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Read books online » Education » Who Is Your Hero? by Jeff Ochs (best mobile ebook reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Who Is Your Hero? by Jeff Ochs (best mobile ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Jeff Ochs

Who is your Hero?


In everyday life, each one of us has someone we look up to.  Our own personal hero. Our inspration.  That person could be anybody; a relative, a friend or aquaintance, a famous person or athlete, or even a person from history. Dave Grohl from the Foo Fighters wrote the song "My Hero" and the chorus is "There goes my hero. Watch him as he goes. There goes my hero. He's ordinary."  

A hero can be anyone.  Who is your hero?  

What is a hero?

What is a hero or inspirational person?  The dictionary defines a “hero” as a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.  An “inspiration” is: a force or influence that inspires someone or a person, place, experience, etc., that makes someone want to do or create something.

Who is your inspiration?  What is it about them that inspires you?  


Who are we talking about?



Heroes and inspirational people come in all shapes and forms. And they can be “ordinary”.  They are:


Family members (parents, grandparents, aunt & uncles, cousins, long lost relatives),

Friends and acquaintances (neighbors, coworkers, teachers, coach, teammates, etc)

Famous people (actors, politicians, athletes, musicians, authors, historical people, etc.) ,

Fictional people (characters from books, movies or tv shows)


Everyone has their own reasons for who they have as a hero.  Most of those reasons have great stories behind them.  

Questions for inspiration.



Here are some questions to think about when considering a hero or someone that INSPIRES you:


Who inspires you the most?

Who makes you get up every day?

Who makes everything worth it, and makes you want to do good things with your life?


Who is your hero?

Why do you idolize this person?

What does this person do to make you like them so much?

Are there examples of why this person inspires you?

Do you want to be like this person and why? 


A good way to find out about everyday heroes and inspirational people is to ask someone you trust who is their hero and why.  The next few pages will give you an example of what you’ll be doing for this assignment.  

My personal hero

He was a great teacher and supporter.  He always could figure out how to fix whatever was broken.  He held me accountable.  He had integrity that I never saw upfront but learned about later.  This was Papa, my dad’s dad, my grandfather.  I was lucky to have him in my life for 24 years until he passed at age 77.  


Fondest memories

One of my earliest and fondest memories I have of him is the way he used to put on our shoes.  He’d rub our feet really fast to warm them up and then put our shoes on really fast so they’d stay warm.  He was at all the ball games yelling at the umpire for the calls, good or bad.  He was gruff but had a soft touch when it came to his grandchildren or others.  He had a way of dealing with difficult people sternly but without anger.  He taught me the value of the “ghedunk”, translated loosely to a coffee break with a run to the donut shop.  It was during those times when we could talk about what was going on with the day or in general.  When I got older and made a few bad choices, he was the one to pull me aside and give it to me like a man.  And I respected him for it. 


Memorable story

One of the greatest lessons I learned from Papa was to use the skills I had at my disposal.  I wasn’t the most dedicated or hardworking student in high school but Papa knew different.  He saw my potential and helped me realize it during a long hot day on a construction site when we were pouring multiple yards of concrete for a house during my summer break.  I think we were on the third truck and getting pretty worn out when he yelled at me, “You like doing this kind of work?”

Me- “No, this sucks.”

Papa- “Then use your brain, not your back to make a living.  This work will put you in an early grave.”

Me- “Yes sir.”


He had worked as a welder building ships on Mare Island shipyard during WWII.  That man had seen his share of hard work and suffering.  I knew I should listen.  And he was proud that I did.  


Your turn


Now it’s your turn to write your inspirational person story.  You will have to create a book just like this with at least 5 pages with photos.  It can be longer if you need it to be.  You need at least three specific reasons why this person is inspirational or your personal hero.  It helps to have descriptive stories or examples to illustrate your point.  And personal photos are okay to use if you can.  This eBook can turn into a great present for this person if you feel it’s appropriate.  It’s your book and your hero.  Make it mean something for you.  


Publication Date: 07-25-2014

All Rights Reserved

I dedicate this to my personal hero, James Ochs Sr.

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