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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (romance book recommendations TXT) 📖

Book online «My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (romance book recommendations TXT) 📖». Author Shivani Sharma

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room with Cole.

The next day they have a house warming ceremony, and everyone enjoys it. On the next day, they hold the crowning ceremony. Omegas had decorated the whole castle like a bride with lights and flowers. And in the full moon shining on it, it looks even more beautiful than before.

"It's time," Emma said while brushing inside the door.

"Wow, Nikki, you are looking so beautiful. Blase and Arion had done their job perfectly," Emma said, smiling at me. Blase and Arion are my designer and beautician.

"Thank you, Emma. You are also looking, Georgius," I said, smiling at me.

"So are you guys ready for the ceremony," she asks us, and we nod our head at her. She clicks her finger, and the rest of the girls who come with her formed two diagonal lines behind her. And we stand in the center, between them. At the same time, she stands in front of with a white Lillies bouquet in her hand.

We had made a tradition that female council members will walk the new luna/queen to the throne room. Since it was the first time that werewolf species ill have their king and queen, Emma and other female council members walk both Cole and me to the aisle.

"Are you feeling nervous?" Cole asks me through mate link while walking beside me.

"A little bit, and you?" I ask him.

"Me too. I mean, it's one thing to run a pack and a kingdom?" Cole said to me.

"I know, but it doesn't make any difference. The only difference is that the pack is way too big, which contains many small packs," I said to Cole.

"Not to forgot that my single mistake make, and the whole werewolves species will pay for it," he said with a shudder.

"You are thinking way too much on it, Cole. Destiny has chosen you and Nikki for this purpose. That was the reason the werewolves council chose you to become the king of werewolves spices. Just believe in yourself and hold your head high, and you will do just fine," Emma said to us through the link. Cole and I look at each other in shock and look at Emma, who was busy looking forward while walking towards the aisle placed outside of the castle.

"What? You guys were talking too loud through the link that even I can hear you guys," Emma said to us through the link. We shut our mouths and keep walking towards the aisle placed outside the castle.

"Are they ready to take an oath?" the elder Derek asks Emma, and she nodded her head towards him and moved aside so that elder can see us. Then we walk on the stage and stand in front of everyone.

Derek opens his robe and takes out the old book that Emma has given to the council's elders for the crowning ceremony. Cole put his right hand on it and raise his left one in front of everyone.

"Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of the werewolves kingdom, according to their respective laws and customs? " Derek asks.

"I will," Cole said fiercely.

"Do you swear to protect your kingdom till your last breath? Do you swear to put the safety and welfare of this kingdom in priority?" Dered asks Cole.

"I swear," Cole said fiercely.

"Miss Nikki, can you come forward, please?" elder Derek and I stand by his side.

"Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of the werewolves kingdom, according to their respective laws and customs? " Derek asks.

"I will," I said, looking forward to the people who were here in the ceremony.

"Do you swear to protect, aid, and advice our king to the best of your ability? Act as the mother of our realm and tame our king so that he may rule as the best he can? Do you swear it to thee to rule in our king's place if ever he may fall?" Derek asks.

I swallowed as I nodded my head at him. The mere thought of Cole getting hurt makes me want to throw up.

"I solemnly swear," I said after composing myself.

"Will you work as partners, not individuals, in preserving our kingdom?" Dered asks.

"We will," I said to him.

He took the knife out from his robe, cut both of our hands, and joined it together to mix it. Cole stared down at me with a burning passion, and I matched the adoration in his eyes as we take our pledge together.

"I promise to love you and our kingdom. I promise to protect you and our kingdom. I promise to be light in your darkness. I promise to pull you up when you fall. I promise this and so much more." We chanted together and sealed it with a kiss.

Derek stepped aside and revealed the thrown's that were placed behind them by the warriors. It was large and made of gold and diamonds. Derek gestured for them to take a seat on the giant chair, and they walk towards it hesitantly.

As we sat on the giant char, we feel raw, sensual power surge through us. Derek walked behind the chair and gingerly laid a golden crown on our head.

"Ladies and gentle, I give you king Cole, Alpha of the Alphas, father of the wolves, and the ruler of the werewolves species. And queen Nikki, Luna of the Luna, mother of the wolves and the savior of the werewolves kingdom," Derek announced. All the werewolves howled in joy, and vampires clapped for them.

Derek walked down the aisle after congratulating them, and others started to come on the stage to congratulate them.

