and gladly peeled off my wet clothes and put them into the hamper. I jumped into the shower and let the water work out all my knots and let my mind run free for a while. When I can back to it, i got out and dried off. When I looked down I saw my baby bump and smile, I can't believe that I'm going to be a mom one day.


"I promise you I will get us both out of this mess and make a better life for us. No matter what happens baby I love you." I rub my bump and couldn't help but smile. Tasha knocked knock on the door to make sure I was ok, I told her I was coming out. I quickly got dress and came out the bathroom and went to the kitchen.


"Sorry I took to long I just realized I'm showing Tash."


"Showing what?" She looked at me confused then look at my stomach and realize what I was talking about. "WOW, Congrats E."


"Thanks I just need to get us out of here and fast."


"I told you I got you just sit down and eat. I left my bag in the car I will be back."


"Ok and thanks Tasha."


"No problem."


I watched her walk into the living room and disappered. The Sandwhich on the table was calling my name, I can't remeber the last time I ate anything. I walked over and ate both of the sandwhiches and chips in a couple of seconds. I really have to learn to eat more for me and the baby. Since I was done I went into livimg room to see if Tasha came back in but my heart stop for a second. Not only was Tasha in the living room, Trey and the guys from the house where here to.


"How could you." Tasha smile at me 


"Elia, honey I ddin't want to do this but I had no other choice. You decide to go aftter the bad boy which ddin't turn out as good as you hope. I try to warn you but you didn't listen and  got caught up in the game."


" What does that mean?"


" I would tell you but your going to die anyways so there is no point right."  Trey walked to me and grab my arm and dragged me out the door.


"Please think about our BABY Trey please." He push me towards his boys and they tied me up and put me in the trunk, I cried all the way to where ever they are taking me. A while later the car stop, they roughly pulled me out the car an stood me up. We walked over the bridge and made me face the water, my heart was beating this is not how I wanted to die. But when it's our turn theres nothing that can stop it. I closed my eyes and felt all three bullets and fell into the water and prayed until I was unconscious. 




 "Hurry let's get her into surgery before she loose any more blood."


" Do you think she will live?"


"Let's hope that she does."


*After Surgery*


"How did the surgery go?"


"She and the baby will pull through, but we had to put her in a induce coma for her and the baby to heal."


" How long will she will she be in the coma?"


"Until she decides to wake up." The man just shook his head and pull out a cigarettes and took a puff. " You know the rules no smoking on hospital grounds."


"I know the rules Maria just call me if anything happens."


"I will." With that the man walked away. 


* Six Months Later*


"Is our John doe ready for her c-section?" I ask one of the nurses


"Yes in the operation room now. And someone is here to talk to you about after surgery."


"oh. Ok well let's go."I follow her to the operation and got prepare for surgery. After a very long procedure  the baby was finally here, it was a healthy baby girl. She had a fully head of hair and was 6 pounds 8 ounces.The nurses clean the baby off while I staple her stomach and made sure no other problems had been over looked during the procedure. 


I went to the waiting room to see who wanted to speak to me. It was the man for six months ago.


"What can I help you with?"


"How is the baby?"


" A very heahlty six pound baby girl."


" Thats great. Now I need you to give me the baby and put it in the records that she died."


"Now why would I do such a thing?"


"Because you don't want me to go over to your boyfriend wife house, and tell her that your pregnant with her husband's third child."


"How do you kn-"


"I know everything, Maria just do it before your kids end up dead with you." I shook my head and went to the nusrey and took the baby girl out of her bed and walked her back to the man.


"What are you going to do with her?"

"She is no longer your concern. Just make sure that Elai pulls through, and that this little girl her is dead int the system." Beofore I could respone he was walking out the door with baby. Now alll I have to do is fake a baby's death that shouln't be to hard.


* One Month Later*  (Elia POV)


I woke up in a strange room hook up to all kinda machines. Then I realized that I was in the hospital, that means I didn't die oh thank you God. I try to get up but almost fell on the ground, lucky some woman was in the room and catch me before I fell.


"Thanks." I said hoarsely 


"Before you thank me let's get you sitting down again." Afte rshe help me sit down she pour me a glass of water."Here you go sweetheart drink up." I drank two cups of waters to make sure that my mouth wasn't dry anymore. "Now do you remeber anyting that happened?"


"No I don't I'm sorry." There's no way I can tell her anything, besides I need to protect me and my baby. I look down at my flat stomach and paincked. "Where's my baby?"


The lady took a deep breath." You are very lucky to be alive, we had to give you 3 different kind of surgery. But unforntely your daughter died after she was born, I'm so sorry."


Tears started to form in my eyes, the one thing that I had left in this world was gone and I didn't even get the chance to see her. 'I want to be alone." The lady stood up and left peacefully.


 For the first time in my life I was compeletly alone, I had lost such much in only a few weeks. I was mad, hurt, sad, lonely, and scared. There's was no one left expected for me, no family or friends who could I even trust anymore. There was a knock on the door then a man

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