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Read books online » Education » What Darwin couldn’t know by Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt (good books for 7th graders txt) 📖

Book online «What Darwin couldn’t know by Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt (good books for 7th graders txt) 📖». Author Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt


What Darwin couldn’t know

On 31 December, 2008, in a perfectly timed anticipation of 2009’s “year of Darwin”, the German newspaper Die Zeit ran a four-page item devoted to the theme of evolution, with the double spread header, “Thank you, Darwin!” The gratitude was directed at a man born 200 years ago, whose revolutionary book The Origin of Species was published 150 years ago.

The philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) proudly declared, “Give me matter, and I will build a world out of it!” The French mathematician and astronomer Laplace (1749–1827) wrote extensively on the universe and its origins. Asked by Napoleon why he made no mention of its Creator, he famously responded, “I had no need of that hypothesis”. These and other pioneers of scientific atheism searched for an explanation of life’s origins in which God is no longer required. Seemingly coming to their rescue was Darwin, who provided a way to imagine how living things arose by “natural processes” alone.

While Darwin himself may have regarded the implications of his message with some trepidation, today’s ever more godless world adulates its patron saint in an endless parade of journalistic jubilation.

Until Darwin’s voyage to the Galápagos islands (1835), the teaching of the Greek philosopher Aristotle—that species were fixed and could not change—held sway. From the varying beak forms of the finches living there, Darwin correctly concluded that species could change and adapt. However, his further conclusion,


Publication Date: 07-30-2018

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Nowadays people do not bring the terms “evolution” and “theory” together – the evolution of all forms of life over a period of billions of years by chance is taken for granted. Werner Gitt will prove in this tract that it is not true. He shows the debility of this theory with the help of some concrete examples.

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