"Mr. Conner, would you mind if we perform the ceremony to make her the leader of the spiritual moon coven in front of everyone right now? " Emma asks elder Derek.

"I wouldn't mind it if she doesn't mind it," Derek said to her.

"Nikki, would you mind if I tell you to perform the ceremony to become the leader of your coven," Emma asks me.

"I won't mind it at all," I said to her. She clapped her hands loudly to grab everyone's attention. When she had everyone's attention, she announced that we would perform a ceremony right now to make me the leader of the strongest coven in the world. 

Then she slashed both of our hands and joined them. One of the elderly witches came towards us and wrapped our hands with a necklace.

"I am going to make you take a blood oath. I hope you know what it is right,?" She asks me.

"Yes, blood oath is a promise made by a person to another person with the help of blood, and if the person brokes his/her promise, then that person will have to suffer consequences or will die an excruciating death," I said to her.

"Correct," She said to me. Then she makes me a blood oath, and I feel a significant electric shock pass through my body, almost make me stumble back. After that, the witch removes the necklace from our hand and hands it over to Emma. Emma takes that necklace from her and puts it on my neck.

"Ladies and gentleman, please welcome the leader of the strongest witch coven, Nikki," Emma announced, and everyone started to clap for me. Everyone congratulate me, and then we get inside the castle for dinner and the celebration.

When everyone was busy eating and celebrating the night, Cole drags Nikki in a corner where nobody can see them so that he can spend some alone time with her.

"What are you doing, Cole? What will someone think if someone sees us like that?" I ask while stopping him from kissing me.

"Day after tomorrow, we will get busy and did not get time to spend with each other, so I wanted to spend the whole night with you," Cole said to me.

"Okay," I said while smiling at him. He kissed me passionately and led me to our room. He closed the door and started kissing me on my neck, making me moan in pleasure. Cole was about to remove my dress when Dad's voice interrupted us through the mind link.

"Cole, Nikki, where are you? Everyone is waiting for you guys to go for a hunt," dad asks through the mind link.

"Coming, Dad," I said through the mind link and heard Cole groan in frustration.

"Don't worry. I am all yours after the party is over, But first, let's go for a hunt," I said and kissed the corner of his mouth. We adjust our dress to make ourselves look presentable. Then we walk downstairs to the throne room and lead the werewolves outside of the castle. I guide all the she-wolves to the other side to remove our clothes and shift in our wolf's form.

After that, we join Coles group and go for a hunt, with Cole and me in the lead. After the run, we get dressed and enjoyed the fireworks show done by Emma and other witches. 

Then we bid good night to everyone and goes to our room to go to sleep. And as I promised to Cole, we made love with each other the whole night and fall asleep.


After crowning ceremony


(Nikki P.O.V) 

The next day after breakfast, everyone expects my family to leave for their house. Emma and I decided to build the alliance council meeting point and transfer/move the council member houses near it. Then we start building a pack-hospital near the castle and move pack member houses near the castle. 

It takes us one week to complete the alliance council meeting point, and we moved the council member houses on the same day. One week later, Emma and I arranged an opening ceremony at the meeting point, and Emma made them take an oath in front of them.

After that, we move the houses of pack members near the castle, move werewolves council members' homes and meeting points near the castle, and started working on pack hospital. Alisha had moved in with us after the crowning ceremony. Emma and I also started training Alisha training so that she was ready to become the vampire queen. Sometimes Ryan also comes to our castle to help us prepare her.

I have also started to go to college with Alisha. I have decided to become a doctor and started to learn how to handle business from Cole. It takes us two weeks to complete the pack hospital and two days to arrange bed, equipment, and other things for the hospital.

After that, they started building guest houses and witches academies near the castle. It took them a whole month to complete them. On the other hand, Cole began to working on building houses or homes for other werewolves. So that if they wanted to move here, they wouldn't have any problem doing it.

He also began constructing a school, shops, college, malls, hotels, office buildings, hospitals, and restaurants near the castle. The council members bore all the expenses for them. Soon werewolves, from another pack also started to come and start living there. Some lone wolves also moved there.

Two months later

I was busy making a list of all the things that I will need for the hostels and academy and the people I will need for them when I heard my phone ring and saw Alisha calling me.

"Hello," I said on the phone.

"Hello, Nikki, you wouldn't believe what happened today?" Alisha said, sounding

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