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Read books online » Education » "The Awakening"; I am poem by Brianna Lamusga (books to read for 12 year olds TXT) 📖

Book online «"The Awakening"; I am poem by Brianna Lamusga (books to read for 12 year olds TXT) 📖». Author Brianna Lamusga

Edna Pontellier's perspective

I am from cogency,
from husband’s and inimitable equanimity.
I am from the anima under the path way.
{Golden, glimmering
it smelled like roses.}
I am from the Louisiana flowers,
The Orange tree
Whose bough hung low in surrender
As if it stayed for me.

I’m from bonbons and jewelry
From Riez and Ratignolle.
I’m from the do-it-all’s and the part-thy-ways,
From sit up and walk tall.
I’m from the black clothed lady watching from far away
And telling your beads to all people

I’m from Robert and colonel’s cordiality
Warm bread and hot tea
From the marriage I began in rebellion to father
The love my mother relinquished for beau monde
below my heart was a truculent child
fists balled in pure indignation
A throbbing recollection of angst
To run away from here.

I am from those moments-
Inscribed before I resided-
Withering-rose from the earth’s truancy.


Publication Date: 11-06-2011

All Rights Reserved

Based on Lyon's "I am" Poem

Free ebook «"The Awakening"; I am poem by Brianna Lamusga (books to read for 12 year olds TXT) 📖» - read online now

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