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Read books online ยป Education ยป the big bang by inightmare (pocket ebook reader txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซthe big bang by inightmare (pocket ebook reader txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author inightmare

I wish I could have seen the big bang first hand. The first atoms where created and just after 1 second sub atoms created mass. mass created the planets; helium created the starts and everything was lit like Christmas lights. how wonderful and majestic that must has been. I wish I could have first hand seen the creator of the universe born under the starts; he created in an old shack how marvelous would had been to see the must powerful being who created everything come down and save us. the big bang happing twice yet unable to see it. I wish I could have seen Jesus Crist born first hand. the first son of god who created the men and after 7 days build our world because he was bored of only starring at starts he created and wanted to share it with us. yet he created for us to glance at is beauty not to dough him and his creation. from nothing some thing was created this stamen has had the most intelligent men wondering for centuries. I tell you what that nothing was; that nothing was "GOD" who lighted the emptiness in space.

chapter 2: divine intelligence and evolution.

what is intelligence is it difine by a set of standards giving to us by physologist or is it giving to us. Have we evolve as human beings and is that the reason of our intelligence or is it the experiences that our history have shown us. Maybe is God who has giving us free will to choose to evolve in our foolishness and realize that our intelligence is nothing but a farce. A simple illusion that makes us believe that the only way to be successful is by our own evolution. How you manage difficult decisions in life is it your own intelligence that made you triumph. But what happens when that same intelligence makes you commit a crime by the standards of the world. Who do you blame evolution, or your intelligence. Some people like to blame others or a divine intelligence. DNA has open the world of science making us understand more about us and what are we. DNA decodes your body with four base pairs that and each individual gene is complementary to the other. Nevertheless what happens when you start believing that we are created by molecules in the air or when we find out that our body is created of Amino acids which are nutrients do we start believing that there is no God. I like to believe that god is the greatest scientist.


Publication Date: 11-06-2011

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