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Read books online » Education » Lie is Loss by Sajjan Ali Khan (best electronic book reader .TXT) 📖

Book online «Lie is Loss by Sajjan Ali Khan (best electronic book reader .TXT) 📖». Author Sajjan Ali Khan

Lie is Loss (A short story)

Once a boy named Mustafa was a student in class Ninth. He was only sixteen years old; He was nervous and worried. He used to fight with his class mates, and he always told lie with his teacher, father and mother.

One day, he went to school, and his homework was incomplete, so his teacher asked, “Why you work is not completed?” he told lie like always that, “Sorry miss! I did, but I have lost my copy” she didn’t believed because he always told lie, and she told to his father. As he went home, his father asked about home work, and he said, “I did but, I have lost my copy” his father punished badly and asked, “Why are you doing this? Why are making us shamed?” his mother said, “He is only a boy as he grow he will understand.” As he grew, he became bad from friendship, and he started abusing to his parents as well as neighbors.

One day, his friends said to him, “Your parents are very strict; just leave them, and live with us.” He thought about that, and agreed with them. He ran out from home, and started living with them. After some months, his friend said, “Bring something to eat from the market.”  While he was buying some apples, his neighbor saw, and went to him, and said, “Your father is searching you like mad, so go home, please! Your parents punished you for good thing; they gave you birth, so you should go home.” He realized his mistake, and went off for his home. He said to his father, “Sorry Father! I made a big mistake, but I realized; please forgive me!” His father was disagreed with him. After some days, hardly his father agreed, and forgave him, but his life was wasted for education, and he lost his life.

You should respect your parents because parents are everything for you.

Those, who respect their parent, are success in their lives.


Publication Date: 08-28-2016

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