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Read books online » Education » 5 neccessari thing in life by Amirreza Baghdadi, Mehrab N.S (mobi reader android txt) 📖

Book online «5 neccessari thing in life by Amirreza Baghdadi, Mehrab N.S (mobi reader android txt) 📖». Author Amirreza Baghdadi, Mehrab N.S

5 necessary thing in life








Writed by: amirreza baghdadi


Using individual experience of: Mehrab.N.S






Hello,i am amirreza baghdadi , writer of this book.

I write this book with Mehrab.n.s experience.

I hope you enjoy of this book and this book help you in your life.










Introduction........................................ 4

Content............................................... 5

5 necessary thing in life...................... 6

1-Art......................................... 7

2-Sport................................................... 8

3-science......................................... 9-10

4-self development............................11-12

5-incomeing way......................... 13

Relationship between this 5 thing......... 14



5 necessary thing in life


I think 5 thing in life can make a person success,healthy and happy.

This 5 thing is:




Personal development

incoming way


This 5 thing is the secret of life.

In next pages i told more tips about this 5 thing.





The first thing is Art.

Art is very wide and have very much fields.


Painting , play instruments , photography and .....


All of this fields is Related whit can choose one of them.Art make you enjoy and happy.


If i want tell you something benefits of Art i Can say art can make you happy and charge your ghost.Art help your ghost be Alive.







The second thing is sport.

Swimming , Walking , running ,ride bike

They are some fields of sport.


Sport is very good for body.if even you try 5 minutes for exercise when you get old , you don’t have heart deseas , obesity and some kind of pain.


Sport help your body stay healthy.







The third thing is science.

Math , chemistry , physic they are 3 example of science.

Science have very much fields.


Science have much benefits :


1-science can educate your brain .

2- science can be one incoming way for you.


You can read and find science in books , websites and blogs , articles , educational apps and searching in internet and educational TV channels.

If i want be honest with you i Can really say science is very significant in life and can help you very much and in the other side science grows up and educate your brain
















Personal development


The fourth thing is personal development.

Communication skills , public speaking , leadership.

They are some of the personal development examples.



Personal development is one way to cumunicat whit other people.

Some of the people are shy and they can’t cumunicat with other people and it’s one weakness.

You. Can learn personal development skills with read book , read in websites , read article and apps.


Personal development skills is one way to cumunicat with other people.












Incoming way


The last thing is incoming way.

Incoming way is important because if you don’t have money , you have problem.



Incoming way is important because you can pay bills with it and you can pay Tuition with it.



Incoming way is similar a shield that keep you from problems.



Relationship between this 5 thing


You should know if one of this things , have problem that can have some damage to other for example if you don’t have money (incoming way) you can’t pay monthly bill of internet and if you don’t have internet you can’t learn science and personal development and you can’t buy something you need for art so try to have enough money for this things.



I hope this book can help you in your life.












Text: Copyright 2019 by amirreza baghdadi
Publication Date: 01-27-2019

All Rights Reserved

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