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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (romance book recommendations TXT) 📖

Book online «My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (romance book recommendations TXT) 📖». Author Shivani Sharma

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(Nikki P.O.V)


It takes us almost two weeks to build the castle. The plant and the trees surrounded the castle. A beautiful fountain with a wolf howling on the moon stands in front of it. The castle contains five master bedrooms, two huge kitchens, two playrooms, one auditorium or throne room, four laundry rooms, servent's quarters, one big security room, two big conference room, eighty-bed rooms or guest rooms, one training room, two offices, five storerooms, one private and one public with a secret underground tunnel which will lead to a hidden and invisible safe house. There is also a training ground and a vast swimming pool in the backyard of the palace.


After we finish building it, we completed arranging things like bed, mattress, and other things the castle with a week.


After that, we called the werewolf council and informed them that we were finished preparing the castle. We decided that the crowning ceremony and house warming party will happen after two weeks. And We will only invite essential people like alphas, betas, council members, leaders of vampires, and witches coven to the ceremony.


One week later


The following day after doing my usual routine, I was in my room making the list of what we need to do after the crowning ceremony.


That is when I heard a knock on my door.


"Come in," I said while looking down at my Laptop.


"Luna, vampire king Ryan has come to meet you. He said that he had an important thing to discuss with you," an Omega said while looking down on the floor.


"Get him a seat in the living room. I will be there in a second," I said while saving the file on my Laptop, and an Omega bow to me then walks out from there. I closed my Laptop and walked inside the living room.


"Long time no see, huh? How have you been? All good?" I ask while walking towards him.


"All is good, what about you? Are you done with all the preparations for the crowning ceremony?" he asks while side hugging me.


"Yes, only invites are left to deliver. Then only main preparation will be left to be done, " I said while breaking the hug and sitting in front of Ryan.


"Omega said that you want to have an important discussion?" I ask him.


"Yes, as you know, Alisha is my bride, and as we were dating each other for almost a year. I was thinking of introducing her to our world to prepare her to become the queen of the vampires. So I want you to help me with it before I propose her for the marriage," he said to me.


"But don't you think that you guys are moving too fast? As you have said, you have been together for almost a year," I said, not liking this idea at all.


"I can understand that you are worried about your friends well being and I am concerned about it too, but you have to understand. I am the king of vampires, and the council members wanted me to choose their queen to help me look after the kingdom. I have been stalling this for a long time for our own sake. But if I delay this any longer, it will create problems for both of us, " Ryan said to me.


"I think Ryan is right, Nikki. The sooner she is prepared for this, the better. You have no idea how much trouble werewolves council people have created e when I take the pack after my father. But when they found out that I have a mate, and she was a child. Some of the council members stop nagging me. But some continued wanting to made to choose their or another alphas daughter as the luna of this pack." Cole said while walking toward us.


"But I don't think my council member will stop bugging me until I choose a queen for them. I have only had four months to prepare her for this. Otherwise, they will start looking to make a queen, and I would have no choice but to accept her, " Ryan said to me.


"Fine, let me call her and tell us to meet here. We will get it done by today," I said to them and walked outside the room to calm myself and call her.


So I called her and told her to meet us at packhouse, and right now, we were waiting for Alisha to talk to her and tell her about our secrets. After some time, we heard the car's horn and walked out of the packhouse to meet her.


"Nikki," she shouted while coming out of the car and run towards me to hug me.


"I missed you so much," he said while hugging me even tighter.


"I missed you too. I am sorry that I didn't get the time to come and hang out with you, " I said while hugging Alisha back.


"It's okay, but make sure that you take some time out from your busy schedule to spend some time with your old friend," she said while breaking the hug, and I nodded at her.


"Hi, love," Alisha said to Ryan and kissed him passionately. I have seen her and Ryan go all lovey-dovey a few times, but it still feels weird to see it again. I clear my throat to draw their attention.


"Sorry," Alisha said while blushing and looking away from us.


"Shall we go inside the house," I said, and they nodded their head, and we walk inside the house.


"So Alisha, you know why we have called you here, right?" I ask her directly, getting on the topic I have to call her here.


"Yes, you said you all have something important to tell me," she said to me.


