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Read books online ยป Education ยป Can't Be Undone by Dominique Perry (adult books to read .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซCan't Be Undone by Dominique Perry (adult books to read .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Dominique Perry

Chapter 1

Marie's pov 

  I entered Greenland's cafeteria as students shared small talk with their friends, meanwhile with me on the other hand, I rarely had more than five because (I'm invincible to others...well that's what it seemed like to them). I was a nobody compared to all the labels around the school. There were Classified Bells (popular girls that consider themselves materialistic, smart, but classy...sometimes b****y) then we have the Jocks (Greenland Athletes that get ALL the girls in the school) next we have The Bandits (bullies) Worldwide Nations (people with different languages). Last but not least we have people like me that get bullied everyday, neglected by parents (from the stories my friends told me anyway) and talented but never show the world our gifts). My gift is writing and singing but I'm better at book writing. Oh I forgot to mention, there are guys in the school that go by the name of Restless Teens (sweet, smart, charming but also very sophisticated). The guy that I have a crush on from the group name is Christian. Truth be told, he actually goes by his name because he's actually Christian because his father is a pastor at the same church that I go to. At most times I can relate because my mother, she's a pastor.Christian and I mostly get judged because we're both labeled, "Preacher's Kids". Sometimes, I feel as though he doesn't know who I am because he's never around when in the same school and neighborhood. This is my story!!!!!
  I sat down as I pulled out my my notebook and began writing...    'There once was a girl named April Marie Brown, 16 years young, stood about 5'4 120 lbs, brown skin, brown eyes, natural black curly hair that rest on the side of her shoulders. Today she decides to style her hair in a messy bun. Her clothing style wasn't too trendy and neither was her shoes considering that April was a tomboy. April was shy, quiet, smart, kept to herself unless she was around friends. Never really talked about her parents since her father abused her at a young age as for her mother Angela, she left her father and married another man and became a pastor moving to Greenland High. April stands by her locker putting her books inside and grabbing her English book before going to the next class. Just as she turns around, she bumps into the only guy, 'Chris'. "I'm sorry!" Chris spoke as a soft smile left his lips. April smiles back, "It's ok." Her soft voice speaks. Right before Angel closes her locker, a cold rush of blueberry slushy gets poured down her back. April's eyes grow wide as she quickly turns around at the sight of 5 girls smirk at April. Tears fill her eyes as she runs off in the girls bathroom."       The bell rings just as Marie finishes the chapter and inserts the pen inside her notebook as she slides her book bag over her shoulders leaving the cafeteria bumping into Christian. "I'm sorry!" Christian apologizes. "Its alright." Marie softly smiles just as Christian smiles back. Christian looks ahead of him as she looks inside of his hazel brown eyes standing in front of her, "Look out!" Christian exclaims as he quickly pulls her out the way as Marie quickly turns around only to get blueberry slushy thrown on her.  Marie's eyes begin to water as her mind began questioning everything from the first chapter began to face her in the real world.    Chapter 2

Marie's Pov-

This can't be happening" I begin thinking to myself as I run to the girl's bathroom to clean myself up, I enter a bathroom stall and slip out the wet overalls/romper/jumper and change into something clean and dry. "Did you see what just happen?" A girl asked talking on the phone from inside the bathroom, "It was horrible..why are you laughing......oh yeah that was funny." Was all I heard from behind the stall. I quietly cover the toilet  seat with a plastic seat over so I can avoid sitting on it while holding my knees letting tears fall from my eyes that had already formed. How could someone laugh at something like this? I peak from behind the stall as the student leave, I open the door wiping tears picking my bag up from the floor, not one person in this school been nice to me. While leaving the women's bathroom, my mind begins racing back to where I was writing the beginning chapter. Small exasperating breaths escape my lips as I walk forward to my class bumping into Christian again, "Are you ok?"Christian asked. "Y-yeah, I'm ok?" I responded wiping my eyes again. "Are you sure?" Christian asked. "Yes, I'm sure. I have to get to class ok?" I responded walking pass Christian to my seat that was assigned overhearing Christian sighing wanting to know what was bothering me. Why would he be interested in wanting to know what was going on? Was it because he felt sorry for a nerd like me? Or was it to bump up his popularity? I'm sure Christian wouldn't want to be seen or heard talking to me. As class started I begin writing notes, taking the Math test that was given me. I'm sure it wasn't hard because I knew pretty much anything that had to do with math. After the test was over I turned it into the teacher to get it marked off and returned to my seat to start on the next chapter.

April enters Art 101 (Portrait Drawing) class as she was given her assigned easel to paint a portrait that was based on Mona Lisa. While painting the portrait students begin talking quietly among their friends also passing around notes. One in particular received the note as April continues painting. Another student walks behind April spilling the orange and green paint over April's body as she looks up at the person that caused the paint to fall on her. Tears rolling down her cheeks crying loudly as students begin laughing and pointing. Out of the entire class one person that caught her attention was a backstabber that use to be her friend, Taylor called her Harriet the Spy from the scene where Harriet had paint dumped on her.


While ending the chapter  Marie's pencil slowly drops to the floor as her arms cross over her head letting her beanie fall off onto the floor. The final bell rings letting the students leave the classroom and head off to their next. "Marie?.....Marie???? We have art next." A voice called throughout her sleep. With that being said, Marie's head quickly popped up as paint fell into her lap.... Marie quickly leaves the classroom as students whisper to each other looking in the same direction as Marie leaving the school.



Publication Date: 07-04-2014

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