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Read books online » Education » How To Write A Book Report by KM Ayala (best way to read books txt) 📖

Book online «How To Write A Book Report by KM Ayala (best way to read books txt) 📖». Author KM Ayala

How To Write A Book Report


There are three kinds of book reports: plot summaries, character analysis, and theme analysis. Writing a book report helps you practice analyzing different aspects of a book. And there are a few crucial elements that can help portray what you found interesting about the book. You should always bring the following to consideration in your report.


What kind of book report it is. The title and author of the book. The location and time period of the story. Character information and some backstory. Sourced book quotations and examples from the book. The book publication details and aesthetics



When you are writing a plot summary report, don’t just retell. You have to give your opinion and state facts and quotations of the book that explain why you have that opinion of it. Think as if you are recommending the book to some one or the opposite.



A character analysis explores a character traits and personality; and how the character affects the overall progress of the book. Write about the character in-depth. Ask questions like: what does the character wear, positive traits, flaws and mannerisms. Quote the character and explain how the character moves the plot forward. Make it seem like you’re dated the character – and are going over whether you should go back into the relationship. List the good, as well as the bad.



When doing a theme analysis, you explore the main idea or driving force of the book. If there is more than one, choose the more relatable. Show the power of the theme by bringing some of your thoughts and emotions the book catalyzed. Before you do this, however, be sure to state what the theme is and how it appeared in the story. Use as many examples from the book as you can to support the theme and try to describe each example in at least two to three sentences each. Lastly, discuss the impact the theme had on you. Write it as if you kept a journal or log about the book.



Choose a book you’ll like. Use writing supplies to jot down page numbers, character details, and significant information or quotes. Create an outline of events, and then move to your introduction, body, and then conclusion. Follow the steps of the writing process: pre-writing, writing, revising, editing, and publishing. Plan what you want to say by outlining and following these five ideas:



Introduction Book Summary Book Details: Characters Book Details: Plot Evaluation and Conclusion



Each idea should be expressed in at least one paragraph. You can start by jotting down details for each.


Start by stating the book title, author, genre, and publishing information. Gain the reader’s interest by writing about this and other interesting details about the book, or the author, or why and how you came across the book. You should also give a brief overview of the meaning of the book.



Write an overview about: character, plot, genre, setting, time period, book summary, and POV.




Then write about a character and what they are trying to get by the end of the book and conflicts that prevent them, etc. You can also briefly describe the situation (and maybe conflict/ history) with other characters.




Briefly, in two to six sentences (the report’s middle), discuss the introduction, the conflict, the turning point, the falling into place and the conclusion or ending.



In non-fiction book reports, the body should consists on the books subjects, the author’s point of view and the main ideas or arguments interesting to you.



While reading, take notes on the following: plot, character, dialogue, conflict, setting, resolutions, symbolism, themes, and descriptions. After making an outline of the book, make an outline for the report. Expect that the outline might change. Check to see if your outline makes sense and if they cover the major elements of the book.



Make sure you have a maximum of one to two quotations per paragraph. Open the report with the title, author name, setting, main character and a one-sentence plotline (at the end) for the first paragraph. Describe what led the author to write the book and what it means to him/her.



Comment on the writing style and tone. Be mindful. Was it written in a formal way or informal way? Does the author prefer one argument over the other? Think about how it feels as you read.

For a conclusion, you can end it with a sentence describing if you suggest or don’t suggest other read it. Everything should be put together by the last paragraph. Re-summarize the entire book, again, in a new way.




1. Writing A Book Report  |
     2. How To Write A Book Report  |
     3. How To Write A Book Report (With Pictures)  |
     4. How To Write A Book Report: Top Tips… |




Text: K.M. Ayala
Cover: BookRix, Google Images
Publication Date: 05-09-2020

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