"Yes, did you ever wonder why did you feel so much attracted to Ryan or why did you feel sick after you fight with him, and he is angry with you?" I ask her, and she nodded her head at me.


"That is because Ryan is a vampire, and you are his bride or, in your language, his soulmate. And Cole and I are a werewolf. Everyone living in this house is werewolves," I said to her.


At first, she stays stiff but then bursts out laughing while holding her stomach. Well, I don't blame her for this. It was a person's normal reaction when you told them that you were a werewolf or vampire.


"I know that I am a die heart friend of fantasy novels, Nikki, but it is not a good thing to make fun of me," she said with a pout on her face.


"So you did not believe us?" I ask, already irritated with this situation.


"Of course not. All these things are nothing but the mythologies," she said to me.


"Okay, then come with us, and I will show you," I said to her and lead her to the forest so that I can prove her wrong.


"Please, don't freak out and hate me for hiding this from you. We had hidden all this from you for a reason," I said to her, and she snickers at me while looking away from me.


With a sigh, I shifted in my beautiful white wolf. When she heard the noise of breaking bones, she turns to look at me. When I fully shift in front of me, her mouth open in shock while looking at me with her wide eyes.


I started to get worried about her when she didn't react for some time. I nudge her with a snout. She jumps away from me in fright, making me whimper with hurt.


"Don't cry, Nikki. She didn't jump away from you because she is scared of you. She is just get startled when you nudged her when she was in shock." Cole said while caressing my head.


"Oh my god, oh my god, I can't believe that my best friend is a werewolf. Can I pet her? She didn't bite, right?" Alisha asks Cole with hope in her eyes, and Cole nodded her head at her. She walked closer to me cautiously and started petting my head, and I lick her face making her giggle.


"So you are a vampire, right?" she asks Ryan, and he nodded her head at her.


"Can you show me your fang, please?" she asks, and Ryan opens his mouth to show her his fangs. Alisha grabbed one of his fangs and started tugging it to check whether it was real or not.


Ryan looks at Cole with a pleading look, and Cole pulls her away from him, and he runs away from her.


"Did I did something wrong?" she asks, looking confused.


"Never tug a vampire fang or a werewolf's tail, Alisha?" I said while shifting into my human form. I have put a spell on all of my clothes to turn into shreds when I shift from a werewolf to a human or vice versa.


"Why?" she asks, looking at me.


"Because it turns them on," Cole answered her for me, and she blushed in embarrassment.


"Anyway, you have a lot of questions to answer, missy," she said while narrowing her eyes at me to change the topic.


"Let's go inside the house, and I will answer all your questions," I said to her and walked inside the packhouse. And moon goddess, she has asked many questions like a dose vampire burn and dies in sunlight? Dose witches have a hat and fly with a broom? Etc. The fantasy novels writers need to know about us before they write a novel on us because many things they wrote about us are rubbish.


Anyway, after answering all her questions, I send her back home so that she has some time alone and process all the things we have told her. I decided not to tell her about Ryan being the vampire king. Her being soon to be the queen of vampires because it was already too much for her to take in and decided to tell her about it after few days and this time, Ryan and Cole had also agreed which me, for which I am grateful to them.


The crowning ceremony


(Nikki P.O.V)

A day before the crowning ceremony.

"Sitting arrangement."


"Flower decoration,"


"Sitting arrangement,"


"Light decoration,"


"Dance floor and drinks arrangements,"


"Cole, did you call Food and Love to make sure they will be here in the morning for tomorrow's event?" I ask while checking the last-minute arrangements.

"Yes, love, all you have to do is go to your room and get your beauty sleep so that you were fresh and energetic for tomorrow," Cole said while hugging me from behind.

"it's surprising how turns everything around. I have never thought in my life that I would become the queen of all the werewolves," I said to him while leaning on him.

"Why have you guys haven't gone to sleep yet?" Emma asks while walking towards us with a jug of water in hand.

"I was doing the last-minute preparations of the ceremony and about to head back to our room when you saw us," I said to her.

"Everything is done according to the planning, my child. I had made sure that everything is done on my own all that is left is for you guys to get some rest and get ready for tomorrow," Emma said while smiling at us.

"Okay, good night Emma," I said to her while kissing on her cheek and walk to our

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