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Read books online » Education » Tech Book Review by Nfowler reviewer (books for 20 year olds .TXT) 📖

Book online «Tech Book Review by Nfowler reviewer (books for 20 year olds .TXT) 📖». Author Nfowler reviewer

Teaching and Learning with Technology
by Judy Lever- Duffy and Jean B. McDonald

* Dr. Judy Lever-Duffy, Professor of Computer Science and Education at Miami Dade College, Miami, Florida, teaches computer and education courses on campus and in MDC’s Virtual College (Lever-Duffy, Jean B. McDonald iii).

* Dr. Jean B. McDonald, Associate Professor of Education at Lambuth University, Jackson, Tennessee, teaches educational technology and methods courses for middle school and high school pre-service teachers (iii).

* The authors have created a text with both educational technology and the historical and theoretical aspects of technology. A balance between theory and hands on activities for teachers to experience digital technologies in the teaching and learning process for themselves and their students ( xix).

Brief Contents

Part 1
Technologies for Teaching and Learning 2

1. Technology, Teaching, and You 4
Rate your educational technology
literacy 22
2. Theoretical Foundations 24
3. Designing and Planning Technology-Enhanced
Instruction 48
The DID Designer 78

Part 2
Applying Technologies for Effective
Instruction 84

4. Technology for Diverse Learners 86
5. Computers in the Learning Environment 110
6. Digital Technologies in the Classroom 114
7. Administrative Software 168
8. Academic Software 200
9. Internet and the World Wide Web 232
10. Using the Web for Teaching and Learning
11. Audiovisual Technologies 286

Part 3
Technology in Schools: Changing Teaching and

12. Distance Education: Using Technology to
Redefine the Classroom 318
13. Issues in Implementing Technology in
Schools 346
14. Emerging Technologies and Schools 368

The Changing Face of Instruction in the Digital Age

Computers will be one of society's basic appliances.
As such "an environment,instruction will be able to be highly individualized as teachers will be able to download intelligent agents to guide students through lessons developed to meet their particular learning needs. Entire schools and tutoring services may be accessible via VR environments such as Second Life. Assessment and evaluation of student progress will be able to be gathered electronically and shared appropriately to determine performance" (Lever-Duffy and McDonald 382-383).

Computer Literacy will be as essential a skill as reading (383)

The Definition of Schools may change as the Digital Age UNFOLDS (383)

Decentralizing Instruction

"Perhaps the greatest change that may occur will not be in the equipment or the skill level of those who use technology. The most significant change may well be in the nature of instruction itself...Classrooms that are now set within the framework of a given time and located in a particular place may expand to include virtual communities of learners located anywhere in the world. Virtual learning communities and environments may take students anywhere they wish to learn and at any time they wish to learn...Powerful communities of learners may assemble anytime,anyplace, and engage learners from anywhere"(383).

Information and digital literacy are fully covered in a teacher friendly mode. In a sense this is a "how to manuel"; structuring and unfolding lessons that address ISTE/NETS standards. Colorful and real-life illustrations, screen shots, and tables are found on every page. Margins offer notes and "MyEducationKit" -online exercises to further teacher and student understanding and achievement. This web site provides multimedia resources for diverse learners, self- assessment quizzes, online grade book, and web links to national organizations and other relevant sites for the educator.


Text: Front cover from Google images graphic Julius Cesar, website Sergio Roberto Bichara image ID:1025355, Jayanta Behera image ID:1058428
Publication Date: 03-25-2011

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