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Read books online » Education » PineWood course booklet by Devin Bowers, Austin Kraun (books like beach read .TXT) 📖

Book online «PineWood course booklet by Devin Bowers, Austin Kraun (books like beach read .TXT) 📖». Author Devin Bowers, Austin Kraun

All in all

Required Classes (with complete description)4 years of basic math, and basic science.-The first of basic math and science are required. After that you can go on to advanced classes such as math and science 2 and math science 3. You must have completed two years of this to graduate. 2 years of English, and Social Studies- These classes are required for two years after that you do not have to take those classes but we recommend that the student take 2 years to insure all of the over all knowledge of the 2 courses.


Elective Classes (with complete description)

Safety class teaches these 4 courses over your first year. Hunter safety - In this class we will be explaining the safety of hunting.Bow safety - explains the safety of bows and how to fit your bow to the correct poundage for you to draw back as well as teaching you to sight in a bow.Boat safety - explains how to drive one and what to do in case of emergencies. Also it teaches you the rules for driving a boat and this class shows how to operate a boatAtv/snowmobile safety - explains the safety and rules of Atv/snowmobiles and how to ride/operate your motor vehicles.


Plumbing - teaches you how to do many different plumbing jobs, and this will almost like a apprenticeship, and this will be so you could do this job in the future.Heating, and electrical - this class will teach you what you need to do if you are going into the field of heating and electrical. This goes to setting up heating systems within a household, and how to set up anything that is electrical within a household. Woodworking - teaches you safety precautions for using tools, and machines, and will teach you how to use these skills in the future.


Geometry, trigonometry, - Geometry is a study of figures and shapes and a priori understanding to the introduction to basic trigonometry. Geometry and Trigonometry are required for a student to take Algebra 2. For best results, we recommend a grade of C- or better like any other school to go on to Algebra 2 and so on.


Mechanics - this will teach you about the different types of mechanics like small engine mechanics, large engine mechanics, ect.Engineering - this is a class you will want to take if in mechanics, plumbing, woodworking, welding, and heating and electrical. This will help you learn what you will need to do to set up a house or to build a car. Welding, and fabricating - this class will teach you how to weld, and fabricate metals so you may work many different varities of jobs with these skills


Co-Curricular Activities 


SportsBasketball - shows fundimatls and rules also play games with other teams

Football - shows fundimatls and rules also play games with other teams

Baseball - shows fundimatls and rules also play games with other teams

Volleyball - shows fundimatls and rules also play games with other teams

Hockey - shows fundimatls and rules also play games with other teams


Outdoor sports/activities Archery - (must have taken bow safety in a previous year or finished in a year) this is a sport for bow hunters, or just people who want to shoot a bow. This will help you become a much more accurate bow Hunter/archer.Trapping - teaches you how to use a variety of traps, how to get something out of a trap, and safety precautions that should be followed when trapping.Trap shooting - (must have taken hunter safety in a previous year or finished in a year)Kayaking - teaches how to ride a kayak and what waters to not ride In also what to do in emergencie


Publication Date: 04-16-2014

All Rights Reserved

To mrs.sturdivent for helping me and my group along the way to complete this book

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